tardypad / sailfishos-daily-comics

Daily comic strips reader for SailfishOS
MIT License
12 stars 17 forks source link

This "Daily Comics" app appears to be unmaintained since March 2020 #137

Open Olf0 opened 10 months ago

Olf0 commented 10 months ago

@tardypad and @Maledictus, this "Daily Comics" app appears to be unmaintained since March 2020, meanwhile some issues and pull-requests (PRs) have been piling up.

If both of you cannot or do not want to maintain "Daily Comics" any more, would you transfer this repository to a GitHub-"organisation" I might create for maintaining currently unmaintained apps for SailfishOS? The idea is to maintain (minimalistically) such apps in a small team with no single human as a point of failure, be open to PRs with enhancements and to carry out administrative tasks, such as as reviewing PRs. I would provide you with a "collaborator" role for the transferred repo, if you are interested; this would enable you to still commit freely to it.


Olf0 commented 10 months ago

I created the GitHub-"organisation" SailfishOS-Apps and invited both of you.

tardypad commented 10 months ago

Thanks @Olf0 for the interest and effort to keep the app alive! I'm not ready to completely transfer the repository to such a new organization. I'd prefer to add you here as a collaborator like I did with @Maledictus. I can provide basic review of the PRs and take care of the uploading to OpenRepos.

Olf0 commented 10 months ago

Thanks @Olf0 for the interest and effort to keep the app alive!

As usual with Free Software, I am primarily doing this for myself, because I am using Daily Comics daily! But as I did the work to keep it running for me, I see no reason not to share this with others and hope for some contributing back.

I'm not ready to completely transfer the repository to such a new organization. I'd prefer to add you here as a collaborator like I did with @Maledictus.

The collaborator role is quite limited, it only allows for write access to the git repository proper (i.e., committing changes), but not any of the settings in the GitHub web-frontend. Some of these settings are needed for, e.g., Transifex or Weblate integration, web-hooks etc.

Additionally keeping it in a personal repository still retains the single point of failure: one repository owner.

I can provide basic review of the PRs and take care of the uploading to OpenRepos.

Thank you very much, uploading a new release at OpenRepos is much appreciated, because for users at OpenRepos nothing changes, then.

Most PRs accumulated (and all of mine) are trivial. I personally only plan for minimal maintenance, i.e., keep the app running under recent SailfishOS releases. I will not do any C++ coding beyond trivial fixes. If really somebody poses a PR with significant code changes, you as the original author would be logically the first to address for a review (as my C++ skills are bad).

Back to the core point (yes, I am trying to convince you :smiley:): You lose nothing by transferring this repo to a GH-org you are part of. I could be as destructive here in the collaborator role (i.e., with write access) as I can at the org. Furthermore, it is Free Software, any way: I could clone ("fork") this repo and continue as I like, but unfortunately would loose all issues, PRs and releases, plus all the history of these three categories. This, and the fact that I would be a single point of failure then, lets me strongly suggest to transfer the repo.

P.S.: Due to the experience with the GH-organisations storeman-developers, sailfishOS-patches and sailfishos-chum, where I perform most of the administrative work (GH config, overhauling READMEs, playing release manager, but not much else), I am quite savvy with the fine granular access rights which can be provided to members of an organisation on per-repository basis. If this is important for you, I can assure you that no one except for you, @maledictus and me will ever gain write or administrative access to the Daily Comics repository; it is just some tedious work for me to configure it as such and not to get lost in the plethora of settings spread over at least two places.

Olf0 commented 3 months ago

Ultimately Daily Comics was revived here.