tardate / authlogic_rpx

Authlogic plugin to provide RPX support NB: Rails 3.2+ support is becoming an issue and I am not actively trying to keep this project updated (in favour of devise-based authentication). If anyone wishes to rescuscitate this project for Rails 3.2 and beyond please let me know and perhaps we could discuss transferring project ownership
MIT License
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Authenticating users with multiple email ids #28

Open odeskonrails opened 13 years ago

odeskonrails commented 13 years ago

I have a scenario where in a user can associate multiple emails with his account. We store all the emails associated to the user in a seperate model "UserEmail".

A user will register via google account "xyz@gmail.com" (which is authenticated and stored in the users table itself) and add another email say "xyz@yahoo.com". So we have 2 UserEmail records for the user. Now can you suggest me on how can I authenticate if the user is trying to login with his yahoo id without treating him as a new user (Since the users yahoo id is in user_emails table)? I do not have much experience with authlogic_rpx and this is the first time I am using it.