tarassh / fairy-wallet

Client for ledger nano s hw
MIT License
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Fairywallet EOS #172

Open RAYKNOWN opened 1 year ago

RAYKNOWN commented 1 year ago

The node URL for EOS fairy wallet is not working. https://eos.greymass.com .Please help! I cannot get access my coins.

jbpete87 commented 1 year ago

I just found out that fairywallet that is used for EOS in connection with your ledger has been discontinued. You will need to download anchor wallet and you can import your EOS. Greymass made anchor wallet. https://scribehow.com/shared/How_to_Download_Anchor_Wallet_for_Mac__iZTI9rdgQQCrC9zFnQy4pQ

If you already setup an account using the Ledger on Fairy Wallet, it should be pretty simple.

If you have a fresh install of Anchor, you’d:

Click “Setup Wallet” on the first screen. Select the blockchain you’d like to use (EOS for example) Click “Import Account” Click the 2nd option, “Enable Ledger Support” (if it’s not already enabled). The 2nd option will then turn into “Load from Ledger”, click that. It will detect your account(s), click the checkbox next to each one you’d like to import. Click “Import Accounts” at the bottom and you’re all setup!