tareko / Kitab-Al-Shifa

Kitab Al Shifa is an electronic shift scheduling and trading program designed primarily with an Emergency Department in mind for physician scheduling.
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Add 'trade consideration' field to trades #55

Closed tareko closed 9 years ago

tareko commented 12 years ago

Add field to allow for the identification of trades for cash.

tareko commented 12 years ago

Changed the title to better reflect what people want to see here. This field should be 'trade for...' and have several pieces: 1) Trade for cash 2) Trade for another shift (and then give the option to select the reciprocal shift trade) 3) Trade for later shift

tareko commented 12 years ago

Comment from HH demonstrating appropriate usecase. Edited lightly for identities

Trades offered to you: Aug 24 James Bynum 18-02

(but when I read that I don't understand off the bat if that is a shift I traded out of or one I traded into or what, just that it was initiated by James, maybe he wanted to take an extra shift of mine for whatever reason)

Then I look up to my column where it says trades I've initiated and I see Aug 24 15-23 (so I switched times with James on the 24th), but it doesn't say up in my column who the trade is with or that it is a trade for time vs a switch of days vs a shift giveaway, so if I didn't happen to remember that, when I logged in I might be confused as to what arrangement I had actually made.

I think it would be most intuitive if it read something like this:

Trade initiated by you:

HH 18-02 Aug 24, Bynum 15-23 Aug 24 (?Accept) and then when someone else initiated it, for example it would say

Trade requested from Bynum: Aug 24 HH 18-02 Bynum 15-23 (?Accept) or whatever, then you would remember what shift you traded and for what and with who.

It might make things more intuitive to put both the shift you are trading out of and trading in to into one general 'accept' column (as most of the time you are not going to initiate a trade with someone, accept that they take your shift and then decline to take theirs!). If it was a shift giveaway for cash that could maybe be highlighted in some way to make that clear that there was no reciprocal trade.

tareko commented 9 years ago

Done and in trades2 repo right now