To avoid of issue:
CMake Error at third_party/luajit/CMakeLists.txt:11 (cmake_minimum_required):
CMake 3.1 or higher is required. You are running version
added cmake3 package to CentOS image dockerfile build.
Update readme file
Added new tags and rolling versions.
Reorganized tables of versions to make it compact.
gitlab-ci: update tags/branches and bump versions
Added new tags with manual builds: 1.10.10: 1.10.10-0-gaea7ae77a 2.6.3: 2.6.3-0-gcd487a2c5 2.7.2: 2.7.2-0-g4d8c06890 2.8.1: 2.8.1-0-ge2a1ec0c2 2.9.0: 2.9.0-0-g15bbdab92
Bumped/created branches: 2.6: 2.6.3-0-gcd487a2c5 2.7: 2.7.2-0-g4d8c06890 2.8: 2.8.1-0-ge2a1ec0c2
Updated stable images: 1.x: 1.10.10-0-gaea7ae77a 2.x: 2.7.2-0-g4d8c06890
Add cmake3 installation for luajit build
To avoid of issue: CMake Error at third_party/luajit/CMakeLists.txt:11 (cmake_minimum_required): CMake 3.1 or higher is required. You are running version
added cmake3 package to CentOS image dockerfile build.
Update readme file