tarantool / go-tarantool

Tarantool 1.10+ client for Go language
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OverrideSchema not working as expected #318

Closed verybadcoder01 closed 1 year ago

verybadcoder01 commented 1 year ago

I'm trying to create space with indexes and everything with my go application. At firtst I tried doing this by calling lua functions directly via tarantool.Call(), but that's just painful, so I looked around and found OverrideSchema() function. Unfortunately, I could not find any documentation for it. I wrote some code:

        Version: 1,
        Spaces: map[string]*tarantool.Space{
            "messages": {
                Name: "messages", Id: 1,
                Fields: map[string]*tarantool.Field{
                    "time":  {Name: "time", Id: 1, Type: "datetime", IsNullable: false},
                    "value": {Name: "value", Id: 2, Type: "string", IsNullable: false},
                Indexes: map[string]*tarantool.Index{
                    "primary": {
                        Name: "primary", SpaceId: 1, Unique: false,
                        Fields: []*tarantool.IndexField{{Id: 1, Type: "datetime"}},

This doesn't seem to do anything. At least, it doesn't create a space in tarantool (and that's what I want). What am I missing? Do I have to stick with direct function calling approach?

oleg-jukovec commented 1 year ago

The connector does not support an automatic schema reload after a space/index creation: https://github.com/tarantool/go-tarantool/issues/7 .

So you need:

  1. Create a space with Call().
  2. Create an index with Call().
  3. Create a new connection and work with it to make requests to the space/index.

The OverrideSchema method just overwrites a schema data from a Tarantool instance. It does not create any space/index. It does not modify a schema data on the Tarantool instance. You could to skip creating a new connection (step 3) after a space/index creation with the method.

verybadcoder01 commented 1 year ago

Thank you, I get it now. I guess this doesn't relate to this issue, but that's just something I also couldn't find an answer for. How to marshall time.Time into tarantool datetime field? I have a struct like

type Tuple struct {
    _msgpack struct{}  `msgpack:",asArray"` //nolint // that's the doc
    Value    string   
    Time     time.Time

And throwing it into insert query gives me "Tuple field 2 (time) type does not match one required by operation: expected datetime, got extension" Do I have to use msgpack:"something" for this?

oleg-jukovec commented 1 year ago

Thank you, I get it now. I guess this doesn't relate to this issue, but that's just something I also couldn't find an answer for. How to marshall time.Time into tarantool datetime field?

You need to use github.com/tarantool/go-tarantool/datetime subpackage and Datetime type instead of time.Time, see examples.