taplytics / Taplytics-Android-SDK

Taplytics Android SDK
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Incompatible with R8 (Proguard replacement) #45

Closed kanetik closed 6 years ago

kanetik commented 6 years ago

Google's previewing a replacement for Proguard called R8 (https://developer.android.com/studio/preview/features/), and it appears I cannot build a release w/ shrinking enabled as long as I've got Taplytics in my code.

Error I get is:

Error in C:\Users\jkane.gradle\caches\transforms-1\files-1.1\taplytics-1.24.1.aar\9e5a6b0cabb94591e1188a32c131b082\proguard.txt: Expected char '-' at C:\Users\jkane.gradle\caches\transforms-1\files-1.1\taplytics-1.24.1.aar\9e5a6b0cabb94591e1188a32c131b082\proguard.txt:4:17 -keepattributes Exceptions,LineNumberTable,Signature,Annotation,SourceFile,EnclosingMethod

I tried invalidating cache, and still get the same error on prod build.

cdruxerman commented 6 years ago

Hi @jkane001 thank you for bringing this to our attention. I'll have our team look into it and get back to you

kavitasookrah commented 6 years ago

Hey @jkane001,

Sorry for the delayed response to this. Can you give us any additional details on the the set up - specifically:

Any additional info you can provide would help! Thanks very much,


VicV commented 6 years ago

Confirmed this is no longer an issue. Thanks!