taozhi8833998 / node-sql-parser

Parse simple SQL statements into an abstract syntax tree (AST) with the visited tableList and convert it back to SQL
Apache License 2.0
783 stars 174 forks source link

have line/char available in AST? #1439

Open jlmgtech opened 1 year ago

jlmgtech commented 1 year ago

Not a bug, more of a feature. I wasn't sure where to ask. I'm writing an interpreter for SQL and I'd like to tell the user exactly where they made a semantic error. I was going to use sqlify() to render the branch of the tree the problem occurred on, but sqlify only accepts top-level ast nodes (for instance, I can't sqlify a column_ref). Is there something I can use to visually show the user where their error was made (perhaps line numbers somewhere or an offset, or maybe another sqlify function?).

Thank you.

aok-solutions commented 5 months ago

this already exists...when a parsing error is thrown, the error object contains it's exact location, e.g.:

  "message": "Expected \"!=\", \"#-\", \"#>\", \"#>>\", \"%\", \"&&\", \"'\", \"(\", \"*\", \"+\", \",\", \"-\", \"--\", \"->\", \"->>\", \".\", \"/\", \"/*\", \"//\", \"::\", \";\", \"<\", \"<=\", \"<>\", \"<@\", \"=\", \">\", \">=\", \"?\", \"?&\", \"?|\", \"@>\", \"AND\", \"AS\", \"BETWEEN\", \"FROM\", \"GROUP\", \"HAVING\", \"ILIKE\", \"IN\", \"INTO\", \"IS\", \"LIKE\", \"LIMIT\", \"NOT\", \"OFFSET\", \"OR\", \"ORDER\", \"REGEXP\", \"SIMILAR\", \"UNION\", \"WHERE\", \"WINDOW\", \"[\", \"\\\"\", \"`\", \"||\", [ \\t\\n\\r], [A-Za-z0-9_\\-$一-龥], [A-Za-z0-9_一-龥], [A-Za-z_一-龥], or end of input but \":\" found.",
  "found": ":",
  "location": {
    "start": {
      "offset": 10,
      "line": 1,
      "column": 11
    "end": {
      "offset": 11,
      "line": 1,
      "column": 12
  "name": "SyntaxError",
  "isEvalError": true,
zwallacedev commented 4 months ago

To add on to @aok-solutions , you will need to implement a specific parameter in your options: includeLocations.

In the README.md, it specifies:

Get node location in the AST

const { Parser } = require('node-sql-parser');
const parser = new Parser();
const ast = parser.astify('SELECT * FROM t', { parseOptions: { includeLocations: true } });
