taraniselsu / TacLifeSupport

Life Support from Thunder Aerospace Corporation
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Editing consumption/production rates and densities does not alter pod resource amounts #12

Closed seanth closed 10 years ago

seanth commented 10 years ago

A bug-ish situation:

If one changes the consumption/production rates to use the biologic rates as given in your spreadsheet, and adjusts the densities accordingly, everything works fine, but the command pods don't get updated on the amounts of resources they have. They are set up assuming the 1 unit/kerbal/day.

It's not really a bug in that everything works perfectly. Not sure the correct term.

taraniselsu commented 10 years ago

Changing the Default Resource Amount only affects parts that have not already been configured with resources. I did that so you can override the default on a part-by-part basis.

And I added resources to all of the stock parts using a ModuleManager config file. See the StockPartChanges.cfg in {KSP}/GameData/ThunderAerospace/TacLifeSupport

I will try to make that clearer.

taraniselsu commented 10 years ago

I removed that setting so now resources are only added to parts by MM configs.