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Custom AI Completion Endpoint #503

Closed tarasglek closed 3 months ago

tarasglek commented 4 months ago

Lets extend the work in https://github.com/tarasglek/chatcraft.org/pull/498 to enable a custom provider.

Eg I would provide a url like "https://taras-free_open_router.web.val.run/api/v1" or "https://api.[deepinfra.com](https://deepinfra.com/docs/advanced/function_calling)/v1/openai" and a token and be able to talk to a custom model.

Chatcraft require that [url]/completion and [url]/models are openai-compatible. Note this should be done in such a way that we could have multiple custom providers, eg deepinfra and anyscale.

humphd commented 4 months ago

So to clarify a bit (tell me if I'm right, correct me):

Using this would require a UI update as well, to allow the user to enter a custom URL when they choose the custom provider.

@kliu57 this feels like something you'd be good at, interested?

humphd commented 4 months ago

Also, re-reading your comment above, it sounds like we'll want to be able to have multiple "custom providers" in our list (e.g., you might add 2 or 3 of your own custom providers). So our settings would need to be able to keep track of them all and let the user choose between them.

tarasglek commented 4 months ago

Your clarification makes sense. We already validate via models endpoint, I think that should be enough here.

kliu57 commented 4 months ago

@humphd sure I can take this

kliu57 commented 4 months ago

@humphd @tarasglek What do you think of my design idea for adding/removing custom providers? For the adding part, I got the design from Microsoft Azure portal.


I could have them input the key at the time of inputting the new url, or have them input the key afterwards. This design flowchart above has them inputting the key afterwards.

tarasglek commented 4 months ago

I like borrowing existing designs that work

humphd commented 4 months ago

@kliu57 I think this is going to be hard to implement and maintain, because you're going to require custom UI components.

I would simplify this. We are going to have an unknown number of entries, each with multiple values. This perfectly describes a table:

[ ] Provider API URL API Key
[ ] OpenAI https://openai.com/v1/ **
[ ] FreeProvider https://free-chatcraft.ai.deno.dev/api/v1

Beneath this, you put Delete and Add buttons. The Delete button would operate on any items that have checkmarks beside them. The Add button would create a new row. Only the API key would be editable in each row.

kliu57 commented 4 months ago

@humphd Do you mean something like this?


Also what do you mean only the api key would be editable in the row? When I press add and create a new row I would need to enter the api URL and the api key as well right? not just the api key

humphd commented 4 months ago

Consider this UI pattern from AWS. Here I'm looking at Docker images in a container registry:

Screenshot 2024-03-25 at 8 09 53 AM

Notice how I have a checkbox beside each one, so that I can select (and then delete) any of the rows. The header also has a checkbox so that I can select them all (we may not need that).

I wouldn't use a drop-down at all, just show the table.

In terms of "API Key is editable," you are going to need to be able to update your API key, but not the provider name, for example.

kliu57 commented 4 months ago

@humphd if I get rid of the dropdown and just have the table, how would the user select whcih one is their current provider? Currently they utilize the dropdown to select whcich provider they would like to use as the current provider.

humphd commented 4 months ago

Two options:

1) We can add another column to "set as default" (e.g., a button) 2) Remove the idea of setting the "default" provider in the settings completely and use the work that @Rachit1313 is doing to the Ask menu, adding the providers in a list with a checkmark, to indicate it.

kliu57 commented 4 months ago

@humphd I think better to add the other column so people could add their new provider and just use it right away