Closed mqliutie closed 8 years ago
This is options below :
{ bowerJson: { name: 'ingboHottowel', version: '0.0.1', description: 'ingboHottowel', authors: [], license: 'MIT', ignore: ['**/.*', 'node_modules', 'bower_components', 'test', 'tests'], devDependencies: { 'angular-mocks': '^1.4.5', sinon: '', bardjs: '^0.1.4', plupload: '=2.1.1' }, dependencies: { jquery: '^2.1.4', angular: '^1.4.5', 'angular-sanitize': '^1.4.5', '': '^0.9.2', 'font-awesome': '^4.3.0', moment: '^2.10.3', 'angular-ui-router': '^0.2.15', toastr: '^2.1.1', 'angular-animate': '^1.4.5', weui: '^0.4.0', amazeui: '^2.5.2', simditor: '~2.2.3', sweetalert: '^1.1.3', qiniu: '^1.0.14-beta', highlight: '~8.9.1', respond: '~1.4.2' }, resolutions: { angular: '1.3.17' , plupload: '=2.1.1' } }, directory: './bower_components/', ignorePath: '../..' }
However, highlight and plupload can not be found in index.html
Because of overrides. I know
This is options below :
However, highlight and plupload can not be found in index.html