tarantool / test-run

Tarantool functional testing framework
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From time to time successful server start is not detected #343

Closed ylobankov closed 2 years ago

ylobankov commented 2 years ago

From time to time I can see the following error while running tests:

[012] Failed to find 'entering the event loop|will retry binding|hot standby mode' pattern in /tmp/t/012_vinyl/vinyl.log logfile within 290 seconds
[012] [Instance "vinyl"] Failed to start within 290 seconds
[012] Last 15 lines of Tarantool Log file [Instance "vinyl"][/tmp/t/012_vinyl/vinyl.log]:
[012] 2022-06-09 14:18:34.787 [1684755] snapshot/101/main I> done
[012] 2022-06-09 14:18:34.788 [1684755] main/103/vinyl I> RAFT: fencing enabled
[012] 2022-06-09 14:18:34.788 [1684755] main/103/vinyl I> ready to accept requests
[012] 2022-06-09 14:18:34.788 [1684755] main/105/gc I> wal/engine cleanup is resumed
[012] 2022-06-09 14:18:34.788 [1684755] main/103/vinyl I> set 'log_level' configuration option to 5
[012] 2022-06-09 14:18:34.788 [1684755] main/106/checkpoint_daemon I> scheduled next checkpoint for Thu Jun  9 15:48:30 2022
[012] 2022-06-09 14:18:34.788 [1684755] main/103/vinyl I> set 'log_format' configuration option to "plain"
[012] 2022-06-09 14:18:34.788 [1684755] main/103/vinyl I> set 'memtx_memory' configuration option to 536870912
[012] 2022-06-09 14:18:34.788 [1684755] main/103/vinyl I> set 'memtx_max_tuple_size' configuration option to 4194304
[012] 2022-06-09 14:18:34.788 [1684755] main/103/vinyl I> set 'vinyl_cache' configuration option to 10240
[012] 2022-06-09 14:18:34.788 [1684755] main/103/vinyl I> set 'listen' configuration option to "\/tmp\/t\/012_vinyl\/vinyl.i"
[012] 2022-06-09 14:18:34.788 [1684755] main/103/vinyl I> set 'vinyl_max_tuple_size' configuration option to 6291456
[012] 2022-06-09 14:18:34.789 [1684755] main/103/vinyl I> set 'vinyl_memory' configuration option to 536870912
[012] 2022-06-09 14:18:34.790 [1684755] main/119/console/unix/:/tmp/t/012_vinyl/vinyl.c I> started
[012] 2022-06-09 14:18:34.790 [1684755] main I> entering the event loop
[012] Exception: 
[012] [Instance "vinyl"] Failed to start within 290 seconds

The error says that test-run cannot find the entering the event loop message in the log file, but as we can see from the log above this message is present in the log file.