tarassh / fairy-wallet

Client for ledger nano s hw
MIT License
167 stars 30 forks source link

Nano ledger and Fairy wallet #102

Open emorrid opened 5 years ago

emorrid commented 5 years ago

I have two eos accounts for different purposes. I have two nano s for each account. In other words, nano1 to account1 and nano 2 to account 2. For some reason I don't understand, nano1 has access to both account1 and account2, while nano 2 has access to account2, which I don't want. Also, when I tried to send eos to some exchange, I failed to send from account2 with nano 2. But I was successful to send eos with nano1 and account2. I had no problem to receive eos with nano 2 and account2 before. Could you explain what's wrong and suggest to fix the issue please?