tapmodo / node-ldif

Nodejs LDIF (LDAP Data Interchange Format) parser based on RFC2849
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Empty line after version not ignored #1

Closed smilingthax closed 8 years ago

smilingthax commented 8 years ago

This generates a parse error with node-ldif, while being accepted by other ldif software:

  'version: 1\n' +
  '\n' +    // <-- commenting out this line makes it work again
  'dn: dc=test\n' +
  'dc: test\n'
tapmodo commented 8 years ago

Thank you! I think you are right, that this is valid. I'll try to verify that with the RFC but I think you are right, this is acceptable by other parsers. I will add it to the tests, create and issue a fix, and update this ticket.

tapmodo commented 8 years ago

This should be working now, thanks for submitting this issue!
Published an updated version 0.5.0 to npm.