tarassh / fairy-wallet

Client for ledger nano s hw
MIT License
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Exodus waller #112

Open magt545 opened 4 years ago

magt545 commented 4 years ago

Hi everyone, Want to do a transfer from exodus to ledger and exodus gave to me this error message : This address is not formatted properly please double check each character in the address.... It's the right adress, why it doesnt accept it ? thks

Errol1886 commented 4 years ago

Hi everyone, Want to do a transfer from exodus to ledger and exodus gave to me this error message : This address is not formatted properly please double check each character in the address.... It's the right adress, why it doesnt accept it ? thks

In your Exodus wallet, in the "Send to" box you must enter the 12 character EOS account name that you want to transfer the EOS to. Have you tried doing that already?

Errol1886 commented 4 years ago

No. I can try but the error is really about the address.... For u it could be just that ? (Im at work i will try later)

Are you saying that you want to transfer the EOS that you have in your Exodus wallet to the EOS account that you have on your Ledger Nano S? Or are you saying you are trying to change your Exodus wallet's private keys to the EOS private keys you have on your Ledger Nano S?

magt545 commented 4 years ago

But does the company still exist ? When i see all the post without anyanswers ... the project died or what ?