tapquo / Lungo.js

A framework for developers who want to design, build and share cross device applications.
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data-view-menu is not working in phonegap[solved] #261

Open chrcao opened 10 years ago

chrcao commented 10 years ago

hi, I use menu with attribute data-view-menu, and it can work in firefox browser. but, after I make a phonegap app and installed to my android device(version 4.2). nothing showed when I click menu button. could you help that. thanks.

chrcao commented 10 years ago

disappointed, no one response this problem. but good news, I solved this issue. if anyone meets this issue again. set transition-duration to 0ms which is defined in lungo.css

berthojoris commented 10 years ago

Thanks for your trick,

Do you mean -webkit-transition-duration, -moz-transition-duration, -ms-transition-duration and -o-transition-duration or just transition-duration ??

chrcao commented 10 years ago

yes, right. seems this css is not supported in phonegap.

chrcao commented 10 years ago

I set all values to 0, not just transition-duration

berthojoris commented 10 years ago

When you are sets, all goes smoothly in phonegap?

chrcao commented 10 years ago

yes, the result is ok for me.

berthojoris commented 10 years ago

What about the lag issues? I'm trying to create an application with lungo for phonegap, while still in the stages develop in the computer. Do you use the web application server to process the data?

chrcao commented 10 years ago

Do you mean lungo framework is not fast compared with native app? every mobile html framework has this issue. I think. because it is html, js, css... current now. I have not try to load big data to html page. so I don't know the result. but I think workaround always can be found to improve it if it has terrible performance really.

thakerhardiks commented 10 years ago

Where's the solution? I am facing same problem ! :'(

chrcao commented 10 years ago

set transition-duration to 0ms which is defined in lungo.css

thakerhardiks commented 10 years ago

Not working.. Changed all transition-duration:0ms but not working !!

chrcao commented 10 years ago

maybe it is not a same problem.

lordaugustus commented 10 years ago

I notice strange lag on section transition on phonegap too. Any ideas?

kutub-utara commented 10 years ago

its work, thanks