tareksander / termux-gui-bash

Bash library for Termux:GUI
Mozilla Public License 2.0
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Termux:Gui Widget not clickable #1

Open joshebosh opened 1 year ago

joshebosh commented 1 year ago

I can update the text on my Widget via bash script, but I'm unable to click the widget to make it update.

I have this code in the script to listen for the click

        if [ "$(tg_event_type "$ev")" = "$tgc_ev_remote_click" ]; then
                printf "widget clicked\n"

the output never gets printed... And i'm not seeing any particular function to explicitly make the widget clickable... am I missing something?

Here's the whole script as is

set -u
while true; do

        if [ "$(tg_event_type "$ev")" = "$tgc_ev_remote_click" ]; then
                printf "widget clicked\n"

        text="this is a test $RANDOM"
        # Create a remote layout and TextView
        #printf "rl:$rl\n"
        rt="$(tg_remote_create_text "$rl")"
        #printf "rt:$rt\n"

        #tg_view_bg_color "$rl" "$rt" "FFFFFFFF"

        # Set the text
        tg_remote_text_color "$rl" "$rt" "FFFF0000"
        tg_remote_bg_color "$rl" "$rt" "FFCCCCCC"
        tg_remote_text_size "$rl" "$rt"  "20"
        tg_remote_text "$rl" "$rt" "$text"
        tg_remote_padding "$rl" "$rt" "20" "20" "20" "20"
        # Set the widget layout and destroy the remote layout again
        tg_widget_layout "$rl" "$wid"
        tg_remote_delete_layout "$rl"
        sleep 2
        #exit 0
tareksander commented 1 year ago

The remote click event isn't triggered by clicking the widget, only by clicking a remote button in the layout. If that also doesn't work, I'll have to look into it further. The widget system needs an overhaul anyways for Android 12 widgets, and was never tested much.