Closed ufukayyildiz closed 7 years ago
@atozsoft Hi. That article list is generated by
this line. You can provide depth
property to limit the depth they query. Probably, what you want to do is to change this line like this.
$children = wp_list_pages("title_li=&order=menu_order&depth=1&child_of=". $post->ID ."&echo=0&post_type=" . $post->post_type);
By adding depth=1
, that would displays only the posts directly belongs to the current post.
I hope my understanding of your question is correct and this can help you. Thanks,
@shumbo hi,
thank you. this is exactly what i want. fixed my problem. so thanks.
after click a wedocs link, it shows grand children with its children. is it possible to show only grand children,
as on image.
thank you.