$ luarocks install cbench
Installing http://rocks.tarantool.org/cbench-scm-1.rockspec...
Using http://rocks.tarantool.org/cbench-scm-1.rockspec... switching to 'build' mode
Error: Could not find header file for MSGPUCK
No file msgpuck/msgpuck.h in /usr/local/include
No file msgpuck/msgpuck.h in /usr/include
You may have to install MSGPUCK in your system and/or pass MSGPUCK_DIR or MSGPUCK_INCDIR to the luarocks command.
Example: luarocks install cbench MSGPUCK_DIR=/usr/local
The reason is that msgpuck.h header doesn't have msgpuck/ prefix. On both centos and alpine it's located in:
The reason is that msgpuck.h header doesn't have msgpuck/ prefix. On both centos and alpine it's located in: /usr/local/include/msgpuck.h