tarassh / fairy-wallet

Client for ledger nano s hw
MIT License
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EOS Transfer Funds Error #143

Open fabiopascoa5 opened 3 years ago

fabiopascoa5 commented 3 years ago

Billed CPU Time (130 Us) Is Greater Than The Maximum Billable CPU Time For The Transaction (13 Us)

{ "code":500 "message":"Internal Service Error" "error":{ "code":3080004 "name":"tx_cpu_usage_exceeded" "what":"Transaction exceeded the current CPU usage limit imposed on the transaction" "details":[ 0:{ "message":"billed CPU time (130 us) is greater than the maximum billable CPU time for the transaction (13 us)" "file":"transaction_context.cpp" "line_number":474 "method":"validate_account_cpu_usage" } ]

can someone tell me how to resolve this error when making an EOS coin transfer.

manuptmanupt commented 3 years ago

Same error here, this has been 6 months ago, is this has been solved?

stefano-p commented 3 years ago

This project is dead. Ledger support states that they have no control over this wallet. Beware they have no control over the EOS app either!!!