tapouillo / BMGlyphLabel

BMGlyphLabel and BMGlyphFont class for iOS7 Sprite Kit
MIT License
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Updated CocoaPod spec, please? Last one is very out of date #12

Closed Multiforge closed 9 years ago

Multiforge commented 9 years ago


I'm using BMGlyphLabel in a new project via CocoaPods. However, the latest BMGlyphLabel version available via CocoaPods is 0.1.1, which is very old. Any chance you could create a new 0.1.2 tag and submit a new podspec for it?

Currently this is all that's available: https://github.com/CocoaPods/Specs/blob/master/Specs/BMGlyphLabel/0.1.1/BMGlyphLabel.podspec.json

Best regards, and thanks for any help.

tapouillo commented 9 years ago

Hi, sure I will do it shortly, sorry for that...

tapouillo commented 9 years ago

it should be done now: pod trunk info BMGlyphLabel


let me know if there is any problems

Multiforge commented 9 years ago

Merci beaucoup! Much appreciated.