tarassh / fairy-wallet

Client for ledger nano s hw
MIT License
167 stars 30 forks source link

Fairy Wallet Account Name Mysteriously Changes #127

Open gct1 opened 4 years ago

gct1 commented 4 years ago

Hi I have my eos staked with oneplaylucky (now non-existent) and I have no power to undelegate. I asked someone on Telegram and they offered help to delegate temporarily to the account so I can undelegate my eos. This has not yet happened. Today I tried to access the fairy wallet with my ledger nano s on Greymass as usual and the account name has changed to some russian looking name. This new account name also shows up as an account on the BOS network belonging to me.

How do I get back to the original fairy wallet name ? Are my eos at risk? What should I do?

Cheers GCT