tapmodo / Jcrop

Jcrop - The Javascript Image Cropping Engine
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Does Jcrop support rotating a drawn bounding box? #191

Open diPDew opened 9 years ago

diPDew commented 9 years ago

Currently, the size of a bounding box that has been drawn/cropped can be adjusted by dragging one side. May I know if there is any function to support the bounding box to be rotated with some mouse dragging event (like rotating objects in PowerPoint)? If no, will this function be in the future road map?


tapmodo commented 9 years ago

From the question, the interaction you are describing is not totally clear. The very short answer is that v2 contains a yet undemonstrated feature to rotate the image you are cropping. The "crop box" does not rotate, but the image can (in some cases, given browser compatibility). That is, the capability currently exists, but no one has built a front-end yet.

Raw example (assuming your browser is canvas-capable)

var jcp = $("#target").Jcrop('api');
alexsasharegan commented 7 years ago

I've been searching everywhere for the best way to add rotation into my jcrop tool... This is great! A little spot of documentation/demonstration on this would be awesome for others.

kcaporaso commented 5 years ago

@tapmodo, thanks for the great cropping tool. So am I hearing no rotation support in v0.9.x? Is v2 usable yet, I grabbed the JS and tried to use it, but it doesn't seem to work yet the cropping area is slammed down at the bottom left and doesn't behave properly. With v0.9.12 I've tried some things based on this post, but no real luck yet: https://stackoverflow.com/questions/20062754/make-jcrop-tracker-not-rotate-when-cropping-a-rotated-image/20794750 Yes, I can rotate the image, but the cropping selector rotates and that's not what I'm after. Need the image to rotate and the cropper remain in the same orientation as originally specified. Thanks for any tips/hints you may offer.