Upgraded packages and fixed issues caused by npm audit. Now reports 0 vulnerabilities.
Some tests failed in Mac, adjusted code.
Fixed Mocha not exiting in 5.2.0 by adding the --exit option.
Note: This commit adds the package-lock.json file. npm recommends the lock file being added to git, however if the maintainers do not want it to be added then they can add it to the .gitignore file.
Hi, thanks for the PR. I ended up doing more or less the same manually in a few separate commits (wanted to try minor upgrades first and understand npm audit better). At least for now, I left the package-lock out.
Note: This commit adds the package-lock.json file.
recommends the lock file being added to git, however if the maintainers do not want it to be added then they can add it to the .gitignore file.