tarassh / fairy-wallet

Client for ledger nano s hw
MIT License
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Trying to undelegate funds, getting invalid packed transaction! #106

Open robanp opened 5 years ago

robanp commented 5 years ago

I have EOS in my fairy wallet, I am trying to undelegate some to send to coinbase pro. Every time I try to undelegate the eos I get an error. I have searched the internet and found only one reddit post. What is going on? I look for Fairy wallet support and I get a link to gethub or a super spammy telgram. Nothing about this seems safe. I updated my ledger and the eos app on my ledger and am getting the same errors.

robanp commented 5 years ago

So I am trying again to unstake my EOS after 4 days of crickets on this help page with not even an acknowledgment! Nano Ledger is updated to 1.55, Eos app on Ledger is 1.21. Today I as I am trying to undelegate funds I am getting invalid channel error. What is wrong with this? How has it been out over a year and it not work? I can not believe Ledger put their name behind this! This is peoples money here, its not a game. I am glad I started looking into this now and not when I really needed it. This is completely Bullshit! You need a functionally wallet or get out of the game!

tarassh commented 5 years ago

can you try use https://fairywallet.io/#/