tarasehdave / solid-octo-goggles

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Team Retrospective #3

Open sharonkodali opened 8 months ago

sharonkodali commented 8 months ago

What we would do with more time

peytonl11098 commented 8 months ago

Looking back, I would have increased the aesthetic aspect of my feature by adding a background image related to our group's theme. I wanted to incorporate a mechanism that could help the user tally the amount of right and wrong answers they had, and I should have designed it so that the game would generate a new binary number automatically after the user entered a number. I would also have liked to increase the user interaction and feedback, possibly highlighting if they got the answer right or wrong with colors. Hexadecimal is another aspect that I want to add to the conversion game. I wanted to find a way to insert hex into the conversion to create more depth in the difficulty of the game, giving options to the user to use either decimal or hex to convert.

tarasehdave commented 8 months ago

After being reviewed by a peer grader, Anika, I changed some aspects about my feature.

sharonkodali commented 8 months ago

Initially, I had a hard time figuring out how I wanted the game to be interactive, my initial idea was just to make a converter but after knowing that I had to make my feature educational I had a hard time coming up with a feature that wasn't just a quiz. I also had to change my plan from converting to binary to converting to hexadecimal but I still displayed a table that showed the conversion between all.

Next time I would find a way to incorporate a slider and a color box that shows the gradual change as you move he slider so the user is able to get a better idea of what is actually happening. I would also work on my video better, I used mouse wiggle a lot to get my point across and highlight certain things I am working on but I will spend more time editing in order to eliminate that. I also want to make the game more educational so maybe I can add a quiz aspect or a guessing game with the RGB to hexadecimal conversion at the end to test what the users have learned

MEERIE commented 8 months ago

AMEER'S RETROSPECTIVE Reflecting on the Binary Shift Simulator project, If I had more time I realize there were several opportunities for improvement that could have been addressed with more time. A significant addition would be implementing a 'before and after' feature for decimal values. This would give users a clearer understanding of how binary shifts directly impact the decimal representation, enhancing the educational value of the simulator. Additionally, introducing more levels of difficulty would cater to a broader range of users, from beginners to those seeking more advanced challenges.

During the development process, one of the main issues I faced was balancing the technical aspects with its educational components. Ensuring the tool was both accurate and user-friendly was sometimes challenging within the project's time constraints.

A strength of the shift simulator was its interactive interface. This feature played a crucial role in engaging users and making the learning process more enjoyable and effective. The positive feedback and clear instructions provided by the simulator were particularly effective in enhancing the learning experience.