tapmodo / Jcrop

Jcrop - The Javascript Image Cropping Engine
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Add support for client side cropping using a HTML5 <canvas> element #99

Open cobexer opened 11 years ago

cobexer commented 11 years ago

for a list of browsers that would likely gain client side cropping support have a look at: http://caniuse.com/#feat=canvas

Note: in case you are unfamiliar with the HTML5 make sure the image is from the same domain or you will be unable to get the resulting image out of the canvas again.

would love to see client side cropping added to this awesome library

viktor-evdokimov commented 10 years ago

Oh I hoped this is implemented here already, seems that I can add my two coins here...

juuxstar commented 10 years ago

+1 Would be a great logical addition to this library. Have to implement this separately and kinda silly that it's not built in.