tape-testing / tape

tap-producing test harness for node and browsers
MIT License
5.77k stars 307 forks source link

tests seem to fail on windows. #583

Closed 0xorial closed 7 months ago

0xorial commented 1 year ago

Tried running tape tests on windows. Got errors. Tried a bunch of stuff so just putting console output here:

PS C:\dev> git clone https://github.com/ljharb/tape.git
Cloning into 'tape'...
remote: Enumerating objects: 4492, done.
remote: Counting objects: 100% (1130/1130), done.
remote: Compressing objects: 100% (417/417), done.
remote: Total 4492 (delta 706), reused 1103 (delta 690), pack-reused 3362
Receiving objects: 100% (4492/4492), 1.17 MiB | 3.73 MiB/s, done.
Resolving deltas: 100% (2804/2804), done.
PS C:\dev> cd tape
PS C:\dev\tape> npm -v
PS C:\dev\tape> npm install
npm WARN deprecated date-format@0.0.2: 0.x is no longer supported. Please upgrade to 4.x or higher.
npm WARN deprecated cryptiles@2.0.5: This version has been deprecated in accordance with the hapi support policy (hapi.im/support). Please upgrade to the latest version to get the best features, bug fixes, and security patches. If you are unable to upgrade at this time, paid support is available for older versions (hapi.im/commercial).
npm WARN deprecated sntp@1.0.9: This module moved to @hapi/sntp. Please make sure to switch over as this distribution is no longer supported and may contain bugs and critical security issues.
npm WARN deprecated boom@2.10.1: This version has been deprecated in accordance with the hapi support policy (hapi.im/support). Please upgrade to the latest version to get the best features, bug fixes, and security patches. If you are unable to upgrade at this time, paid support is available for older versions (hapi.im/commercial).
npm WARN deprecated uuid@3.4.0: Please upgrade  to version 7 or higher.  Older versions may use Math.random() in certain circumstances, which is known to be problematic.  See https://v8.dev/blog/math-random for details.
npm WARN deprecated request@2.79.0: request has been deprecated, see https://github.com/request/request/issues/3142
npm WARN deprecated har-validator@2.0.6: this library is no longer supported
npm WARN deprecated hoek@2.16.3: This version has been deprecated in accordance with the hapi support policy (hapi.im/support). Please upgrade to the latest version to get the best features, bug fixes, and security patches. If you are unable to upgrade at this time, paid support is available for older versions (hapi.im/commercial).
npm WARN deprecated hawk@3.1.3: This module moved to @hapi/hawk. Please make sure to switch over as this distribution isnpm WARN deprecated axios@0.18.1: Critical security vulnerability fixed in v0.21.1. For more information, see https://github.com/axios/axios/pull/3410
npm WARN deprecated ecstatic@4.1.4: This package is unmaintained and deprecated. See the GH Issue 259.
npm WARN deprecated highlight.js@9.12.0: Version no longer supported. Upgrade to @latest
> tape@5.6.1 prepublish
> !(type not-in-publish) || not-in-publish || npm run prepublishOnly

'!' is not recognized as an internal or external command,

added 812 packages, and audited 995 packages in 39s

90 packages are looking for funding
  run `npm fund` for details

50 vulnerabilities (5 low, 23 moderate, 17 high, 5 critical)

To address issues that do not require attention, run:
  npm audit fix

To address all issues possible (including breaking changes), run:
  npm audit fix --force

Some issues need review, and may require choosing
a different dependency.

Run `npm audit` for details.
PS C:\dev\tape> npm run tests-only

> tape@5.6.1 tests-only
> nyc tap 'test/*.js'

  throw err;

Error: Cannot find module 'C:\dev\tape\node'
    at Function.Module._resolveFilename (internal/modules/cjs/loader.js:902:15)
    at Function.Module._load (internal/modules/cjs/loader.js:746:27)
    at Function.executeUserEntryPoint [as runMain] (internal/modules/run_main.js:76:12)
    at internal/main/run_main_module.js:17:47 {
  requireStack: []

=============================== Coverage summary ===============================
Statements   : 0% ( 0/611 )
Branches     : 0% ( 0/360 )
Functions    : 0% ( 0/99 )
Lines        : 0% ( 0/585 )
File                |  % Stmts | % Branch |  % Funcs |  % Lines |Uncovered Lines |
All files           |        0 |        0 |        0 |        0 |                |
 tape               |        0 |        0 |        0 |        0 |                |
  index.js          |        0 |        0 |        0 |        0 |... 179,180,181 |
 tape/lib           |        0 |        0 |        0 |        0 |                |
  default_stream.js |        0 |        0 |        0 |        0 |... 32,33,35,38 |
  results.js        |        0 |        0 |        0 |        0 |... 228,231,234 |
  test.js           |        0 |        0 |        0 |        0 |... 777,778,781 |
PS C:\dev\tape> npm i -g tape

added 75 packages, and audited 76 packages in 2s

  run `npm fund` for details

found 0 vulnerabilities
PS C:\dev\tape> **npm run tests-only**

> tape@5.6.1 tests-only
> nyc tap 'test/*.js'

  throw err;

Error: Cannot find module 'C:\dev\tape\node'
    at Function.Module._resolveFilename (internal/modules/cjs/loader.js:902:15)
    at Function.Module._load (internal/modules/cjs/loader.js:746:27)
    at Function.executeUserEntryPoint [as runMain] (internal/modules/run_main.js:76:12)
    at internal/main/run_main_module.js:17:47 {
  requireStack: []

=============================== Coverage summary ===============================
Statements   : 0% ( 0/611 )
Branches     : 0% ( 0/360 )
Functions    : 0% ( 0/99 )
Lines        : 0% ( 0/585 )
File                |  % Stmts | % Branch |  % Funcs |  % Lines |Uncovered Lines |
All files           |        0 |        0 |        0 |        0 |                |
 tape               |        0 |        0 |        0 |        0 |                |
  index.js          |        0 |        0 |        0 |        0 |... 179,180,181 |
 tape/lib           |        0 |        0 |        0 |        0 |                |
  default_stream.js |        0 |        0 |        0 |        0 |... 32,33,35,38 |
  results.js        |        0 |        0 |        0 |        0 |... 228,231,234 |
  test.js           |        0 |        0 |        0 |        0 |... 777,778,781 |
PS C:\dev\tape> npm run test

> tape@5.6.1 pretest
> npm run lint

> tape@5.6.1 prelint
> npm-run-posix-or-windows eclint

> tape@5.6.1 eclint:windows
> eclint check *.js

    001:14 ❌ invalid newline: crlf, expected: lf       (EditorConfig end_of_line  https://goo.gl/te3t0s)
    002:01 ❌ invalid newline: crlf, expected: lf       (EditorConfig end_of_line  https://goo.gl/te3t0s)
    003:34 ❌ invalid newline: crlf, expected: lf       (EditorConfig end_of_line  https://goo.gl/te3t0s)
    004:59 ❌ invalid newline: crlf, expected: lf       (EditorConfig end_of_line  https://goo.gl/te3t0s)
    005:34 ❌ invalid newline: crlf, expected: lf       (EditorConfig end_of_line  https://goo.gl/te3t0s)
    006:45 ❌ invalid newline: crlf, expected: lf       (EditorConfig end_of_line  https://goo.gl/te3t0s)
    007:34 ❌ invalid newline: crlf, expected: lf       (EditorConfig end_of_line  https://goo.gl/te3t0s)
    008:01 ❌ invalid newline: crlf, expected: lf       (EditorConfig end_of_line  https://goo.gl/te3t0s)
    009:60 ❌ invalid newline: crlf, expected: lf       (EditorConfig end_of_line  https://goo.gl/te3t0s)
    010:69 ❌ invalid newline: crlf, expected: lf       (EditorConfig end_of_line  https://goo.gl/te3t0s)
    011:56 ❌ invalid newline: crlf, expected: lf       (EditorConfig end_of_line  https://goo.gl/te3t0s)
    012:43 ❌ invalid newline: crlf, expected: lf       (EditorConfig end_of_line  https://goo.gl/te3t0s)
    013:01 ❌ invalid newline: crlf, expected: lf       (EditorConfig end_of_line  https://goo.gl/te3t0s)
    014:32 ❌ invalid newline: crlf, expected: lf       (EditorConfig end_of_line  https://goo.gl/te3t0s)
    015:01 ❌ invalid indent style: tab, expected: space
                                                         (EditorConfig indent_style https://goo.gl/8Qkrbr)
    015:19 ❌ invalid newline: crlf, expected: lf       (EditorConfig end_of_line  https://goo.gl/te3t0s)
    016:01 ❌ invalid indent style: tab, expected: space
                                                         (EditorConfig indent_style https://goo.gl/8Qkrbr)
    016:14 ❌ invalid newline: crlf, expected: lf       (EditorConfig end_of_line  https://goo.gl/te3t0s)
    017:01 ❌ invalid newline: crlf, expected: lf       (EditorConfig end_of_line  https://goo.gl/te3t0s)
    018:01 ❌ invalid indent style: tab, expected: space
                                                         (EditorConfig indent_style https://goo.gl/8Qkrbr)
    018:29 ❌ invalid newline: crlf, expected: lf       (EditorConfig end_of_line  https://goo.gl/te3t0s)
    019:01 ❌ invalid indent style: tab, expected: space
                                                         (EditorConfig indent_style https://goo.gl/8Qkrbr)
    019:28 ❌ invalid newline: crlf, expected: lf       (EditorConfig end_of_line  https://goo.gl/te3t0s)
    020:01 ❌ invalid indent style: tab, expected: space
                                                         (EditorConfig indent_style https://goo.gl/8Qkrbr)
    020:33 ❌ invalid newline: crlf, expected: lf       (EditorConfig end_of_line  https://goo.gl/te3t0s)
    021:01 ❌ invalid indent style: tab, expected: space
                                                         (EditorConfig indent_style https://goo.gl/8Qkrbr)
    021:86 ❌ invalid newline: crlf, expected: lf       (EditorConfig end_of_line  https://goo.gl/te3t0s)
    022:01 ❌ invalid indent style: tab, expected: space
                                                         (EditorConfig indent_style https://goo.gl/8Qkrbr)
    022:51 ❌ invalid newline: crlf, expected: lf       (EditorConfig end_of_line  https://goo.gl/te3t0s)
    023:01 ❌ invalid indent style: tab, expected: space
                                                         (EditorConfig indent_style https://goo.gl/8Qkrbr)
    023:61 ❌ invalid newline: crlf, expected: lf       (EditorConfig end_of_line  https://goo.gl/te3t0s)
    024:01 ❌ invalid indent style: tab, expected: space
                                                         (EditorConfig indent_style https://goo.gl/8Qkrbr)
    024:18 ❌ invalid newline: crlf, expected: lf       (EditorConfig end_of_line  https://goo.gl/te3t0s)
    025:01 ❌ invalid indent style: tab, expected: space
                                                         (EditorConfig indent_style https://goo.gl/8Qkrbr)
    025:03 ❌ invalid newline: crlf, expected: lf       (EditorConfig end_of_line  https://goo.gl/te3t0s)
    026:01 ❌ invalid newline: crlf, expected: lf       (EditorConfig end_of_line  https://goo.gl/te3t0s)
    027:01 ❌ invalid indent style: tab, expected: space
                                                         (EditorConfig indent_style https://goo.gl/8Qkrbr)
    027:23 ❌ invalid newline: crlf, expected: lf       (EditorConfig end_of_line  https://goo.gl/te3t0s)
    028:01 ❌ invalid indent style: tab, expected: space
                                                         (EditorConfig indent_style https://goo.gl/8Qkrbr)
    028:46 ❌ invalid newline: crlf, expected: lf       (EditorConfig end_of_line  https://goo.gl/te3t0s)
    029:01 ❌ invalid indent style: tab, expected: space
                                                         (EditorConfig indent_style https://goo.gl/8Qkrbr)
    029:46 ❌ invalid newline: crlf, expected: lf       (EditorConfig end_of_line  https://goo.gl/te3t0s)
    030:01 ❌ invalid indent style: tab, expected: space
                                                         (EditorConfig indent_style https://goo.gl/8Qkrbr)
    030:03 ❌ invalid newline: crlf, expected: lf       (EditorConfig end_of_line  https://goo.gl/te3t0s)
    031:01 ❌ invalid newline: crlf, expected: lf       (EditorConfig end_of_line  https://goo.gl/te3t0s)
    032:01 ❌ invalid indent style: tab, expected: space
                                                         (EditorConfig indent_style https://goo.gl/8Qkrbr)
    032:31 ❌ invalid newline: crlf, expected: lf       (EditorConfig end_of_line  https://goo.gl/te3t0s)
    033:01 ❌ invalid indent style: tab, expected: space
                                                         (EditorConfig indent_style https://goo.gl/8Qkrbr)
    033:15 ❌ invalid newline: crlf, expected: lf       (EditorConfig end_of_line  https://goo.gl/te3t0s)
    034:01 ❌ invalid indent style: tab, expected: space
                                                         (EditorConfig indent_style https://goo.gl/8Qkrbr)
    034:04 ❌ invalid newline: crlf, expected: lf       (EditorConfig end_of_line  https://goo.gl/te3t0s)
    035:01 ❌ invalid newline: crlf, expected: lf       (EditorConfig end_of_line  https://goo.gl/te3t0s)
    036:01 ❌ invalid indent style: tab, expected: space
                                                         (EditorConfig indent_style https://goo.gl/8Qkrbr)
    036:30 ❌ invalid newline: crlf, expected: lf       (EditorConfig end_of_line  https://goo.gl/te3t0s)
    037:01 ❌ invalid indent style: tab, expected: space
                                                         (EditorConfig indent_style https://goo.gl/8Qkrbr)
    037:30 ❌ invalid newline: crlf, expected: lf       (EditorConfig end_of_line  https://goo.gl/te3t0s)
    038:01 ❌ invalid newline: crlf, expected: lf       (EditorConfig end_of_line  https://goo.gl/te3t0s)
    039:01 ❌ invalid indent style: tab, expected: space
                                                         (EditorConfig indent_style https://goo.gl/8Qkrbr)
    039:22 ❌ invalid newline: crlf, expected: lf       (EditorConfig end_of_line  https://goo.gl/te3t0s)
    040:01 ❌ invalid indent style: tab, expected: space
                                                         (EditorConfig indent_style https://goo.gl/8Qkrbr)
    040:04 ❌ invalid newline: crlf, expected: lf       (EditorConfig end_of_line  https://goo.gl/te3t0s)
    041:01 ❌ invalid newline: crlf, expected: lf       (EditorConfig end_of_line  https://goo.gl/te3t0s)
    042:01 ❌ invalid indent style: tab, expected: space
                                                         (EditorConfig indent_style https://goo.gl/8Qkrbr)
    042:31 ❌ invalid newline: crlf, expected: lf       (EditorConfig end_of_line  https://goo.gl/te3t0s)
    043:01 ❌ invalid indent style: tab, expected: space
                                                         (EditorConfig indent_style https://goo.gl/8Qkrbr)
    043:51 ❌ invalid newline: crlf, expected: lf       (EditorConfig end_of_line  https://goo.gl/te3t0s)
    044:01 ❌ invalid indent style: tab, expected: space
                                                         (EditorConfig indent_style https://goo.gl/8Qkrbr)
    044:04 ❌ invalid newline: crlf, expected: lf       (EditorConfig end_of_line  https://goo.gl/te3t0s)
    045:01 ❌ invalid newline: crlf, expected: lf       (EditorConfig end_of_line  https://goo.gl/te3t0s)
    046:01 ❌ invalid indent style: tab, expected: space
                                                         (EditorConfig indent_style https://goo.gl/8Qkrbr)
    046:43 ❌ invalid newline: crlf, expected: lf       (EditorConfig end_of_line  https://goo.gl/te3t0s)
    047:01 ❌ invalid indent style: tab, expected: space
                                                         (EditorConfig indent_style https://goo.gl/8Qkrbr)
    047:28 ❌ invalid newline: crlf, expected: lf       (EditorConfig end_of_line  https://goo.gl/te3t0s)
    048:01 ❌ invalid indent style: tab, expected: space
                                                         (EditorConfig indent_style https://goo.gl/8Qkrbr)
    048:18 ❌ invalid newline: crlf, expected: lf       (EditorConfig end_of_line  https://goo.gl/te3t0s)
    049:01 ❌ invalid indent style: tab, expected: space
                                                         (EditorConfig indent_style https://goo.gl/8Qkrbr)
    049:27 ❌ invalid newline: crlf, expected: lf       (EditorConfig end_of_line  https://goo.gl/te3t0s)
    050:01 ❌ invalid indent style: tab, expected: space
                                                         (EditorConfig indent_style https://goo.gl/8Qkrbr)
    050:67 ❌ invalid newline: crlf, expected: lf       (EditorConfig end_of_line  https://goo.gl/te3t0s)
    051:01 ❌ invalid indent style: tab, expected: space
                                                         (EditorConfig indent_style https://goo.gl/8Qkrbr)
    051:18 ❌ invalid newline: crlf, expected: lf       (EditorConfig end_of_line  https://goo.gl/te3t0s)
    052:01 ❌ invalid indent style: tab, expected: space
                                                         (EditorConfig indent_style https://goo.gl/8Qkrbr)
    052:04 ❌ invalid newline: crlf, expected: lf       (EditorConfig end_of_line  https://goo.gl/te3t0s)
    053:01 ❌ invalid indent style: tab, expected: space
                                                         (EditorConfig indent_style https://goo.gl/8Qkrbr)
    053:40 ❌ invalid newline: crlf, expected: lf       (EditorConfig end_of_line  https://goo.gl/te3t0s)
    054:01 ❌ invalid indent style: tab, expected: space
                                                         (EditorConfig indent_style https://goo.gl/8Qkrbr)
    054:04 ❌ invalid newline: crlf, expected: lf       (EditorConfig end_of_line  https://goo.gl/te3t0s)
    055:01 ❌ invalid newline: crlf, expected: lf       (EditorConfig end_of_line  https://goo.gl/te3t0s)
    056:01 ❌ invalid indent style: tab, expected: space
                                                         (EditorConfig indent_style https://goo.gl/8Qkrbr)
    056:35 ❌ invalid newline: crlf, expected: lf       (EditorConfig end_of_line  https://goo.gl/te3t0s)
    057:01 ❌ invalid indent style: tab, expected: space
                                                         (EditorConfig indent_style https://goo.gl/8Qkrbr)
    057:55 ❌ invalid newline: crlf, expected: lf       (EditorConfig end_of_line  https://goo.gl/te3t0s)
    058:01 ❌ invalid indent style: tab, expected: space
                                                         (EditorConfig indent_style https://goo.gl/8Qkrbr)
    058:04 ❌ invalid newline: crlf, expected: lf       (EditorConfig end_of_line  https://goo.gl/te3t0s)
    059:01 ❌ invalid newline: crlf, expected: lf       (EditorConfig end_of_line  https://goo.gl/te3t0s)
    060:01 ❌ invalid indent style: tab, expected: space
                                                         (EditorConfig indent_style https://goo.gl/8Qkrbr)
    060:36 ❌ invalid newline: crlf, expected: lf       (EditorConfig end_of_line  https://goo.gl/te3t0s)
    061:01 ❌ invalid indent style: tab, expected: space
                                                         (EditorConfig indent_style https://goo.gl/8Qkrbr)
    061:56 ❌ invalid newline: crlf, expected: lf       (EditorConfig end_of_line  https://goo.gl/te3t0s)
    062:01 ❌ invalid indent style: tab, expected: space
                                                         (EditorConfig indent_style https://goo.gl/8Qkrbr)
    062:04 ❌ invalid newline: crlf, expected: lf       (EditorConfig end_of_line  https://goo.gl/te3t0s)
    063:01 ❌ invalid newline: crlf, expected: lf       (EditorConfig end_of_line  https://goo.gl/te3t0s)
    064:01 ❌ invalid indent style: tab, expected: space
                                                         (EditorConfig indent_style https://goo.gl/8Qkrbr)
    064:35 ❌ invalid newline: crlf, expected: lf       (EditorConfig end_of_line  https://goo.gl/te3t0s)
    065:01 ❌ invalid newline: crlf, expected: lf       (EditorConfig end_of_line  https://goo.gl/te3t0s)
    066:01 ❌ invalid indent style: tab, expected: space
                                                         (EditorConfig indent_style https://goo.gl/8Qkrbr)
    066:18 ❌ invalid newline: crlf, expected: lf       (EditorConfig end_of_line  https://goo.gl/te3t0s)
    067:06 ❌ invalid newline: crlf, expected: lf       (EditorConfig end_of_line  https://goo.gl/te3t0s)
    068:01 ❌ invalid newline: crlf, expected: lf       (EditorConfig end_of_line  https://goo.gl/te3t0s)
    069:32 ❌ invalid newline: crlf, expected: lf       (EditorConfig end_of_line  https://goo.gl/te3t0s)
    070:01 ❌ invalid indent style: tab, expected: space
                                                         (EditorConfig indent_style https://goo.gl/8Qkrbr)
    070:31 ❌ invalid newline: crlf, expected: lf       (EditorConfig end_of_line  https://goo.gl/te3t0s)
    071:01 ❌ invalid indent style: tab, expected: space
                                                         (EditorConfig indent_style https://goo.gl/8Qkrbr)
    071:44 ❌ invalid newline: crlf, expected: lf       (EditorConfig end_of_line  https://goo.gl/te3t0s)
    072:01 ❌ invalid indent style: tab, expected: space
                                                         (EditorConfig indent_style https://goo.gl/8Qkrbr)
    072:58 ❌ invalid newline: crlf, expected: lf       (EditorConfig end_of_line  https://goo.gl/te3t0s)
    073:01 ❌ invalid indent style: tab, expected: space
                                                         (EditorConfig indent_style https://goo.gl/8Qkrbr)
    073:03 ❌ invalid newline: crlf, expected: lf       (EditorConfig end_of_line  https://goo.gl/te3t0s)
    074:01 ❌ invalid newline: crlf, expected: lf       (EditorConfig end_of_line  https://goo.gl/te3t0s)
    075:01 ❌ invalid indent style: tab, expected: space
                                                         (EditorConfig indent_style https://goo.gl/8Qkrbr)
    075:33 ❌ invalid newline: crlf, expected: lf       (EditorConfig end_of_line  https://goo.gl/te3t0s)
    076:01 ❌ invalid indent style: tab, expected: space
                                                         (EditorConfig indent_style https://goo.gl/8Qkrbr)
    076:36 ❌ invalid newline: crlf, expected: lf       (EditorConfig end_of_line  https://goo.gl/te3t0s)
    077:01 ❌ invalid indent style: tab, expected: space
                                                         (EditorConfig indent_style https://goo.gl/8Qkrbr)
    077:23 ❌ invalid newline: crlf, expected: lf       (EditorConfig end_of_line  https://goo.gl/te3t0s)
    078:01 ❌ invalid newline: crlf, expected: lf       (EditorConfig end_of_line  https://goo.gl/te3t0s)
    079:01 ❌ invalid indent style: tab, expected: space
                                                         (EditorConfig indent_style https://goo.gl/8Qkrbr)
    079:30 ❌ invalid newline: crlf, expected: lf       (EditorConfig end_of_line  https://goo.gl/te3t0s)
    080:01 ❌ invalid indent style: tab, expected: space
                                                         (EditorConfig indent_style https://goo.gl/8Qkrbr)
    080:37 ❌ invalid newline: crlf, expected: lf       (EditorConfig end_of_line  https://goo.gl/te3t0s)
    081:01 ❌ invalid indent style: tab, expected: space
                                                         (EditorConfig indent_style https://goo.gl/8Qkrbr)
    081:22 ❌ invalid newline: crlf, expected: lf       (EditorConfig end_of_line  https://goo.gl/te3t0s)
    082:01 ❌ invalid indent style: tab, expected: space
                                                         (EditorConfig indent_style https://goo.gl/8Qkrbr)
    082:07 ❌ invalid newline: crlf, expected: lf       (EditorConfig end_of_line  https://goo.gl/te3t0s)
    083:01 ❌ invalid indent style: tab, expected: space
                                                         (EditorConfig indent_style https://goo.gl/8Qkrbr)
    083:34 ❌ invalid newline: crlf, expected: lf       (EditorConfig end_of_line  https://goo.gl/te3t0s)
    084:01 ❌ invalid indent style: tab, expected: space
                                                         (EditorConfig indent_style https://goo.gl/8Qkrbr)
    084:75 ❌ invalid newline: crlf, expected: lf       (EditorConfig end_of_line  https://goo.gl/te3t0s)
    085:01 ❌ invalid indent style: tab, expected: space
                                                         (EditorConfig indent_style https://goo.gl/8Qkrbr)
    085:07 ❌ invalid newline: crlf, expected: lf       (EditorConfig end_of_line  https://goo.gl/te3t0s)
    086:01 ❌ invalid indent style: tab, expected: space
                                                         (EditorConfig indent_style https://goo.gl/8Qkrbr)
    086:09 ❌ invalid newline: crlf, expected: lf       (EditorConfig end_of_line  https://goo.gl/te3t0s)
    087:01 ❌ invalid newline: crlf, expected: lf       (EditorConfig end_of_line  https://goo.gl/te3t0s)
    088:01 ❌ invalid indent style: tab, expected: space
                                                         (EditorConfig indent_style https://goo.gl/8Qkrbr)
    088:19 ❌ invalid newline: crlf, expected: lf       (EditorConfig end_of_line  https://goo.gl/te3t0s)
    089:01 ❌ invalid indent style: tab, expected: space
                                                         (EditorConfig indent_style https://goo.gl/8Qkrbr)
    089:12 ❌ invalid newline: crlf, expected: lf       (EditorConfig end_of_line  https://goo.gl/te3t0s)
    090:01 ❌ invalid indent style: tab, expected: space
                                                         (EditorConfig indent_style https://goo.gl/8Qkrbr)
    090:03 ❌ invalid newline: crlf, expected: lf       (EditorConfig end_of_line  https://goo.gl/te3t0s)
    091:01 ❌ invalid indent style: tab, expected: space
                                                         (EditorConfig indent_style https://goo.gl/8Qkrbr)
    091:26 ❌ invalid newline: crlf, expected: lf       (EditorConfig end_of_line  https://goo.gl/te3t0s)
    092:01 ❌ invalid newline: crlf, expected: lf       (EditorConfig end_of_line  https://goo.gl/te3t0s)
    093:01 ❌ invalid indent style: tab, expected: space
                                                         (EditorConfig indent_style https://goo.gl/8Qkrbr)
    093:19 ❌ invalid newline: crlf, expected: lf       (EditorConfig end_of_line  https://goo.gl/te3t0s)
    094:01 ❌ invalid newline: crlf, expected: lf       (EditorConfig end_of_line  https://goo.gl/te3t0s)
    095:01 ❌ invalid indent style: tab, expected: space
                                                         (EditorConfig indent_style https://goo.gl/8Qkrbr)
    095:39 ❌ invalid newline: crlf, expected: lf       (EditorConfig end_of_line  https://goo.gl/te3t0s)
    096:01 ❌ invalid indent style: tab, expected: space
                                                         (EditorConfig indent_style https://goo.gl/8Qkrbr)
    096:37 ❌ invalid newline: crlf, expected: lf       (EditorConfig end_of_line  https://goo.gl/te3t0s)
    097:01 ❌ invalid indent style: tab, expected: space
                                                         (EditorConfig indent_style https://goo.gl/8Qkrbr)
    097:04 ❌ invalid newline: crlf, expected: lf       (EditorConfig end_of_line  https://goo.gl/te3t0s)
    098:01 ❌ invalid newline: crlf, expected: lf       (EditorConfig end_of_line  https://goo.gl/te3t0s)
    099:01 ❌ invalid indent style: tab, expected: space
                                                         (EditorConfig indent_style https://goo.gl/8Qkrbr)
    099:33 ❌ invalid newline: crlf, expected: lf       (EditorConfig end_of_line  https://goo.gl/te3t0s)
    100:01 ❌ invalid indent style: tab, expected: space
                                                         (EditorConfig indent_style https://goo.gl/8Qkrbr)
    100:26 ❌ invalid newline: crlf, expected: lf       (EditorConfig end_of_line  https://goo.gl/te3t0s)
    101:01 ❌ invalid indent style: tab, expected: space
                                                         (EditorConfig indent_style https://goo.gl/8Qkrbr)
    101:04 ❌ invalid newline: crlf, expected: lf       (EditorConfig end_of_line  https://goo.gl/te3t0s)
    102:01 ❌ invalid newline: crlf, expected: lf       (EditorConfig end_of_line  https://goo.gl/te3t0s)
    103:01 ❌ invalid indent style: tab, expected: space
                                                         (EditorConfig indent_style https://goo.gl/8Qkrbr)
    103:34 ❌ invalid newline: crlf, expected: lf       (EditorConfig end_of_line  https://goo.gl/te3t0s)
    104:01 ❌ invalid indent style: tab, expected: space
                                                         (EditorConfig indent_style https://goo.gl/8Qkrbr)
    104:26 ❌ invalid newline: crlf, expected: lf       (EditorConfig end_of_line  https://goo.gl/te3t0s)
    105:01 ❌ invalid indent style: tab, expected: space
                                                         (EditorConfig indent_style https://goo.gl/8Qkrbr)
    105:04 ❌ invalid newline: crlf, expected: lf       (EditorConfig end_of_line  https://goo.gl/te3t0s)
    106:01 ❌ invalid newline: crlf, expected: lf       (EditorConfig end_of_line  https://goo.gl/te3t0s)
    107:01 ❌ invalid indent style: tab, expected: space
                                                         (EditorConfig indent_style https://goo.gl/8Qkrbr)
    107:19 ❌ invalid newline: crlf, expected: lf       (EditorConfig end_of_line  https://goo.gl/te3t0s)
    108:01 ❌ invalid indent style: tab, expected: space
                                                         (EditorConfig indent_style https://goo.gl/8Qkrbr)
    108:27 ❌ invalid newline: crlf, expected: lf       (EditorConfig end_of_line  https://goo.gl/te3t0s)
    109:01 ❌ invalid indent style: tab, expected: space
                                                         (EditorConfig indent_style https://goo.gl/8Qkrbr)
    109:68 ❌ invalid newline: crlf, expected: lf       (EditorConfig end_of_line  https://goo.gl/te3t0s)
    110:01 ❌ invalid indent style: tab, expected: space
                                                         (EditorConfig indent_style https://goo.gl/8Qkrbr)
    110:72 ❌ invalid newline: crlf, expected: lf       (EditorConfig end_of_line  https://goo.gl/te3t0s)
    111:01 ❌ invalid indent style: tab, expected: space
                                                         (EditorConfig indent_style https://goo.gl/8Qkrbr)
    111:15 ❌ invalid newline: crlf, expected: lf       (EditorConfig end_of_line  https://goo.gl/te3t0s)
    112:01 ❌ invalid indent style: tab, expected: space
                                                         (EditorConfig indent_style https://goo.gl/8Qkrbr)
    112:39 ❌ invalid newline: crlf, expected: lf       (EditorConfig end_of_line  https://goo.gl/te3t0s)
    113:01 ❌ invalid indent style: tab, expected: space
                                                         (EditorConfig indent_style https://goo.gl/8Qkrbr)
    113:19 ❌ invalid newline: crlf, expected: lf       (EditorConfig end_of_line  https://goo.gl/te3t0s)
    114:01 ❌ invalid indent style: tab, expected: space
                                                         (EditorConfig indent_style https://goo.gl/8Qkrbr)
    114:12 ❌ invalid newline: crlf, expected: lf       (EditorConfig end_of_line  https://goo.gl/te3t0s)
    115:01 ❌ invalid indent style: tab, expected: space
                                                         (EditorConfig indent_style https://goo.gl/8Qkrbr)
    115:04 ❌ invalid newline: crlf, expected: lf       (EditorConfig end_of_line  https://goo.gl/te3t0s)
    116:01 ❌ invalid indent style: tab, expected: space
                                                         (EditorConfig indent_style https://goo.gl/8Qkrbr)
    116:21 ❌ invalid newline: crlf, expected: lf       (EditorConfig end_of_line  https://goo.gl/te3t0s)
    117:01 ❌ invalid newline: crlf, expected: lf       (EditorConfig end_of_line  https://goo.gl/te3t0s)
    118:01 ❌ invalid indent style: tab, expected: space
                                                         (EditorConfig indent_style https://goo.gl/8Qkrbr)
    118:48 ❌ invalid newline: crlf, expected: lf       (EditorConfig end_of_line  https://goo.gl/te3t0s)
    119:01 ❌ invalid newline: crlf, expected: lf       (EditorConfig end_of_line  https://goo.gl/te3t0s)
    120:01 ❌ invalid indent style: tab, expected: space
                                                         (EditorConfig indent_style https://goo.gl/8Qkrbr)
    120:14 ❌ invalid newline: crlf, expected: lf       (EditorConfig end_of_line  https://goo.gl/te3t0s)
    121:02 ❌ invalid newline: crlf, expected: lf       (EditorConfig end_of_line  https://goo.gl/te3t0s)
    122:01 ❌ invalid newline: crlf, expected: lf       (EditorConfig end_of_line  https://goo.gl/te3t0s)
    123:41 ❌ invalid newline: crlf, expected: lf       (EditorConfig end_of_line  https://goo.gl/te3t0s)
    124:01 ❌ invalid indent style: tab, expected: space
                                                         (EditorConfig indent_style https://goo.gl/8Qkrbr)
    124:26 ❌ invalid newline: crlf, expected: lf       (EditorConfig end_of_line  https://goo.gl/te3t0s)
    125:01 ❌ invalid indent style: tab, expected: space
                                                         (EditorConfig indent_style https://goo.gl/8Qkrbr)
    125:31 ❌ invalid newline: crlf, expected: lf       (EditorConfig end_of_line  https://goo.gl/te3t0s)
    126:01 ❌ invalid indent style: tab, expected: space
                                                         (EditorConfig indent_style https://goo.gl/8Qkrbr)
    126:47 ❌ invalid newline: crlf, expected: lf       (EditorConfig end_of_line  https://goo.gl/te3t0s)
    127:01 ❌ invalid indent style: tab, expected: space
                                                         (EditorConfig indent_style https://goo.gl/8Qkrbr)
    127:83 ❌ invalid newline: crlf, expected: lf       (EditorConfig end_of_line  https://goo.gl/te3t0s)
    128:01 ❌ invalid indent style: tab, expected: space
                                                         (EditorConfig indent_style https://goo.gl/8Qkrbr)
    128:05 ❌ invalid newline: crlf, expected: lf       (EditorConfig end_of_line  https://goo.gl/te3t0s)
    129:01 ❌ invalid indent style: tab, expected: space
                                                         (EditorConfig indent_style https://goo.gl/8Qkrbr)
    129:22 ❌ invalid newline: crlf, expected: lf       (EditorConfig end_of_line  https://goo.gl/te3t0s)
    130:01 ❌ invalid indent style: tab, expected: space
                                                         (EditorConfig indent_style https://goo.gl/8Qkrbr)
    130:20 ❌ invalid newline: crlf, expected: lf       (EditorConfig end_of_line  https://goo.gl/te3t0s)
    131:01 ❌ invalid newline: crlf, expected: lf       (EditorConfig end_of_line  https://goo.gl/te3t0s)
    132:01 ❌ invalid indent style: tab, expected: space
                                                         (EditorConfig indent_style https://goo.gl/8Qkrbr)
    132:18 ❌ invalid newline: crlf, expected: lf       (EditorConfig end_of_line  https://goo.gl/te3t0s)
    133:01 ❌ invalid indent style: tab, expected: space
                                                         (EditorConfig indent_style https://goo.gl/8Qkrbr)
    133:27 ❌ invalid newline: crlf, expected: lf       (EditorConfig end_of_line  https://goo.gl/te3t0s)
    134:01 ❌ invalid indent style: tab, expected: space
                                                         (EditorConfig indent_style https://goo.gl/8Qkrbr)
    134:18 ❌ invalid newline: crlf, expected: lf       (EditorConfig end_of_line  https://goo.gl/te3t0s)
    135:01 ❌ invalid indent style: tab, expected: space
                                                         (EditorConfig indent_style https://goo.gl/8Qkrbr)
    135:72 ❌ invalid newline: crlf, expected: lf       (EditorConfig end_of_line  https://goo.gl/te3t0s)
    136:01 ❌ invalid indent style: tab, expected: space
                                                         (EditorConfig indent_style https://goo.gl/8Qkrbr)
    136:64 ❌ invalid newline: crlf, expected: lf       (EditorConfig end_of_line  https://goo.gl/te3t0s)
    137:01 ❌ invalid indent style: tab, expected: space
                                                         (EditorConfig indent_style https://goo.gl/8Qkrbr)
    137:64 ❌ invalid newline: crlf, expected: lf       (EditorConfig end_of_line  https://goo.gl/te3t0s)
    138:01 ❌ invalid indent style: tab, expected: space
                                                         (EditorConfig indent_style https://goo.gl/8Qkrbr)
    138:27 ❌ invalid newline: crlf, expected: lf       (EditorConfig end_of_line  https://goo.gl/te3t0s)
    139:01 ❌ invalid indent style: tab, expected: space
                                                         (EditorConfig indent_style https://goo.gl/8Qkrbr)
    139:46 ❌ invalid newline: crlf, expected: lf       (EditorConfig end_of_line  https://goo.gl/te3t0s)
    140:01 ❌ invalid indent style: tab, expected: space
                                                         (EditorConfig indent_style https://goo.gl/8Qkrbr)
    140:62 ❌ invalid newline: crlf, expected: lf       (EditorConfig end_of_line  https://goo.gl/te3t0s)
    141:01 ❌ invalid indent style: tab, expected: space
                                                         (EditorConfig indent_style https://goo.gl/8Qkrbr)
    141:04 ❌ invalid newline: crlf, expected: lf       (EditorConfig end_of_line  https://goo.gl/te3t0s)
    142:01 ❌ invalid indent style: tab, expected: space
                                                         (EditorConfig indent_style https://goo.gl/8Qkrbr)
    142:51 ❌ invalid newline: crlf, expected: lf       (EditorConfig end_of_line  https://goo.gl/te3t0s)
    143:01 ❌ invalid indent style: tab, expected: space
                                                         (EditorConfig indent_style https://goo.gl/8Qkrbr)
    143:03 ❌ invalid newline: crlf, expected: lf       (EditorConfig end_of_line  https://goo.gl/te3t0s)
    144:01 ❌ invalid newline: crlf, expected: lf       (EditorConfig end_of_line  https://goo.gl/te3t0s)
    145:01 ❌ invalid indent style: tab, expected: space
                                                         (EditorConfig indent_style https://goo.gl/8Qkrbr)
    145:13 ❌ invalid newline: crlf, expected: lf       (EditorConfig end_of_line  https://goo.gl/te3t0s)
    146:01 ❌ invalid indent style: tab, expected: space
                                                         (EditorConfig indent_style https://goo.gl/8Qkrbr)
    146:21 ❌ invalid newline: crlf, expected: lf       (EditorConfig end_of_line  https://goo.gl/te3t0s)
    147:01 ❌ invalid indent style: tab, expected: space
                                                         (EditorConfig indent_style https://goo.gl/8Qkrbr)
    147:10 ❌ invalid newline: crlf, expected: lf       (EditorConfig end_of_line  https://goo.gl/te3t0s)
    148:01 ❌ invalid indent style: tab, expected: space
                                                         (EditorConfig indent_style https://goo.gl/8Qkrbr)
    148:09 ❌ invalid newline: crlf, expected: lf       (EditorConfig end_of_line  https://goo.gl/te3t0s)
    149:01 ❌ invalid indent style: tab, expected: space
                                                         (EditorConfig indent_style https://goo.gl/8Qkrbr)
    149:03 ❌ invalid newline: crlf, expected: lf       (EditorConfig end_of_line  https://goo.gl/te3t0s)
    150:01 ❌ invalid newline: crlf, expected: lf       (EditorConfig end_of_line  https://goo.gl/te3t0s)
    151:01 ❌ invalid indent style: tab, expected: space
                                                         (EditorConfig indent_style https://goo.gl/8Qkrbr)
    151:48 ❌ invalid newline: crlf, expected: lf       (EditorConfig end_of_line  https://goo.gl/te3t0s)
    152:01 ❌ invalid indent style: tab, expected: space
                                                         (EditorConfig indent_style https://goo.gl/8Qkrbr)
    152:51 ❌ invalid newline: crlf, expected: lf       (EditorConfig end_of_line  https://goo.gl/te3t0s)
    153:01 ❌ invalid newline: crlf, expected: lf       (EditorConfig end_of_line  https://goo.gl/te3t0s)
    154:01 ❌ invalid indent style: tab, expected: space
                                                         (EditorConfig indent_style https://goo.gl/8Qkrbr)
    154:38 ❌ invalid newline: crlf, expected: lf       (EditorConfig end_of_line  https://goo.gl/te3t0s)
    155:01 ❌ invalid indent style: tab, expected: space
                                                         (EditorConfig indent_style https://goo.gl/8Qkrbr)
    155:35 ❌ invalid newline: crlf, expected: lf       (EditorConfig end_of_line  https://goo.gl/te3t0s)
    156:01 ❌ invalid indent style: tab, expected: space
                                                         (EditorConfig indent_style https://goo.gl/8Qkrbr)
    156:48 ❌ invalid newline: crlf, expected: lf       (EditorConfig end_of_line  https://goo.gl/te3t0s)
    157:01 ❌ invalid indent style: tab, expected: space
                                                         (EditorConfig indent_style https://goo.gl/8Qkrbr)
    157:11 ❌ invalid newline: crlf, expected: lf       (EditorConfig end_of_line  https://goo.gl/te3t0s)
    158:01 ❌ invalid indent style: tab, expected: space
                                                         (EditorConfig indent_style https://goo.gl/8Qkrbr)
    158:04 ❌ invalid newline: crlf, expected: lf       (EditorConfig end_of_line  https://goo.gl/te3t0s)
    159:01 ❌ invalid newline: crlf, expected: lf       (EditorConfig end_of_line  https://goo.gl/te3t0s)
    160:01 ❌ invalid indent style: tab, expected: space
                                                         (EditorConfig indent_style https://goo.gl/8Qkrbr)
    160:16 ❌ invalid newline: crlf, expected: lf       (EditorConfig end_of_line  https://goo.gl/te3t0s)
    161:01 ❌ invalid indent style: tab, expected: space
                                                         (EditorConfig indent_style https://goo.gl/8Qkrbr)
    161:38 ❌ invalid newline: crlf, expected: lf       (EditorConfig end_of_line  https://goo.gl/te3t0s)
    162:01 ❌ invalid indent style: tab, expected: space
                                                         (EditorConfig indent_style https://goo.gl/8Qkrbr)
    162:53 ❌ invalid newline: crlf, expected: lf       (EditorConfig end_of_line  https://goo.gl/te3t0s)
    163:01 ❌ invalid indent style: tab, expected: space
                                                         (EditorConfig indent_style https://goo.gl/8Qkrbr)
    163:31 ❌ invalid newline: crlf, expected: lf       (EditorConfig end_of_line  https://goo.gl/te3t0s)
    164:01 ❌ invalid indent style: tab, expected: space
                                                         (EditorConfig indent_style https://goo.gl/8Qkrbr)
    164:31 ❌ invalid newline: crlf, expected: lf       (EditorConfig end_of_line  https://goo.gl/te3t0s)
    165:01 ❌ invalid indent style: tab, expected: space
                                                         (EditorConfig indent_style https://goo.gl/8Qkrbr)
    165:16 ❌ invalid newline: crlf, expected: lf       (EditorConfig end_of_line  https://goo.gl/te3t0s)
    166:01 ❌ invalid indent style: tab, expected: space
                                                         (EditorConfig indent_style https://goo.gl/8Qkrbr)
    166:06 ❌ invalid newline: crlf, expected: lf       (EditorConfig end_of_line  https://goo.gl/te3t0s)
    167:01 ❌ invalid indent style: tab, expected: space
                                                         (EditorConfig indent_style https://goo.gl/8Qkrbr)
    167:05 ❌ invalid newline: crlf, expected: lf       (EditorConfig end_of_line  https://goo.gl/te3t0s)
    168:01 ❌ invalid indent style: tab, expected: space
                                                         (EditorConfig indent_style https://goo.gl/8Qkrbr)
    168:04 ❌ invalid newline: crlf, expected: lf       (EditorConfig end_of_line  https://goo.gl/te3t0s)
    169:01 ❌ invalid indent style: tab, expected: space
                                                         (EditorConfig indent_style https://goo.gl/8Qkrbr)
    169:19 ❌ invalid newline: crlf, expected: lf       (EditorConfig end_of_line  https://goo.gl/te3t0s)
    170:01 ❌ invalid newline: crlf, expected: lf       (EditorConfig end_of_line  https://goo.gl/te3t0s)
    171:01 ❌ invalid indent style: tab, expected: space
                                                         (EditorConfig indent_style https://goo.gl/8Qkrbr)
    171:65 ❌ invalid newline: crlf, expected: lf       (EditorConfig end_of_line  https://goo.gl/te3t0s)
    172:01 ❌ invalid indent style: tab, expected: space
                                                         (EditorConfig indent_style https://goo.gl/8Qkrbr)
    172:82 ❌ invalid newline: crlf, expected: lf       (EditorConfig end_of_line  https://goo.gl/te3t0s)
    173:01 ❌ invalid indent style: tab, expected: space
                                                         (EditorConfig indent_style https://goo.gl/8Qkrbr)
    173:05 ❌ invalid newline: crlf, expected: lf       (EditorConfig end_of_line  https://goo.gl/te3t0s)
    174:01 ❌ invalid newline: crlf, expected: lf       (EditorConfig end_of_line  https://goo.gl/te3t0s)
    175:01 ❌ invalid indent style: tab, expected: space
                                                         (EditorConfig indent_style https://goo.gl/8Qkrbr)
    175:17 ❌ invalid newline: crlf, expected: lf       (EditorConfig end_of_line  https://goo.gl/te3t0s)
    176:02 ❌ invalid newline: crlf, expected: lf       (EditorConfig end_of_line  https://goo.gl/te3t0s)
    177:01 ❌ invalid newline: crlf, expected: lf       (EditorConfig end_of_line  https://goo.gl/te3t0s)
    178:46 ❌ invalid newline: crlf, expected: lf       (EditorConfig end_of_line  https://goo.gl/te3t0s)
    179:28 ❌ invalid newline: crlf, expected: lf       (EditorConfig end_of_line  https://goo.gl/te3t0s)
    180:52 ❌ invalid newline: crlf, expected: lf       (EditorConfig end_of_line  https://goo.gl/te3t0s)
    181:38 ❌ invalid newline: crlf, expected: lf       (EditorConfig end_of_line  https://goo.gl/te3t0s)
Error: Command failed: npm run eclint:windows
    at checkExecSyncError (child_process.js:790:11)
    at Object.execSync (child_process.js:863:15)
    at Object.<anonymous> (C:\dev\tape\node_modules\npm-run-posix-or-windows\bin\cli.js:18:19)
    at Module._compile (internal/modules/cjs/loader.js:1085:14)
    at Object.Module._extensions..js (internal/modules/cjs/loader.js:1114:10)
    at Module.load (internal/modules/cjs/loader.js:950:32)
    at Function.Module._load (internal/modules/cjs/loader.js:790:12)
    at Function.executeUserEntryPoint [as runMain] (internal/modules/run_main.js:76:12)
    at internal/main/run_main_module.js:17:47 {
  status: 4294967295,
  signal: null,
  output: [ null, null, null ],
  pid: 5244,
  stdout: null,
  stderr: null
ljharb commented 1 year ago

ok, so there's a few issues here.

the crlf thing is because on windows, you need to (before cloning) configure git with git config --global core.autocrlf true.

For the node thing, what happens if you run npx tap test/*.js?

0xorial commented 1 year ago

For the node thing, what happens if you run npx tap test/*.js?

Then the tests seem to run: 294 passing, 9 pending.

the crlf thing is because on windows, you need to (before cloning) configure git with git config --global core.autocrlf true.

Why don't you put .gitattributes in the repo?

Anyhow, after that I get the following:

PS C:\Users\user\repos\LIS\tape> npm run test      
npm WARN config global `--global`, `--local` are deprecated. Use `--location=global` instead.

> tape@5.6.1 pretest C:\Users\user\repos\LIS\tape
> npm run lint

npm WARN config global `--global`, `--local` are deprecated. Use `--location=global` instead.
npm WARN config auth-type This method of SSO/SAML/OAuth is deprecated and will be removed in
npm WARN config a future version of npm in favor of web-based login.
npm WARN config cache-max This option has been deprecated in favor of `--prefer-online`
npm WARN config cache-min This option has been deprecated in favor of `--prefer-offline`.
npm WARN config optional Use `--omit=optional` to exclude optional dependencies, or
npm WARN config `--include=optional` to include them.
npm WARN config
npm WARN config     Default value does install optional deps unless otherwise omitted.
npm WARN config shrinkwrap Use the --package-lock setting instead.
npm WARN config sso-poll-frequency The --auth-type method of SSO/SAML/OAuth will be removed in a future
npm WARN config version of npm in favor of web-based login.
npm WARN config sso-type The --auth-type method of SSO/SAML/OAuth will be removed in a future
npm WARN config version of npm in favor of web-based login.
npm WARN config tmp This setting is no longer used.  npm stores temporary files in a special
npm WARN config location in the cache, and they are managed by
npm WARN config     [`cacache`](http://npm.im/cacache).

> tape@5.6.1 prelint C:\Users\user\repos\LIS\tape
> npm-run-posix-or-windows eclint

npm WARN config global `--global`, `--local` are deprecated. Use `--location=global` instead.
npm WARN config auth-type This method of SSO/SAML/OAuth is deprecated and will be removed in
npm WARN config a future version of npm in favor of web-based login.
npm WARN config cache-max This option has been deprecated in favor of `--prefer-online`
npm WARN config cache-min This option has been deprecated in favor of `--prefer-offline`.
npm WARN config optional Use `--omit=optional` to exclude optional dependencies, or
npm WARN config `--include=optional` to include them.
npm WARN config
npm WARN config     Default value does install optional deps unless otherwise omitted.
npm WARN config shrinkwrap Use the --package-lock setting instead.
npm WARN config sso-poll-frequency The --auth-type method of SSO/SAML/OAuth will be removed in a future
npm WARN config version of npm in favor of web-based login.
npm WARN config sso-type The --auth-type method of SSO/SAML/OAuth will be removed in a future
npm WARN config version of npm in favor of web-based login.
npm WARN config tmp This setting is no longer used.  npm stores temporary files in a special
npm WARN config location in the cache, and they are managed by
npm WARN config     [`cacache`](http://npm.im/cacache).

> tape@5.6.1 eclint:windows C:\Users\user\repos\LIS\tape
> eclint check *.js

    015:01 ❌ invalid indent style: tab, expected: space
                                                         (EditorConfig indent_style https://goo.gl/8Qkrbr)
    016:01 ❌ invalid indent style: tab, expected: space
                                                         (EditorConfig indent_style https://goo.gl/8Qkrbr)
    018:01 ❌ invalid indent style: tab, expected: space
                                                         (EditorConfig indent_style https://goo.gl/8Qkrbr)
    019:01 ❌ invalid indent style: tab, expected: space
                                                         (EditorConfig indent_style https://goo.gl/8Qkrbr)
    020:01 ❌ invalid indent style: tab, expected: space
                                                         (EditorConfig indent_style https://goo.gl/8Qkrbr)
    021:01 ❌ invalid indent style: tab, expected: space
                                                         (EditorConfig indent_style https://goo.gl/8Qkrbr)
    022:01 ❌ invalid indent style: tab, expected: space
                                                         (EditorConfig indent_style https://goo.gl/8Qkrbr)
    023:01 ❌ invalid indent style: tab, expected: space
                                                         (EditorConfig indent_style https://goo.gl/8Qkrbr)
    024:01 ❌ invalid indent style: tab, expected: space
                                                         (EditorConfig indent_style https://goo.gl/8Qkrbr)
    025:01 ❌ invalid indent style: tab, expected: space
                                                         (EditorConfig indent_style https://goo.gl/8Qkrbr)
    027:01 ❌ invalid indent style: tab, expected: space
                                                         (EditorConfig indent_style https://goo.gl/8Qkrbr)
    028:01 ❌ invalid indent style: tab, expected: space
                                                         (EditorConfig indent_style https://goo.gl/8Qkrbr)
    029:01 ❌ invalid indent style: tab, expected: space
                                                         (EditorConfig indent_style https://goo.gl/8Qkrbr)
    030:01 ❌ invalid indent style: tab, expected: space
                                                         (EditorConfig indent_style https://goo.gl/8Qkrbr)
    032:01 ❌ invalid indent style: tab, expected: space
                                                         (EditorConfig indent_style https://goo.gl/8Qkrbr)
    033:01 ❌ invalid indent style: tab, expected: space
                                                         (EditorConfig indent_style https://goo.gl/8Qkrbr)
    034:01 ❌ invalid indent style: tab, expected: space
                                                         (EditorConfig indent_style https://goo.gl/8Qkrbr)
    036:01 ❌ invalid indent style: tab, expected: space
                                                         (EditorConfig indent_style https://goo.gl/8Qkrbr)
    037:01 ❌ invalid indent style: tab, expected: space
                                                         (EditorConfig indent_style https://goo.gl/8Qkrbr)
    039:01 ❌ invalid indent style: tab, expected: space
                                                         (EditorConfig indent_style https://goo.gl/8Qkrbr)
    040:01 ❌ invalid indent style: tab, expected: space
                                                         (EditorConfig indent_style https://goo.gl/8Qkrbr)
    042:01 ❌ invalid indent style: tab, expected: space
                                                         (EditorConfig indent_style https://goo.gl/8Qkrbr)
    043:01 ❌ invalid indent style: tab, expected: space
                                                         (EditorConfig indent_style https://goo.gl/8Qkrbr)
    044:01 ❌ invalid indent style: tab, expected: space
                                                         (EditorConfig indent_style https://goo.gl/8Qkrbr)
    046:01 ❌ invalid indent style: tab, expected: space
                                                         (EditorConfig indent_style https://goo.gl/8Qkrbr)
    047:01 ❌ invalid indent style: tab, expected: space
                                                         (EditorConfig indent_style https://goo.gl/8Qkrbr)
    048:01 ❌ invalid indent style: tab, expected: space
                                                         (EditorConfig indent_style https://goo.gl/8Qkrbr)
    049:01 ❌ invalid indent style: tab, expected: space
                                                         (EditorConfig indent_style https://goo.gl/8Qkrbr)
    050:01 ❌ invalid indent style: tab, expected: space
                                                         (EditorConfig indent_style https://goo.gl/8Qkrbr)
    051:01 ❌ invalid indent style: tab, expected: space
                                                         (EditorConfig indent_style https://goo.gl/8Qkrbr)
    052:01 ❌ invalid indent style: tab, expected: space
                                                         (EditorConfig indent_style https://goo.gl/8Qkrbr)
    053:01 ❌ invalid indent style: tab, expected: space
                                                         (EditorConfig indent_style https://goo.gl/8Qkrbr)
    054:01 ❌ invalid indent style: tab, expected: space
                                                         (EditorConfig indent_style https://goo.gl/8Qkrbr)
    056:01 ❌ invalid indent style: tab, expected: space
                                                         (EditorConfig indent_style https://goo.gl/8Qkrbr)
    057:01 ❌ invalid indent style: tab, expected: space
                                                         (EditorConfig indent_style https://goo.gl/8Qkrbr)
    058:01 ❌ invalid indent style: tab, expected: space
                                                         (EditorConfig indent_style https://goo.gl/8Qkrbr)
    060:01 ❌ invalid indent style: tab, expected: space
                                                         (EditorConfig indent_style https://goo.gl/8Qkrbr)
    061:01 ❌ invalid indent style: tab, expected: space
                                                         (EditorConfig indent_style https://goo.gl/8Qkrbr)
    062:01 ❌ invalid indent style: tab, expected: space
                                                         (EditorConfig indent_style https://goo.gl/8Qkrbr)
    064:01 ❌ invalid indent style: tab, expected: space
                                                         (EditorConfig indent_style https://goo.gl/8Qkrbr)
    066:01 ❌ invalid indent style: tab, expected: space
                                                         (EditorConfig indent_style https://goo.gl/8Qkrbr)
    070:01 ❌ invalid indent style: tab, expected: space
                                                         (EditorConfig indent_style https://goo.gl/8Qkrbr)
    071:01 ❌ invalid indent style: tab, expected: space
                                                         (EditorConfig indent_style https://goo.gl/8Qkrbr)
    072:01 ❌ invalid indent style: tab, expected: space
                                                         (EditorConfig indent_style https://goo.gl/8Qkrbr)
    073:01 ❌ invalid indent style: tab, expected: space
                                                         (EditorConfig indent_style https://goo.gl/8Qkrbr)
    075:01 ❌ invalid indent style: tab, expected: space
                                                         (EditorConfig indent_style https://goo.gl/8Qkrbr)
    076:01 ❌ invalid indent style: tab, expected: space
                                                         (EditorConfig indent_style https://goo.gl/8Qkrbr)
    077:01 ❌ invalid indent style: tab, expected: space
                                                         (EditorConfig indent_style https://goo.gl/8Qkrbr)
    079:01 ❌ invalid indent style: tab, expected: space
                                                         (EditorConfig indent_style https://goo.gl/8Qkrbr)
    080:01 ❌ invalid indent style: tab, expected: space
                                                         (EditorConfig indent_style https://goo.gl/8Qkrbr)
    081:01 ❌ invalid indent style: tab, expected: space
                                                         (EditorConfig indent_style https://goo.gl/8Qkrbr)
    082:01 ❌ invalid indent style: tab, expected: space
                                                         (EditorConfig indent_style https://goo.gl/8Qkrbr)
    083:01 ❌ invalid indent style: tab, expected: space
                                                         (EditorConfig indent_style https://goo.gl/8Qkrbr)
    084:01 ❌ invalid indent style: tab, expected: space
                                                         (EditorConfig indent_style https://goo.gl/8Qkrbr)
    085:01 ❌ invalid indent style: tab, expected: space
                                                         (EditorConfig indent_style https://goo.gl/8Qkrbr)
    086:01 ❌ invalid indent style: tab, expected: space
                                                         (EditorConfig indent_style https://goo.gl/8Qkrbr)
    088:01 ❌ invalid indent style: tab, expected: space
                                                         (EditorConfig indent_style https://goo.gl/8Qkrbr)
    089:01 ❌ invalid indent style: tab, expected: space
                                                         (EditorConfig indent_style https://goo.gl/8Qkrbr)
    090:01 ❌ invalid indent style: tab, expected: space
                                                         (EditorConfig indent_style https://goo.gl/8Qkrbr)
    091:01 ❌ invalid indent style: tab, expected: space
                                                         (EditorConfig indent_style https://goo.gl/8Qkrbr)
    093:01 ❌ invalid indent style: tab, expected: space
                                                         (EditorConfig indent_style https://goo.gl/8Qkrbr)
    095:01 ❌ invalid indent style: tab, expected: space
                                                         (EditorConfig indent_style https://goo.gl/8Qkrbr)
    096:01 ❌ invalid indent style: tab, expected: space
                                                         (EditorConfig indent_style https://goo.gl/8Qkrbr)
    097:01 ❌ invalid indent style: tab, expected: space
                                                         (EditorConfig indent_style https://goo.gl/8Qkrbr)
    099:01 ❌ invalid indent style: tab, expected: space
                                                         (EditorConfig indent_style https://goo.gl/8Qkrbr)
    100:01 ❌ invalid indent style: tab, expected: space
                                                         (EditorConfig indent_style https://goo.gl/8Qkrbr)
    101:01 ❌ invalid indent style: tab, expected: space
                                                         (EditorConfig indent_style https://goo.gl/8Qkrbr)
    103:01 ❌ invalid indent style: tab, expected: space
                                                         (EditorConfig indent_style https://goo.gl/8Qkrbr)
    104:01 ❌ invalid indent style: tab, expected: space
                                                         (EditorConfig indent_style https://goo.gl/8Qkrbr)
    105:01 ❌ invalid indent style: tab, expected: space
                                                         (EditorConfig indent_style https://goo.gl/8Qkrbr)
    107:01 ❌ invalid indent style: tab, expected: space
                                                         (EditorConfig indent_style https://goo.gl/8Qkrbr)
    108:01 ❌ invalid indent style: tab, expected: space
                                                         (EditorConfig indent_style https://goo.gl/8Qkrbr)
    109:01 ❌ invalid indent style: tab, expected: space
                                                         (EditorConfig indent_style https://goo.gl/8Qkrbr)
    110:01 ❌ invalid indent style: tab, expected: space
                                                         (EditorConfig indent_style https://goo.gl/8Qkrbr)
    111:01 ❌ invalid indent style: tab, expected: space
                                                         (EditorConfig indent_style https://goo.gl/8Qkrbr)
    112:01 ❌ invalid indent style: tab, expected: space
                                                         (EditorConfig indent_style https://goo.gl/8Qkrbr)
    113:01 ❌ invalid indent style: tab, expected: space
                                                         (EditorConfig indent_style https://goo.gl/8Qkrbr)
    114:01 ❌ invalid indent style: tab, expected: space
                                                         (EditorConfig indent_style https://goo.gl/8Qkrbr)
    115:01 ❌ invalid indent style: tab, expected: space
                                                         (EditorConfig indent_style https://goo.gl/8Qkrbr)
    116:01 ❌ invalid indent style: tab, expected: space
                                                         (EditorConfig indent_style https://goo.gl/8Qkrbr)
    118:01 ❌ invalid indent style: tab, expected: space
                                                         (EditorConfig indent_style https://goo.gl/8Qkrbr)
    120:01 ❌ invalid indent style: tab, expected: space
                                                         (EditorConfig indent_style https://goo.gl/8Qkrbr)
    124:01 ❌ invalid indent style: tab, expected: space
                                                         (EditorConfig indent_style https://goo.gl/8Qkrbr)
    125:01 ❌ invalid indent style: tab, expected: space
                                                         (EditorConfig indent_style https://goo.gl/8Qkrbr)
    126:01 ❌ invalid indent style: tab, expected: space
                                                         (EditorConfig indent_style https://goo.gl/8Qkrbr)
    127:01 ❌ invalid indent style: tab, expected: space
                                                         (EditorConfig indent_style https://goo.gl/8Qkrbr)
    128:01 ❌ invalid indent style: tab, expected: space
                                                         (EditorConfig indent_style https://goo.gl/8Qkrbr)
    129:01 ❌ invalid indent style: tab, expected: space
                                                         (EditorConfig indent_style https://goo.gl/8Qkrbr)
    130:01 ❌ invalid indent style: tab, expected: space
                                                         (EditorConfig indent_style https://goo.gl/8Qkrbr)
    132:01 ❌ invalid indent style: tab, expected: space
                                                         (EditorConfig indent_style https://goo.gl/8Qkrbr)
    133:01 ❌ invalid indent style: tab, expected: space
                                                         (EditorConfig indent_style https://goo.gl/8Qkrbr)
    134:01 ❌ invalid indent style: tab, expected: space
                                                         (EditorConfig indent_style https://goo.gl/8Qkrbr)
    135:01 ❌ invalid indent style: tab, expected: space
                                                         (EditorConfig indent_style https://goo.gl/8Qkrbr)
    136:01 ❌ invalid indent style: tab, expected: space
                                                         (EditorConfig indent_style https://goo.gl/8Qkrbr)
    137:01 ❌ invalid indent style: tab, expected: space
                                                         (EditorConfig indent_style https://goo.gl/8Qkrbr)
    138:01 ❌ invalid indent style: tab, expected: space
                                                         (EditorConfig indent_style https://goo.gl/8Qkrbr)
    139:01 ❌ invalid indent style: tab, expected: space
                                                         (EditorConfig indent_style https://goo.gl/8Qkrbr)
    140:01 ❌ invalid indent style: tab, expected: space
                                                         (EditorConfig indent_style https://goo.gl/8Qkrbr)
    141:01 ❌ invalid indent style: tab, expected: space
                                                         (EditorConfig indent_style https://goo.gl/8Qkrbr)
    142:01 ❌ invalid indent style: tab, expected: space
                                                         (EditorConfig indent_style https://goo.gl/8Qkrbr)
    143:01 ❌ invalid indent style: tab, expected: space
                                                         (EditorConfig indent_style https://goo.gl/8Qkrbr)
    145:01 ❌ invalid indent style: tab, expected: space
                                                         (EditorConfig indent_style https://goo.gl/8Qkrbr)
    146:01 ❌ invalid indent style: tab, expected: space
                                                         (EditorConfig indent_style https://goo.gl/8Qkrbr)
    147:01 ❌ invalid indent style: tab, expected: space
                                                         (EditorConfig indent_style https://goo.gl/8Qkrbr)
    148:01 ❌ invalid indent style: tab, expected: space
                                                         (EditorConfig indent_style https://goo.gl/8Qkrbr)
    149:01 ❌ invalid indent style: tab, expected: space
                                                         (EditorConfig indent_style https://goo.gl/8Qkrbr)
    151:01 ❌ invalid indent style: tab, expected: space
                                                         (EditorConfig indent_style https://goo.gl/8Qkrbr)
    152:01 ❌ invalid indent style: tab, expected: space
                                                         (EditorConfig indent_style https://goo.gl/8Qkrbr)
    154:01 ❌ invalid indent style: tab, expected: space
                                                         (EditorConfig indent_style https://goo.gl/8Qkrbr)
    155:01 ❌ invalid indent style: tab, expected: space
                                                         (EditorConfig indent_style https://goo.gl/8Qkrbr)
    156:01 ❌ invalid indent style: tab, expected: space
                                                         (EditorConfig indent_style https://goo.gl/8Qkrbr)
    157:01 ❌ invalid indent style: tab, expected: space
                                                         (EditorConfig indent_style https://goo.gl/8Qkrbr)
    158:01 ❌ invalid indent style: tab, expected: space
                                                         (EditorConfig indent_style https://goo.gl/8Qkrbr)
    160:01 ❌ invalid indent style: tab, expected: space
                                                         (EditorConfig indent_style https://goo.gl/8Qkrbr)
    161:01 ❌ invalid indent style: tab, expected: space
                                                         (EditorConfig indent_style https://goo.gl/8Qkrbr)
    162:01 ❌ invalid indent style: tab, expected: space
                                                         (EditorConfig indent_style https://goo.gl/8Qkrbr)
    163:01 ❌ invalid indent style: tab, expected: space
                                                         (EditorConfig indent_style https://goo.gl/8Qkrbr)
    164:01 ❌ invalid indent style: tab, expected: space
                                                         (EditorConfig indent_style https://goo.gl/8Qkrbr)
    165:01 ❌ invalid indent style: tab, expected: space
                                                         (EditorConfig indent_style https://goo.gl/8Qkrbr)
    166:01 ❌ invalid indent style: tab, expected: space
                                                         (EditorConfig indent_style https://goo.gl/8Qkrbr)
    167:01 ❌ invalid indent style: tab, expected: space
                                                         (EditorConfig indent_style https://goo.gl/8Qkrbr)
    168:01 ❌ invalid indent style: tab, expected: space
                                                         (EditorConfig indent_style https://goo.gl/8Qkrbr)
    169:01 ❌ invalid indent style: tab, expected: space
                                                         (EditorConfig indent_style https://goo.gl/8Qkrbr)
    171:01 ❌ invalid indent style: tab, expected: space
                                                         (EditorConfig indent_style https://goo.gl/8Qkrbr)
    172:01 ❌ invalid indent style: tab, expected: space
                                                         (EditorConfig indent_style https://goo.gl/8Qkrbr)
    173:01 ❌ invalid indent style: tab, expected: space
                                                         (EditorConfig indent_style https://goo.gl/8Qkrbr)
    175:01 ❌ invalid indent style: tab, expected: space
                                                         (EditorConfig indent_style https://goo.gl/8Qkrbr)
npm ERR! errno 4294967295
npm ERR! tape@5.6.1 eclint:windows: `eclint check *.js`
npm ERR! Exit status 4294967295
npm ERR!
npm ERR! Failed at the tape@5.6.1 eclint:windows script.
npm ERR! This is probably not a problem with npm. There is likely additional logging output above.

npm ERR! A complete log of this run can be found in:
npm ERR!     C:\Users\user\AppData\Roaming\npm-cache\_logs\2022-10-17T21_28_49_695Z-debug.log
Error: Command failed: npm run eclint:windows
    at checkExecSyncError (node:child_process:828:11)
    at Object.execSync (node:child_process:899:15)
    at Object.<anonymous> (C:\Users\user\repos\LIS\tape\node_modules\npm-run-posix-or-windows\bin\cli.js:18:19)
    at Module._compile (node:internal/modules/cjs/loader:1105:14)
    at Object.Module._extensions..js (node:internal/modules/cjs/loader:1159:10)
    at Module.load (node:internal/modules/cjs/loader:981:32)
    at Function.Module._load (node:internal/modules/cjs/loader:822:12)
    at Function.executeUserEntryPoint [as runMain] (node:internal/modules/run_main:77:12)
    at node:internal/main/run_main_module:17:47 {
  status: 4294967295,
  signal: null,
  output: [ null, null, null ],
  pid: 21228,
  stdout: null,
  stderr: null
npm ERR! errno 1
npm ERR! tape@5.6.1 prelint: `npm-run-posix-or-windows eclint`
npm ERR! Exit status 1
npm ERR!
npm ERR! Failed at the tape@5.6.1 prelint script.
npm ERR! This is probably not a problem with npm. There is likely additional logging output above.

npm ERR! A complete log of this run can be found in:
npm ERR!     C:\Users\user\AppData\Roaming\npm-cache\_logs\2022-10-17T21_28_49_727Z-debug.log
npm ERR! errno 1
npm ERR! tape@5.6.1 pretest: `npm run lint`
npm ERR! Exit status 1
npm ERR!
npm ERR! Failed at the tape@5.6.1 pretest script.
npm ERR! This is probably not a problem with npm. There is likely additional logging output above.

npm ERR! A complete log of this run can be found in:
npm ERR!     C:\Users\user\AppData\Roaming\npm-cache\_logs\2022-10-17T21_28_49_770Z-debug.log
ljharb commented 1 year ago

I could put gitattributes in the repo, but then i'd have to manually add a file to all of my repos, and that still wouldn't fix the underlying problem of Windows line endings for devs - until they learn to do this globally, at which point the per-repo file isn't needed anymore.

The --global warning means you have a broken version of npm 8; you may want to upgrade node/npm.

Good catch on the eclint checks; npm run eclint:windows fails although npm run eclint does not; I'll fix that momentarily.

If npm run tests-only also fails, then that suggests that nyc is unable to find node on windows. I'd love to figure out how to solve that; that would probably unblock adding windows tests to CI.

0xorial commented 1 year ago

I managed to get npm run tests-only running by doing npm i nyc. Seemingly otherwise it uses nyc@8, which doesn't work whereas nyc@15 works. (with a minor tweak of quotes : "tests-only": "nyc tap \"test/*.js\"",

Any comments on that?

And out of curiosity - why doesn't tape use itself to run tests?

ljharb commented 1 year ago

nyc 15 doesn't work on the older browser engines we support.

Tape using itself to run tests is a bit strange imo; I think it would increase the chances in a bug being obscured.

ljharb commented 7 months ago

I believe this was fixed by #602