taosdata / TDengine

High-performance, scalable time-series database designed for Industrial IoT (IIoT) scenarios
GNU Affero General Public License v3.0
23.4k stars 4.86k forks source link

install TDengine cluster, instance status is offline #3184

Closed chenaiyuan closed 3 years ago

chenaiyuan commented 4 years ago

在当前实例中登录客户端,获取所有的dnode信息。但是显示当前实例status 显示为offline

                new log file                      
08/21 16:26:51.519633 0x7fcba3014740 UTL localEp is: ecs-e6e1:6030
08/21 16:26:51.519798 0x7fcba3014740 UTL timezone not configured, set to system default: (CST, +0800)
08/21 16:26:51.519833 0x7fcba3014740 UTL ERROR locale not configured, set to system default:zh_CN.UTF-8
08/21 16:26:51.519843 0x7fcba3014740 UTL WARN charset not configured, set to system default:UTF-8
08/21 16:26:51.519878 0x7fcba3014740 UTL    taos config & system info:
08/21 16:26:51.519884 0x7fcba3014740 UTL ==================================
08/21 16:26:51.519885 0x7fcba3014740 UTL  firstEp:                ecs-e6e1:6030 
08/21 16:26:51.519887 0x7fcba3014740 UTL  secondEp:               ecs-e6e1:6030 
08/21 16:26:51.519888 0x7fcba3014740 UTL  fqdn:                   ecs-e6e1 
08/21 16:26:51.519889 0x7fcba3014740 UTL  serverPort:             6030 
08/21 16:26:51.519890 0x7fcba3014740 UTL  configDir:              /etc/taos 
08/21 16:26:51.519892 0x7fcba3014740 UTL  logDir:                 /var/log/taos 
08/21 16:26:51.519893 0x7fcba3014740 UTL  scriptDir:              /etc/taos 
08/21 16:26:51.519895 0x7fcba3014740 UTL  arbitrator:              
08/21 16:26:51.519899 0x7fcba3014740 UTL  numOfThreadsPerCore:    1.000000 
08/21 16:26:51.519910 0x7fcba3014740 UTL  rpcTimer:               1000(ms)
08/21 16:26:51.519911 0x7fcba3014740 UTL  rpcMaxTime:             600(s)
08/21 16:26:51.519912 0x7fcba3014740 UTL  shellActivityTimer:     3(s)
08/21 16:26:51.519914 0x7fcba3014740 UTL  tableMetaKeepTimer:     7200(s)
08/21 16:26:51.519915 0x7fcba3014740 UTL  compressMsgSize:        -1 
08/21 16:26:51.519916 0x7fcba3014740 UTL  maxSQLLength:           65480(byte)
08/21 16:26:51.519918 0x7fcba3014740 UTL  maxNumOfOrderedRes:     100000 
08/21 16:26:51.519919 0x7fcba3014740 UTL  timezone:                (CST, +0800) 
08/21 16:26:51.519921 0x7fcba3014740 UTL  locale:                 zh_CN.UTF-8 
08/21 16:26:51.519922 0x7fcba3014740 UTL  charset:                UTF-8 
08/21 16:26:51.519924 0x7fcba3014740 UTL  numOfLogLines:          10000000 
08/21 16:26:51.519928 0x7fcba3014740 UTL  asyncLog:               1 
08/21 16:26:51.519930 0x7fcba3014740 UTL  debugFlag:              0 
08/21 16:26:51.519931 0x7fcba3014740 UTL  rpcDebugFlag:           131 
08/21 16:26:51.519933 0x7fcba3014740 UTL  tmrDebugFlag:           131 
08/21 16:26:51.519934 0x7fcba3014740 UTL  cDebugFlag:             131 
08/21 16:26:51.519935 0x7fcba3014740 UTL  jniDebugFlag:           131 
08/21 16:26:51.519936 0x7fcba3014740 UTL  odbcDebugFlag:          131 
08/21 16:26:51.519937 0x7fcba3014740 UTL  uDebugFlag:             131 
08/21 16:26:51.519939 0x7fcba3014740 UTL  qDebugFlag:             131 
08/21 16:26:51.519940 0x7fcba3014740 UTL  tsdbDebugFlag:          131 
08/21 16:26:51.519941 0x7fcba3014740 UTL  gitinfo:                ae1966332948147bacce3d32f9ad539ab8721db2 
08/21 16:26:51.519942 0x7fcba3014740 UTL  gitinfoOfInternal:       
08/21 16:26:51.519944 0x7fcba3014740 UTL  buildinfo:              Built by root at 2020-08-20 15:44 
08/21 16:26:51.519945 0x7fcba3014740 UTL  version:       
08/21 16:26:51.519947 0x7fcba3014740 UTL  maxBinaryDisplayWidth:  30 
08/21 16:26:51.519949 0x7fcba3014740 UTL  os pageSize:            4096(KB)
08/21 16:26:51.519953 0x7fcba3014740 UTL  os openMax:             65535
08/21 16:26:51.519954 0x7fcba3014740 UTL  os streamMax:           16
08/21 16:26:51.519955 0x7fcba3014740 UTL  os numOfCores:          2
08/21 16:26:51.519957 0x7fcba3014740 UTL  os totalDisk:           0.000000(GB)
08/21 16:26:51.519962 0x7fcba3014740 UTL  os totalMemory:         3788(MB)
08/21 16:26:51.519964 0x7fcba3014740 UTL  os sysname:             Linux
08/21 16:26:51.519969 0x7fcba3014740 UTL  os nodename:            ecs-10ce
08/21 16:26:51.519970 0x7fcba3014740 UTL  os release:             3.10.0-1062.12.1.el7.x86_64
08/21 16:26:51.519971 0x7fcba3014740 UTL  os version:             #1 SMP Tue Feb 4 23:02:59 UTC 2020
08/21 16:26:51.519972 0x7fcba3014740 UTL  os machine:             x86_64
08/21 16:26:51.519973 0x7fcba3014740 UTL ==================================
08/21 16:26:51.519977 0x7fcba3014740 UTL the old unlimited para: rlim_cur=0, rlim_max=18446744073709551615
08/21 16:26:51.519979 0x7fcba3014740 UTL the new unlimited para: rlim_cur=18446744073709551615, rlim_max=18446744073709551615
08/21 16:26:51.519985 0x7fcba3014740 UTL _sysctl(kern_core_uses_pid) set fail: Function not implemented
08/21 16:26:51.519990 0x7fcba3014740 UTL The old core_uses_pid[4]: 0
08/21 16:26:51.519991 0x7fcba3014740 UTL _sysctl(kern_core_uses_pid) get fail: Function not implemented
08/21 16:26:51.519993 0x7fcba3014740 UTL The new core_uses_pid[4]: 0
                new log file                      
08/21 16:35:43.163657 0x7efdc3539740 UTL localEp is: ecs-e6e1:6030
08/21 16:35:43.163871 0x7efdc3539740 UTL timezone not configured, set to system default: (CST, +0800)
08/21 16:35:43.163912 0x7efdc3539740 UTL ERROR locale not configured, set to system default:zh_CN.UTF-8
08/21 16:35:43.163923 0x7efdc3539740 UTL WARN charset not configured, set to system default:UTF-8
08/21 16:35:43.163951 0x7efdc3539740 UTL    taos config & system info:
08/21 16:35:43.163955 0x7efdc3539740 UTL ==================================
08/21 16:35:43.163957 0x7efdc3539740 UTL  firstEp:                ecs-e6e1:6030 
08/21 16:35:43.163958 0x7efdc3539740 UTL  secondEp:               ecs-e6e1:6030 
08/21 16:35:43.163959 0x7efdc3539740 UTL  fqdn:                   ecs-e6e1 
08/21 16:35:43.163961 0x7efdc3539740 UTL  serverPort:             6030 
08/21 16:35:43.163962 0x7efdc3539740 UTL  configDir:              /etc/taos 
08/21 16:35:43.163963 0x7efdc3539740 UTL  logDir:                 /var/log/taos 
08/21 16:35:43.163965 0x7efdc3539740 UTL  scriptDir:              /etc/taos 
08/21 16:35:43.163966 0x7efdc3539740 UTL  arbitrator:              
08/21 16:35:43.163967 0x7efdc3539740 UTL  numOfThreadsPerCore:    1.000000 
08/21 16:35:43.163978 0x7efdc3539740 UTL  rpcTimer:               1000(ms)
08/21 16:35:43.163980 0x7efdc3539740 UTL  rpcMaxTime:             600(s)
08/21 16:35:43.163981 0x7efdc3539740 UTL  shellActivityTimer:     3(s)
08/21 16:35:43.163983 0x7efdc3539740 UTL  tableMetaKeepTimer:     7200(s)
08/21 16:35:43.163984 0x7efdc3539740 UTL  compressMsgSize:        -1 
08/21 16:35:43.163985 0x7efdc3539740 UTL  maxSQLLength:           65480(byte)
08/21 16:35:43.163987 0x7efdc3539740 UTL  maxNumOfOrderedRes:     100000 
08/21 16:35:43.163988 0x7efdc3539740 UTL  timezone:                (CST, +0800) 
08/21 16:35:43.163989 0x7efdc3539740 UTL  locale:                 zh_CN.UTF-8 
08/21 16:35:43.163991 0x7efdc3539740 UTL  charset:                UTF-8 
08/21 16:35:43.163992 0x7efdc3539740 UTL  numOfLogLines:          10000000 
08/21 16:35:43.163993 0x7efdc3539740 UTL  asyncLog:               1 
08/21 16:35:43.163995 0x7efdc3539740 UTL  debugFlag:              0 
08/21 16:35:43.163996 0x7efdc3539740 UTL  rpcDebugFlag:           131 
08/21 16:35:43.163997 0x7efdc3539740 UTL  tmrDebugFlag:           131 
08/21 16:35:43.163999 0x7efdc3539740 UTL  cDebugFlag:             131 
08/21 16:35:43.164000 0x7efdc3539740 UTL  jniDebugFlag:           131 
08/21 16:35:43.164001 0x7efdc3539740 UTL  odbcDebugFlag:          131 
08/21 16:35:43.164002 0x7efdc3539740 UTL  uDebugFlag:             131 
08/21 16:35:43.164003 0x7efdc3539740 UTL  qDebugFlag:             131 
08/21 16:35:43.164004 0x7efdc3539740 UTL  tsdbDebugFlag:          131 
08/21 16:35:43.164006 0x7efdc3539740 UTL  gitinfo:                ae1966332948147bacce3d32f9ad539ab8721db2 
08/21 16:35:43.164007 0x7efdc3539740 UTL  gitinfoOfInternal:       
08/21 16:35:43.164008 0x7efdc3539740 UTL  buildinfo:              Built by root at 2020-08-20 15:44 
08/21 16:35:43.164010 0x7efdc3539740 UTL  version:       
08/21 16:35:43.164011 0x7efdc3539740 UTL  maxBinaryDisplayWidth:  30 
08/21 16:35:43.164013 0x7efdc3539740 UTL  os pageSize:            4096(KB)
08/21 16:35:43.164014 0x7efdc3539740 UTL  os openMax:             65535
08/21 16:35:43.164015 0x7efdc3539740 UTL  os streamMax:           16
08/21 16:35:43.164017 0x7efdc3539740 UTL  os numOfCores:          2
08/21 16:35:43.164018 0x7efdc3539740 UTL  os totalDisk:           0.000000(GB)
08/21 16:35:43.164019 0x7efdc3539740 UTL  os totalMemory:         3788(MB)
08/21 16:35:43.164022 0x7efdc3539740 UTL  os sysname:             Linux
08/21 16:35:43.164023 0x7efdc3539740 UTL  os nodename:            ecs-10ce
08/21 16:35:43.164024 0x7efdc3539740 UTL  os release:             3.10.0-1062.12.1.el7.x86_64
08/21 16:35:43.164026 0x7efdc3539740 UTL  os version:             #1 SMP Tue Feb 4 23:02:59 UTC 2020
08/21 16:35:43.164027 0x7efdc3539740 UTL  os machine:             x86_64
08/21 16:35:43.164028 0x7efdc3539740 UTL ==================================
08/21 16:35:43.164035 0x7efdc3539740 UTL the old unlimited para: rlim_cur=0, rlim_max=18446744073709551615
08/21 16:35:43.164038 0x7efdc3539740 UTL the new unlimited para: rlim_cur=18446744073709551615, rlim_max=18446744073709551615
08/21 16:35:43.164047 0x7efdc3539740 UTL _sysctl(kern_core_uses_pid) set fail: Function not implemented
08/21 16:35:43.164051 0x7efdc3539740 UTL The old core_uses_pid[4]: 0
08/21 16:35:43.164053 0x7efdc3539740 UTL _sysctl(kern_core_uses_pid) get fail: Function not implemented
08/21 16:35:43.164054 0x7efdc3539740 UTL The new core_uses_pid[4]: 0
08/21 16:39:55.360652 0x7efdb37fe700 UTL cache:tableMeta will be cleaned up
                new log file                      
08/21 16:40:09.729155 0x7f499697f740 UTL localEp is: ecs-e6e1:6030
08/21 16:40:09.729345 0x7f499697f740 UTL timezone not configured, set to system default: (CST, +0800)
08/21 16:40:09.729389 0x7f499697f740 UTL ERROR locale not configured, set to system default:zh_CN.UTF-8
08/21 16:40:09.729399 0x7f499697f740 UTL WARN charset not configured, set to system default:UTF-8
08/21 16:40:09.729427 0x7f499697f740 UTL    taos config & system info:
08/21 16:40:09.729431 0x7f499697f740 UTL ==================================
08/21 16:40:09.729441 0x7f499697f740 UTL  firstEp:                ecs-e6e1:6030 
08/21 16:40:09.729443 0x7f499697f740 UTL  secondEp:               ecs-e6e1:6030 
08/21 16:40:09.729444 0x7f499697f740 UTL  fqdn:                   ecs-e6e1 
08/21 16:40:09.729445 0x7f499697f740 UTL  serverPort:             6030 
08/21 16:40:09.729447 0x7f499697f740 UTL  configDir:              /etc/taos 
08/21 16:40:09.729448 0x7f499697f740 UTL  logDir:                 /var/log/taos 
08/21 16:40:09.729449 0x7f499697f740 UTL  scriptDir:              /etc/taos 
08/21 16:40:09.729451 0x7f499697f740 UTL  arbitrator:              
08/21 16:40:09.729452 0x7f499697f740 UTL  numOfThreadsPerCore:    1.000000 
08/21 16:40:09.729464 0x7f499697f740 UTL  rpcTimer:               1000(ms)
08/21 16:40:09.729465 0x7f499697f740 UTL  rpcMaxTime:             600(s)
08/21 16:40:09.729467 0x7f499697f740 UTL  shellActivityTimer:     3(s)
08/21 16:40:09.729468 0x7f499697f740 UTL  tableMetaKeepTimer:     7200(s)
08/21 16:40:09.729469 0x7f499697f740 UTL  compressMsgSize:        -1 
08/21 16:40:09.729471 0x7f499697f740 UTL  maxSQLLength:           65480(byte)
08/21 16:40:09.729472 0x7f499697f740 UTL  maxNumOfOrderedRes:     100000 
08/21 16:40:09.729474 0x7f499697f740 UTL  timezone:                (CST, +0800) 
08/21 16:40:09.729475 0x7f499697f740 UTL  locale:                 zh_CN.UTF-8 
08/21 16:40:09.729476 0x7f499697f740 UTL  charset:                UTF-8 
08/21 16:40:09.729478 0x7f499697f740 UTL  numOfLogLines:          10000000 
08/21 16:40:09.729479 0x7f499697f740 UTL  asyncLog:               1 
08/21 16:40:09.729480 0x7f499697f740 UTL  debugFlag:              0 
08/21 16:40:09.729482 0x7f499697f740 UTL  rpcDebugFlag:           131 
08/21 16:40:09.729483 0x7f499697f740 UTL  tmrDebugFlag:           131 
08/21 16:40:09.729484 0x7f499697f740 UTL  cDebugFlag:             131 
08/21 16:40:09.729486 0x7f499697f740 UTL  jniDebugFlag:           131 
08/21 16:40:09.729487 0x7f499697f740 UTL  odbcDebugFlag:          131 
08/21 16:40:09.729488 0x7f499697f740 UTL  uDebugFlag:             131 
08/21 16:40:09.729489 0x7f499697f740 UTL  qDebugFlag:             131 
08/21 16:40:09.729490 0x7f499697f740 UTL  tsdbDebugFlag:          131 
08/21 16:40:09.729491 0x7f499697f740 UTL  gitinfo:                ae1966332948147bacce3d32f9ad539ab8721db2 
08/21 16:40:09.729493 0x7f499697f740 UTL  gitinfoOfInternal:       
08/21 16:40:09.729494 0x7f499697f740 UTL  buildinfo:              Built by root at 2020-08-20 15:44 
08/21 16:40:09.729495 0x7f499697f740 UTL  version:       
08/21 16:40:09.729496 0x7f499697f740 UTL  maxBinaryDisplayWidth:  30 
08/21 16:40:09.729498 0x7f499697f740 UTL  os pageSize:            4096(KB)
08/21 16:40:09.729499 0x7f499697f740 UTL  os openMax:             65535
08/21 16:40:09.729501 0x7f499697f740 UTL  os streamMax:           16
08/21 16:40:09.729502 0x7f499697f740 UTL  os numOfCores:          2
08/21 16:40:09.729503 0x7f499697f740 UTL  os totalDisk:           0.000000(GB)
08/21 16:40:09.729505 0x7f499697f740 UTL  os totalMemory:         3788(MB)
08/21 16:40:09.729508 0x7f499697f740 UTL  os sysname:             Linux
08/21 16:40:09.729512 0x7f499697f740 UTL  os nodename:            ecs-10ce
08/21 16:40:09.729513 0x7f499697f740 UTL  os release:             3.10.0-1062.12.1.el7.x86_64
08/21 16:40:09.729514 0x7f499697f740 UTL  os version:             #1 SMP Tue Feb 4 23:02:59 UTC 2020
08/21 16:40:09.729515 0x7f499697f740 UTL  os machine:             x86_64
08/21 16:40:09.729517 0x7f499697f740 UTL ==================================
08/21 16:40:09.729524 0x7f499697f740 UTL the old unlimited para: rlim_cur=0, rlim_max=18446744073709551615
08/21 16:40:09.729527 0x7f499697f740 UTL the new unlimited para: rlim_cur=18446744073709551615, rlim_max=18446744073709551615
08/21 16:40:09.729536 0x7f499697f740 UTL _sysctl(kern_core_uses_pid) set fail: Function not implemented
08/21 16:40:09.729541 0x7f499697f740 UTL The old core_uses_pid[4]: 0
08/21 16:40:09.729543 0x7f499697f740 UTL _sysctl(kern_core_uses_pid) get fail: Function not implemented
08/21 16:40:09.729544 0x7f499697f740 UTL The new core_uses_pid[4]: 0
08/21 16:42:16.839459 0x7f4986dea700 UTL cache:tableMeta will be cleaned up
                new log file                      
08/21 16:43:34.143953 0x7f567c218740 UTL localEp is: ecs-e6e1:6030
08/21 16:43:34.144144 0x7f567c218740 UTL timezone not configured, set to system default: (CST, +0800)
08/21 16:43:34.144185 0x7f567c218740 UTL ERROR locale not configured, set to system default:zh_CN.UTF-8
08/21 16:43:34.144196 0x7f567c218740 UTL WARN charset not configured, set to system default:UTF-8
08/21 16:43:34.144223 0x7f567c218740 UTL    taos config & system info:
08/21 16:43:34.144228 0x7f567c218740 UTL ==================================
08/21 16:43:34.144229 0x7f567c218740 UTL  firstEp:                ecs-e6e1:6030 
08/21 16:43:34.144230 0x7f567c218740 UTL  secondEp:               ecs-e6e1:6030 
08/21 16:43:34.144232 0x7f567c218740 UTL  fqdn:                   ecs-e6e1 
08/21 16:43:34.144233 0x7f567c218740 UTL  serverPort:             6030 
08/21 16:43:34.144234 0x7f567c218740 UTL  configDir:              /etc/taos 
08/21 16:43:34.144236 0x7f567c218740 UTL  logDir:                 /var/log/taos 
08/21 16:43:34.144237 0x7f567c218740 UTL  scriptDir:              /etc/taos 
08/21 16:43:34.144238 0x7f567c218740 UTL  arbitrator:              
08/21 16:43:34.144240 0x7f567c218740 UTL  numOfThreadsPerCore:    1.000000 
08/21 16:43:34.144251 0x7f567c218740 UTL  rpcTimer:               1000(ms)
08/21 16:43:34.144252 0x7f567c218740 UTL  rpcMaxTime:             600(s)
08/21 16:43:34.144253 0x7f567c218740 UTL  shellActivityTimer:     3(s)
08/21 16:43:34.144255 0x7f567c218740 UTL  tableMetaKeepTimer:     7200(s)
08/21 16:43:34.144256 0x7f567c218740 UTL  compressMsgSize:        -1 
08/21 16:43:34.144258 0x7f567c218740 UTL  maxSQLLength:           65480(byte)
08/21 16:43:34.144259 0x7f567c218740 UTL  maxNumOfOrderedRes:     100000 
08/21 16:43:34.144260 0x7f567c218740 UTL  timezone:                (CST, +0800) 
08/21 16:43:34.144262 0x7f567c218740 UTL  locale:                 zh_CN.UTF-8 
08/21 16:43:34.144263 0x7f567c218740 UTL  charset:                UTF-8 
08/21 16:43:34.144264 0x7f567c218740 UTL  numOfLogLines:          10000000 
08/21 16:43:34.144265 0x7f567c218740 UTL  asyncLog:               1 
08/21 16:43:34.144267 0x7f567c218740 UTL  debugFlag:              0 
08/21 16:43:34.144268 0x7f567c218740 UTL  rpcDebugFlag:           131 
08/21 16:43:34.144269 0x7f567c218740 UTL  tmrDebugFlag:           131 
08/21 16:43:34.144270 0x7f567c218740 UTL  cDebugFlag:             131 
08/21 16:43:34.144272 0x7f567c218740 UTL  jniDebugFlag:           131 
08/21 16:43:34.144273 0x7f567c218740 UTL  odbcDebugFlag:          131 
08/21 16:43:34.144274 0x7f567c218740 UTL  uDebugFlag:             131 
08/21 16:43:34.144275 0x7f567c218740 UTL  qDebugFlag:             131 
08/21 16:43:34.144276 0x7f567c218740 UTL  tsdbDebugFlag:          131 
08/21 16:43:34.144278 0x7f567c218740 UTL  gitinfo:                ae1966332948147bacce3d32f9ad539ab8721db2 
08/21 16:43:34.144279 0x7f567c218740 UTL  gitinfoOfInternal:       
08/21 16:43:34.144280 0x7f567c218740 UTL  buildinfo:              Built by root at 2020-08-20 15:44 
08/21 16:43:34.144282 0x7f567c218740 UTL  version:       
08/21 16:43:34.144283 0x7f567c218740 UTL  maxBinaryDisplayWidth:  30 
08/21 16:43:34.144286 0x7f567c218740 UTL  os pageSize:            4096(KB)
08/21 16:43:34.144290 0x7f567c218740 UTL  os openMax:             65535
08/21 16:43:34.144291 0x7f567c218740 UTL  os streamMax:           16
08/21 16:43:34.144292 0x7f567c218740 UTL  os numOfCores:          2
08/21 16:43:34.144294 0x7f567c218740 UTL  os totalDisk:           0.000000(GB)
08/21 16:43:34.144295 0x7f567c218740 UTL  os totalMemory:         3788(MB)
08/21 16:43:34.144298 0x7f567c218740 UTL  os sysname:             Linux
08/21 16:43:34.144302 0x7f567c218740 UTL  os nodename:            ecs-10ce
08/21 16:43:34.144303 0x7f567c218740 UTL  os release:             3.10.0-1062.12.1.el7.x86_64
08/21 16:43:34.144305 0x7f567c218740 UTL  os version:             #1 SMP Tue Feb 4 23:02:59 UTC 2020
08/21 16:43:34.144306 0x7f567c218740 UTL  os machine:             x86_64
08/21 16:43:34.144307 0x7f567c218740 UTL ==================================
08/21 16:43:34.144314 0x7f567c218740 UTL the old unlimited para: rlim_cur=0, rlim_max=18446744073709551615
08/21 16:43:34.144316 0x7f567c218740 UTL the new unlimited para: rlim_cur=18446744073709551615, rlim_max=18446744073709551615
08/21 16:43:34.144323 0x7f567c218740 UTL _sysctl(kern_core_uses_pid) set fail: Function not implemented
08/21 16:43:34.144327 0x7f567c218740 UTL The old core_uses_pid[4]: 0
08/21 16:43:34.144329 0x7f567c218740 UTL _sysctl(kern_core_uses_pid) get fail: Function not implemented
08/21 16:43:34.144330 0x7f567c218740 UTL The new core_uses_pid[4]: 0

                new log file                      
08/21 16:40:05.123109 0x7f0c44ee8740 UTL localEp is: ecs-e6e1:6030
08/21 16:40:05.123260 0x7f0c44ee8740 UTL timezone not configured, set to system default: (CST, +0800)
08/21 16:40:05.123292 0x7f0c44ee8740 UTL ERROR locale not configured, set to system default:en_US.UTF-8
08/21 16:40:05.123297 0x7f0c44ee8740 UTL WARN charset not configured, set to system default:UTF-8
08/21 16:40:05.123320 0x7f0c44ee8740 UTL    taos config & system info:
08/21 16:40:05.123322 0x7f0c44ee8740 UTL ==================================
08/21 16:40:05.123324 0x7f0c44ee8740 UTL  firstEp:                ecs-e6e1:6030 
08/21 16:40:05.123326 0x7f0c44ee8740 UTL  secondEp:               ecs-e6e1:6030 
08/21 16:40:05.123327 0x7f0c44ee8740 UTL  fqdn:                   ecs-e6e1 
08/21 16:40:05.123329 0x7f0c44ee8740 UTL  serverPort:             6030 
08/21 16:40:05.123331 0x7f0c44ee8740 UTL  configDir:              /etc/taos 
08/21 16:40:05.123332 0x7f0c44ee8740 UTL  logDir:                 /var/log/taos 
08/21 16:40:05.123334 0x7f0c44ee8740 UTL  scriptDir:              /etc/taos 
08/21 16:40:05.123335 0x7f0c44ee8740 UTL  dataDir:                /var/lib/taos 
08/21 16:40:05.123337 0x7f0c44ee8740 UTL  arbitrator:              
08/21 16:40:05.123338 0x7f0c44ee8740 UTL  numOfThreadsPerCore:    1.000000 
08/21 16:40:05.123346 0x7f0c44ee8740 UTL  ratioOfQueryThreads:    0.500000 
08/21 16:40:05.123348 0x7f0c44ee8740 UTL  numOfMnodes:            3 
08/21 16:40:05.123350 0x7f0c44ee8740 UTL  vnodeBak:               1 
08/21 16:40:05.123352 0x7f0c44ee8740 UTL  telemetryReporting:     1 
08/21 16:40:05.123353 0x7f0c44ee8740 UTL  balance:                1 
08/21 16:40:05.123355 0x7f0c44ee8740 UTL  balanceInterval:        300 
08/21 16:40:05.123356 0x7f0c44ee8740 UTL  role:                   0 
08/21 16:40:05.123358 0x7f0c44ee8740 UTL  maxTmrCtrl:             512 
08/21 16:40:05.123359 0x7f0c44ee8740 UTL  monitorInterval:        30(s)
08/21 16:40:05.123361 0x7f0c44ee8740 UTL  offlineThreshold:       8640000(s)
08/21 16:40:05.123362 0x7f0c44ee8740 UTL  rpcTimer:               1000(ms)
08/21 16:40:05.123364 0x7f0c44ee8740 UTL  rpcMaxTime:             600(s)
08/21 16:40:05.123366 0x7f0c44ee8740 UTL  statusInterval:         1(s)
08/21 16:40:05.123367 0x7f0c44ee8740 UTL  shellActivityTimer:     3(s)
08/21 16:40:05.123369 0x7f0c44ee8740 UTL  tableMetaKeepTimer:     7200(s)
08/21 16:40:05.123370 0x7f0c44ee8740 UTL  minSlidingTime:         10(ms)
08/21 16:40:05.123372 0x7f0c44ee8740 UTL  minIntervalTime:        10(ms)
08/21 16:40:05.123373 0x7f0c44ee8740 UTL  maxStreamCompDelay:     20000(ms)
08/21 16:40:05.123375 0x7f0c44ee8740 UTL  maxFirstStreamCompDelay:10000(ms)
08/21 16:40:05.123376 0x7f0c44ee8740 UTL  retryStreamCompDelay:   10(ms)
08/21 16:40:05.123378 0x7f0c44ee8740 UTL  streamCompDelayRatio:   0.100000 
08/21 16:40:05.123380 0x7f0c44ee8740 UTL  maxVgroupsPerDb:        0 
08/21 16:40:05.123381 0x7f0c44ee8740 UTL  maxTablesPerVnode:      1000000 
08/21 16:40:05.123393 0x7f0c44ee8740 UTL  minTablesPerVnode:      1000 
08/21 16:40:05.123395 0x7f0c44ee8740 UTL  tableIncStepPerVnode:   1000 
08/21 16:40:05.123396 0x7f0c44ee8740 UTL  cache:                  16(Mb)
08/21 16:40:05.123398 0x7f0c44ee8740 UTL  blocks:                 6 
08/21 16:40:05.123399 0x7f0c44ee8740 UTL  days:                   2 
08/21 16:40:05.123401 0x7f0c44ee8740 UTL  keep:                   3650 
08/21 16:40:05.123402 0x7f0c44ee8740 UTL  minRows:                100 
08/21 16:40:05.123404 0x7f0c44ee8740 UTL  maxRows:                4096 
08/21 16:40:05.123405 0x7f0c44ee8740 UTL  comp:                   2 
08/21 16:40:05.123407 0x7f0c44ee8740 UTL  walLevel:               1 
08/21 16:40:05.123408 0x7f0c44ee8740 UTL  fsync:                  3000 
08/21 16:40:05.123410 0x7f0c44ee8740 UTL  replica:                1 
08/21 16:40:05.123411 0x7f0c44ee8740 UTL  quorum:                 1 
08/21 16:40:05.123412 0x7f0c44ee8740 UTL  compressMsgSize:        -1 
08/21 16:40:05.123414 0x7f0c44ee8740 UTL  maxSQLLength:           65480(byte)
08/21 16:40:05.123416 0x7f0c44ee8740 UTL  maxNumOfOrderedRes:     100000 
08/21 16:40:05.123419 0x7f0c44ee8740 UTL  timezone:                (CST, +0800) 
08/21 16:40:05.123420 0x7f0c44ee8740 UTL  locale:                 en_US.UTF-8 
08/21 16:40:05.123422 0x7f0c44ee8740 UTL  charset:                UTF-8 
08/21 16:40:05.123423 0x7f0c44ee8740 UTL  maxShellConns:          5000 
08/21 16:40:05.123425 0x7f0c44ee8740 UTL  maxConnections:         5000 
08/21 16:40:05.123426 0x7f0c44ee8740 UTL  minimalLogDirGB:        0.100000(GB)
08/21 16:40:05.123428 0x7f0c44ee8740 UTL  minimalTmpDirGB:        0.100000(GB)
08/21 16:40:05.123430 0x7f0c44ee8740 UTL  minimalDataDirGB:       0.500000(GB)
08/21 16:40:05.123432 0x7f0c44ee8740 UTL  mnodeEqualVnodeNum:     4 
08/21 16:40:05.123433 0x7f0c44ee8740 UTL  http:                   1 
08/21 16:40:05.123435 0x7f0c44ee8740 UTL  mqtt:                   0 
08/21 16:40:05.123436 0x7f0c44ee8740 UTL  monitor:                1 
08/21 16:40:05.123437 0x7f0c44ee8740 UTL  httpCacheSessions:      1000 
08/21 16:40:05.123439 0x7f0c44ee8740 UTL  httpEnableRecordSql:    0 
08/21 16:40:05.123440 0x7f0c44ee8740 UTL  telegrafUseFieldNum:    0 
08/21 16:40:05.123442 0x7f0c44ee8740 UTL  httpMaxThreads:         2 
08/21 16:40:05.123443 0x7f0c44ee8740 UTL  restfulRowLimit:        10240 
08/21 16:40:05.123445 0x7f0c44ee8740 UTL  numOfLogLines:          10000000 
08/21 16:40:05.123446 0x7f0c44ee8740 UTL  asyncLog:               1 
08/21 16:40:05.123448 0x7f0c44ee8740 UTL  debugFlag:              0 
08/21 16:40:05.123449 0x7f0c44ee8740 UTL  mDebugFlag:             135 
08/21 16:40:05.123451 0x7f0c44ee8740 UTL  dDebugFlag:             135 
08/21 16:40:05.123452 0x7f0c44ee8740 UTL  sDebugFlag:             135 
08/21 16:40:05.123454 0x7f0c44ee8740 UTL  wDebugFlag:             135 
08/21 16:40:05.123455 0x7f0c44ee8740 UTL  sdbDebugFlag:           135 
08/21 16:40:05.123457 0x7f0c44ee8740 UTL  rpcDebugFlag:           131 
08/21 16:40:05.123458 0x7f0c44ee8740 UTL  tmrDebugFlag:           131 
08/21 16:40:05.123459 0x7f0c44ee8740 UTL  cDebugFlag:             131 
08/21 16:40:05.123461 0x7f0c44ee8740 UTL  jniDebugFlag:           131 
08/21 16:40:05.123462 0x7f0c44ee8740 UTL  odbcDebugFlag:          131 
08/21 16:40:05.123464 0x7f0c44ee8740 UTL  uDebugFlag:             131 
08/21 16:40:05.123465 0x7f0c44ee8740 UTL  httpDebugFlag:          131 
08/21 16:40:05.123467 0x7f0c44ee8740 UTL  mqttDebugFlag:          131 
08/21 16:40:05.123468 0x7f0c44ee8740 UTL  monitorDebugFlag:       131 
08/21 16:40:05.123470 0x7f0c44ee8740 UTL  qDebugFlag:             131 
08/21 16:40:05.123471 0x7f0c44ee8740 UTL  vDebugFlag:             131 
08/21 16:40:05.123472 0x7f0c44ee8740 UTL  tsdbDebugFlag:          131 
08/21 16:40:05.123474 0x7f0c44ee8740 UTL  tscEnableRecordSql:     0 
08/21 16:40:05.123475 0x7f0c44ee8740 UTL  enableCoreFile:         1 
08/21 16:40:05.123477 0x7f0c44ee8740 UTL  gitinfo:                ae1966332948147bacce3d32f9ad539ab8721db2 
08/21 16:40:05.123478 0x7f0c44ee8740 UTL  gitinfoOfInternal:       
08/21 16:40:05.123480 0x7f0c44ee8740 UTL  buildinfo:              Built by root at 2020-08-20 15:44 
08/21 16:40:05.123482 0x7f0c44ee8740 UTL  version:       
08/21 16:40:05.123483 0x7f0c44ee8740 UTL  maxBinaryDisplayWidth:  30 
08/21 16:40:05.123485 0x7f0c44ee8740 UTL  os pageSize:            4096(KB)
08/21 16:40:05.123486 0x7f0c44ee8740 UTL  os openMax:             1048576
08/21 16:40:05.123488 0x7f0c44ee8740 UTL  os streamMax:           16
08/21 16:40:05.123489 0x7f0c44ee8740 UTL  os numOfCores:          2
08/21 16:40:05.123490 0x7f0c44ee8740 UTL  os totalDisk:           39.246307(GB)
08/21 16:40:05.123493 0x7f0c44ee8740 UTL  os totalMemory:         3788(MB)
08/21 16:40:05.123496 0x7f0c44ee8740 UTL  os sysname:             Linux
08/21 16:40:05.123497 0x7f0c44ee8740 UTL  os nodename:            ecs-10ce
08/21 16:40:05.123498 0x7f0c44ee8740 UTL  os release:             3.10.0-1062.12.1.el7.x86_64
08/21 16:40:05.123500 0x7f0c44ee8740 UTL  os version:             #1 SMP Tue Feb 4 23:02:59 UTC 2020
08/21 16:40:05.123501 0x7f0c44ee8740 UTL  os machine:             x86_64
08/21 16:40:05.123502 0x7f0c44ee8740 UTL ==================================
08/21 16:40:05.123506 0x7f0c44ee8740 DND start to initialize TDengine on ecs-e6e1:6030
08/21 16:40:05.123525 0x7f0c44ee8740 DND storage directory is initialized
08/21 16:40:05.123554 0x7f0c44ee8740 DND dnode read is opened, min worker:2 max worker:4
08/21 16:40:05.123558 0x7f0c44ee8740 DND dnode write is opened, max worker 2
08/21 16:40:05.123561 0x7f0c44ee8740 DND dnode mread is opened
08/21 16:40:05.123562 0x7f0c44ee8740 DND dnode mwrite is opened
08/21 16:40:05.123565 0x7f0c44ee8740 DND dnode mpeer is opened
08/21 16:40:05.123903 0x7f0c44ee8740 DND inter-dnodes rpc client is opened
08/21 16:40:05.124045 0x7f0c44ee8740 DND inter-dnodes RPC server is opened
08/21 16:40:05.124078 0x7f0c44ee8740 DND read numOfVnodes successed, dnodeId:1
08/21 16:40:05.124098 0x7f0c44ee8740 DND read mnode epSet successed, numOfEps:1 inUse:0
08/21 16:40:05.124100 0x7f0c44ee8740 DND mnode:1, ecs-e6e1:6030
08/21 16:40:05.124145 0x7f0c44ee8740 DND start 2 threads to open 0 vnodes
08/21 16:40:05.124148 0x7f0c44ee8740 DND there are total vnodes:0, openned:0 failed:0
08/21 16:40:05.124150 0x7f0c44ee8740 DND dnode mgmt is initialized
08/21 16:40:05.124156 0x7f0c44ee8740 MND starting to initialize mnode ...
08/21 16:40:05.124169 0x7f0c44ee8740 DND dnode mwrite worker:0 is launched, total:1
08/21 16:40:05.124171 0x7f0c44ee8740 DND dnode mwrite queue:0x132a930 is allocated
08/21 16:40:05.124182 0x7f0c44ee8740 DND dnode mread worker:0 is launched, total:2
08/21 16:40:05.124196 0x7f0c44ee8740 DND dnode mread worker:1 is launched, total:2
08/21 16:40:05.124197 0x7f0c44ee8740 DND dnode mread queue:0x132abe0 is allocated
08/21 16:40:05.124209 0x7f0c44ee8740 DND dnode mpeer worker:0 is launched, total:1
08/21 16:40:05.124211 0x7f0c44ee8740 DND dnode mpeer queue:0x132b0e0 is allocated
08/21 16:40:05.124285 0x7f0c44ee8740 MND table:cluster, hash is created
08/21 16:40:05.124288 0x7f0c44ee8740 MND table:accounts, hash is created
08/21 16:40:05.124294 0x7f0c44ee8740 MND table:users, hash is created
08/21 16:40:05.124298 0x7f0c44ee8740 MND table:dnodes table is created
08/21 16:40:05.124303 0x7f0c44ee8740 MND table:dbs table is created
08/21 16:40:05.124307 0x7f0c44ee8740 MND table:vgroups is created
08/21 16:40:05.124312 0x7f0c44ee8740 MND table:stables is created
08/21 16:40:05.124509 0x7f0c44ee8740 MND table:ctables is created
08/21 16:40:05.124513 0x7f0c44ee8740 MND table:mnodes table is created
08/21 16:40:05.124528 0x7f0c44ee8740 MND sdb write worker:0 is launched, total:1
08/21 16:40:05.124529 0x7f0c44ee8740 MND sdb write queue:0x1346f30 is allocated
08/21 16:40:05.124531 0x7f0c44ee8740 MND sdb write is opened
08/21 16:40:05.124536 0x7f0c44ee8740 WAL WAL module is initialized
08/21 16:40:05.124541 0x7f0c44ee8740 SDB open sdb wal for restore
08/21 16:40:05.124559 0x7f0c44ee8740 WAL wal:/var/lib/taos/mnode/wal, 1 files will be restored
08/21 16:40:05.124566 0x7f0c44ee8740 WAL wal:/var/lib/taos/mnode/wal/wal0, start to restore
08/21 16:40:05.124573 0x7f0c44ee8740 SDB table:cluster, record from wal/fwd is disposed, action:insert record:b25b2759-55da-497b-aa9c-da606fcddf01 ver:1
08/21 16:40:05.124584 0x7f0c44ee8740 SDB table:cluster, insert record:b25b2759-55da-497b-aa9c-da606fcddf01 to hash, rowSize:60 numOfRows:1, msg:(nil)
08/21 16:40:05.124587 0x7f0c44ee8740 SDB table:dnodes, record from wal/fwd is disposed, action:insert record:1 ver:2
08/21 16:40:05.124590 0x7f0c44ee8740 SDB table:dnodes, insert record:1 to hash, rowSize:308 numOfRows:1, msg:(nil)
08/21 16:40:05.124593 0x7f0c44ee8740 SDB table:mnodes, record from wal/fwd is disposed, action:insert record:1 ver:3
08/21 16:40:05.124595 0x7f0c44ee8740 SDB table:mnodes, insert record:1 to hash, rowSize:20 numOfRows:1, msg:(nil)
08/21 16:40:05.124600 0x7f0c44ee8740 SDB table:accounts, record from wal/fwd is disposed, action:insert record:root ver:4
08/21 16:40:05.124602 0x7f0c44ee8740 SDB table:accounts, insert record:root to hash, rowSize:124 numOfRows:1, msg:(nil)
08/21 16:40:05.124605 0x7f0c44ee8740 SDB table:users, record from wal/fwd is disposed, action:insert record:root ver:5
08/21 16:40:05.124608 0x7f0c44ee8740 SDB table:users, insert record:root to hash, rowSize:84 numOfRows:1, msg:(nil)
08/21 16:40:05.124611 0x7f0c44ee8740 SDB table:users, record from wal/fwd is disposed, action:insert record:monitor ver:6
08/21 16:40:05.124613 0x7f0c44ee8740 SDB table:users, insert record:monitor to hash, rowSize:84 numOfRows:2, msg:(nil)
08/21 16:40:05.124615 0x7f0c44ee8740 SDB table:users, record from wal/fwd is disposed, action:insert record:_root ver:7
08/21 16:40:05.124616 0x7f0c44ee8740 SDB table:users, insert record:_root to hash, rowSize:84 numOfRows:3, msg:(nil)
08/21 16:40:05.124631 0x7f0c44ee8740 MND cluster id is set to b25b2759-55da-497b-aa9c-da606fcddf01
08/21 16:40:05.124635 0x7f0c44ee8740 SDB table:cluster, is restored, numOfRows:1
08/21 16:40:05.124636 0x7f0c44ee8740 SDB table:dnodes, is restored, numOfRows:1
08/21 16:40:05.124638 0x7f0c44ee8740 MND update mnodes epSet, numOfEps:1 
08/21 16:40:05.124642 0x7f0c44ee8740 MND mnode:1, for shell fqdn:ecs-e6e1 6030
08/21 16:40:05.124643 0x7f0c44ee8740 MND mnode:1, for peer fqdn:ecs-e6e1 6035
08/21 16:40:05.124645 0x7f0c44ee8740 MND mnode:1, ep:ecs-e6e1:6030 master
08/21 16:40:05.124648 0x7f0c44ee8740 SDB table:mnodes, is restored, numOfRows:1
08/21 16:40:05.124649 0x7f0c44ee8740 SDB table:accounts, is restored, numOfRows:1
08/21 16:40:05.124650 0x7f0c44ee8740 SDB table:users, is restored, numOfRows:3
08/21 16:40:05.124652 0x7f0c44ee8740 SDB table:dbs, is restored, numOfRows:0
08/21 16:40:05.124653 0x7f0c44ee8740 SDB table:vgroups, is restored, numOfRows:0
08/21 16:40:05.124654 0x7f0c44ee8740 SDB table:stables, is restored, numOfRows:0
08/21 16:40:05.124656 0x7f0c44ee8740 SDB table:ctables, is restored, numOfRows:0
08/21 16:40:05.124657 0x7f0c44ee8740 SDB sdb is restored, ver:7 totalRows:7 numOfTables:9
08/21 16:40:05.124660 0x7f0c44ee8740 SDB work as mnode, replica:1
08/21 16:40:05.124662 0x7f0c44ee8740 SDB mnode:1, ecs-e6e1:6040
08/21 16:40:05.124918 0x7f0c44ee8740 SYN vgId:1 peer:ecs-e6e1:6040, it is configured
08/21 16:40:05.124925 0x7f0c44ee8740 SYN vgId:1, 1 replicas are configured, quorum:1 role:master
08/21 16:40:05.124933 0x7f0c44ee8740 SDB mnode role changed from master to master
08/21 16:40:05.124935 0x7f0c44ee8740 SDB update mnodes sync roles, total:1
08/21 16:40:05.124937 0x7f0c44ee8740 SDB mnode:1, role:master
08/21 16:40:05.124940 0x7f0c44ee8740 MND cluster id is set to b25b2759-55da-497b-aa9c-da606fcddf01
08/21 16:40:05.124942 0x7f0c44ee8740 MND update mnodes epSet, numOfEps:1 
08/21 16:40:05.124945 0x7f0c44ee8740 MND mnode:1, for shell fqdn:ecs-e6e1 6030
08/21 16:40:05.124946 0x7f0c44ee8740 MND mnode:1, for peer fqdn:ecs-e6e1 6035
08/21 16:40:05.124948 0x7f0c44ee8740 MND mnode:1, ep:ecs-e6e1:6030 master
08/21 16:40:05.124953 0x7f0c44ee8740 MND balance start fp:0x461f39 initialized
08/21 16:40:05.124956 0x7f0c44ee8740 MND dnode:1 set access:0 to 0
08/21 16:40:05.125017 0x7f0c44ee8740 MND mnode is initialized successfully
08/21 16:40:05.125059 0x7f0c44ee8740 UTL the old unlimited para: rlim_cur=18446744073709551615, rlim_max=18446744073709551615
08/21 16:40:05.125062 0x7f0c44ee8740 UTL the new unlimited para: rlim_cur=18446744073709551615, rlim_max=18446744073709551615
08/21 16:40:05.125065 0x7f0c44ee8740 UTL _sysctl(kern_core_uses_pid) set fail: Function not implemented
08/21 16:40:05.125066 0x7f0c44ee8740 UTL The old core_uses_pid[4]: 0
08/21 16:40:05.125068 0x7f0c44ee8740 UTL _sysctl(kern_core_uses_pid) get fail: Function not implemented
08/21 16:40:05.125070 0x7f0c44ee8740 UTL The new core_uses_pid[4]: 0
08/21 16:40:05.125586 0x7f0c44ee8740 DND dnode mgmt timer is initialized
08/21 16:40:05.125756 0x7f0c44ee8740 DND shell rpc server is opened
08/21 16:40:05.125773 0x7f0c44ee8740 HTP start http server ...
08/21 16:40:05.126016 0x7f0c44ee8740 MON start monitor module
08/21 16:40:05.126021 0x7f0c44ee8740 DND TDengine is initialized successfully
08/21 16:40:05.126032 0x7f0c2aff5700 HTP http server init success at 6041
08/21 16:40:05.139779 0x7f0c3d102700 MON starting to initialize monitor service ..
08/21 16:40:05.145116 0x7f0c29ff3700 MON dnode:ecs-e6e1:6030 is started
08/21 16:40:05.170221 0x7f0c29ff3700 MON monitor service init success
08/21 16:40:05.631655 0x7f0c3b8aa700 DND module status:6 is received, start mnode module
08/21 16:40:05.631677 0x7f0c3b8aa700 MND mnode module already started...
08/21 16:40:07.129783 0x7f0c3d102700 MND balance function is scheduled by event for 2000 mseconds arrived
08/21 16:45:07.624784 0x7f0c3d102700 MND balance function is scheduled by timer
08/21 16:50:09.124783 0x7f0c3d102700 MND balance function is scheduled by timer
08/21 16:55:10.624786 0x7f0c3d102700 MND balance function is scheduled by timer
08/21 17:00:12.124834 0x7f0c3d102700 MND balance function is scheduled by timer
08/21 17:05:13.624783 0x7f0c3d102700 MND balance function is scheduled by timer
08/21 17:10:15.124788 0x7f0c3d102700 MND balance function is scheduled by timer
08/21 17:15:16.624779 0x7f0c3d102700 MND balance function is scheduled by timer
plum-lihui commented 4 years ago

从贴的这点日志看不到问题的原因。 首先要确定:两个实例之间的网络确定是通的吗?我们有一个工具,验证客户端和服务端之间是否满足tdengine的通讯。主要就是测试端口是否可达。先停止taosd,然后在服务端启动taosServer ,然后再在客户端启动taosClient。结果会显示需要的端口是否ok。 networkTools.zip

plum-lihui commented 4 years ago

如果网络是ok,集群还是无法搭建成功,请微信联系,我们远程定位一下。 微信:13611161621

paopaoerzhang commented 4 years ago

也遇到这个情况,虚拟机安装了两台centos7.8-2003,用networkTools.测试,发现一个奇怪的现象, 一台192.168.2.121 h1 另外一台 h2 两台的hosts都是一样测试相互可以ping通, 一台运行taosServer 另外一台用 taosClient -h h1不通,但是用 taosClient -h 测试数据通的

AlvinCage commented 4 years ago


sangshuduo commented 4 years ago

我们有一个工具,验证客户端和服务端之间是否满足tdengine的通讯。主要就是测试端口是否可达。先停止taosd,然后在服务端启动taosServer ,然后再在客户端启动taosClient。结果会显示需要的端口是否ok。 https://github.com/taosdata/TDengine/files/5054688/networkTools.zip

sangshuduo commented 4 years ago

