taozhi8833998 / node-sql-parser

Parse simple SQL statements into an abstract syntax tree (AST) with the visited tableList and convert it back to SQL
Apache License 2.0
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Athena parser error - alias for each element within the unnested array #2225

Closed LaizaAngrest closed 1 day ago

LaizaAngrest commented 2 days ago

Describe the bug Athena parser error - alias for each element within the unnested array

Database Engine Athena

To Reproduce

it('should parse a query with alias for each element within the unnested array', function () {
    const parser = new SqlParserV2()
    const query = `
    SELECT id, array_agg(json_extract_scalar(elem, '$.value')) er_teams
    FROM "bronze_prod"."jira_issues"
    CROSS JOIN UNNEST(cast(json_extract(json_parse(fields), '$.customfield_10100') AS array(json))) t(elem)
    GROUP BY id`
    const parsedSql = parser.parse(query, WarehouseType.Athena)