tapjs / tapjs

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Test timeout usign CLI timeout value instead of the t.setTimeout() value #750

Closed acotty closed 2 years ago

acotty commented 3 years ago

Problem: I have a delay of 135 seconds in a unit test to cause a timeout when testing with a real keycloak container and in order to ensure that node-tap does not timeout I have include a t.timout(360000); at the top of the test case as shown below (it is one of many in the file btw).

Have I done something wrong as I am new to TAP? Is this a real bug? If it is is there a work arround for this? (besides setting the global timeout to 6 minutes)?

Test case failing:

t.test('GrantManager should not be able to refresh token after ssoSessionIdleTimeout', (t) => {

  t.setTimeout(360000); // Change timeout from 30 sec to 360 sec

  const fixtureConfig = new Config('./test/fixtures/auth-utils/keycloak-token-test.json');
  const manager = new GrantManager(fixtureConfig);
  manager.obtainDirectly('bburke@redhat.com', 'password')
    .then((grant) => {
      return manager.validateAccessToken(grant.access_token)
      .then(firstToken => {
        t.not(firstToken, false, 'Ensure manager.validateAccessToken token is not empty'); // test #1
        console.log('Delay 135 seconds (2 minutes 15 seconds), please wait for delay to complete.');
        t.comment('Delay 135 seconds (2 minutes 15 seconds), please wait for delay to complete.');
        return grant;
        // 15 second ssoSessionIdleTimeout + 120s IDLE_TIMEOUT_WINDOW_SECONDS from
        //  https://github.com/keycloak/keycloak/blob/master/server-spi-private/src/main/java/org/keycloak/models/utils/SessionTimeoutHelper.java
      .then( () => {
        return manager.ensureFreshness(grant);
      .catch((e) => {
        t.equal(e.message, 'Unable to refresh with expired refresh token', 'Check manager.ensureFreshness times out due to waiting before calling manager.ensureFreshness'); // test #2
    .catch((e) => {
    .finally( () => {

I get a timeout base on the CLI (or default value if no timeout is specified on CLI)

My configuration is

package.json test script:
    "test": "./node_modules/.bin/rimraf .nyc_output && ./node_modules/.bin/nyc ./node_modules/.bin/tap --timeout=60 -j1 test/*-spec.js"

TAP v15.0.9 
NodeJS v16.1.0

The following snippet from the github action log shows the SIGTERM event and that it occurred after 60 seconds instead of 6 minutes.

2021-05-08T08:07:16.6708016Z     # Subtest: GrantManager should not be able to refresh token after ssoSessionIdleTimeout
2021-05-08T08:07:16.6709019Z         1..2
2021-05-08T08:07:16.8045385Z         ok 1 - Ensure manager.validateAccessToken token is not empty
2021-05-08T08:07:16.8051645Z     Delay 135 seconds (2 minutes 15 seconds), please wait for delay to complete.
2021-05-08T08:08:06.1199173Z         # Delay 135 seconds (2 minutes 15 seconds), please wait for delay to complete.
2021-05-08T08:08:06.1200652Z         not ok 2 - timeout!
2021-05-08T08:08:06.1201208Z           ---
2021-05-08T08:08:06.1201643Z           signal: SIGTERM
2021-05-08T08:08:06.1202112Z           expired: TAP
2021-05-08T08:08:06.1202546Z           stack: |
2021-05-08T08:08:06.1203334Z             emit (node_modules/signal-exit/index.js:78:11)
2021-05-08T08:08:06.1204391Z             process.listener (node_modules/signal-exit/index.js:92:7)
2021-05-08T08:08:06.1205520Z           test: GrantManager should not be able to refresh token after ssoSessionIdleTimeout
2021-05-08T08:08:06.1206272Z           ...
2021-05-08T08:08:06.1236880Z         # failed 1 of 2 tests
2021-05-08T08:08:06.1240308Z     not ok 2 - GrantManager should not be able to refresh token after ssoSessionIdleTimeout # time=49450.348ms
2021-05-08T08:08:06.1245982Z     1..2
2021-05-08T08:08:06.1248634Z     # failed 1 of 2 tests
2021-05-08T08:08:06.1251308Z     # time=59735.154ms
2021-05-08T08:08:06.1346356Z not ok 2 - test/grant-manager-token-timeout-spec.js # time=59735.154ms
2021-05-08T08:08:06.1348051Z   ---
2021-05-08T08:08:06.1348628Z   env: {}
2021-05-08T08:08:06.1349807Z   file: test/grant-manager-token-timeout-spec.js
2021-05-08T08:08:06.1350826Z   timeout: 60000
2021-05-08T08:08:06.1351612Z   command: /opt/hostedtoolcache/node/16.1.0/x64/bin/node
2021-05-08T08:08:06.1352322Z   args:
2021-05-08T08:08:06.1353446Z     - test/grant-manager-token-timeout-spec.js
2021-05-08T08:08:06.1354380Z   stdio:
2021-05-08T08:08:06.1355456Z     - 0
2021-05-08T08:08:06.1356235Z     - pipe
2021-05-08T08:08:06.1356991Z     - 2
2021-05-08T08:08:06.1359648Z   cwd: /home/runner/work/keycloak-nodejs-connect/keycloak-nodejs-connect
2021-05-08T08:08:06.1360714Z   exitCode: null
2021-05-08T08:08:06.1361294Z   signal: SIGTERM
2021-05-08T08:08:06.1361824Z   ...
acotty commented 2 years ago

never going to be fixed.