taraniselsu / TacLifeSupport

Life Support from Thunder Aerospace Corporation
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Per-part overrides for requirements #17

Open NathanKell opened 10 years ago

NathanKell commented 10 years ago

This is particularly useful for electricity, so things like Fustek habs could have higher base rates and per-kerbal rates than Mk1 pods, but also useful for water (since on stations, but probably not small pods/landers, showers would use extra water).

taraniselsu commented 9 years ago

For water, would it be better to write a "shower" part module that a part can contain that dictates how much additional water is used? Along with a "laundry" module?

That would be easier for me, and might integrate better if (when?) I implement "morale" or "comfort" (mainly to penalize sending a Kerbal in a mk1pod to Eeloo).

pjf commented 9 years ago

+1 for a morale system, although balancing it and having reasonable consequences for ignoring it would be interesting.

taraniselsu commented 9 years ago

Which is why I haven't done it yet. But I have given it a lot of thought.

NathanKell commented 9 years ago

Oh, that's even better! Great idea, and if that makes things easier? Awesome.