tareq1988 / wp-recaptcha-integration

WordPress reCaptcha integration supporting Ninja Forms and Contact Form 7
50 stars 31 forks source link

3 issues #40

Open miamos opened 9 years ago

miamos commented 9 years ago
  1. When captcha plugin is activated and Memberships pro option “use reCAPTCHA” is set to Yes I got white screen and issue: Cannot redeclare recaptcha_get_html() (previously declared in paid-memberships-pro\includes\recaptcha.php:41) in \plugins\wp-recaptcha-integration\inc\recaptchalib.php on line 129
  2. Once membership pro captcha is disabled and only reCaptcha is activated and set to “Old style reCAPTCHA where you type some cryptic text” reCaptach still does not work correctly, it does not appear on contact form 7
  3. If option “No Captcha where you just click a button” is selected captcha appears on the contact form 7 and works correctly however it does not appear on registration form of Buddypress. At the same time if I click submit on the registration form of Buddypress I’m redirected to another page with error saying: “Error: the Captcha didn’t verify.”
mcguffin commented 9 years ago

I am only dealing with the first issue here. May I kindly ask you to post each of your problems as a separate issue and to give a speaking title, so others having the same problem may find it better? Thanks in advance!

  1. The function in question is part of google's recaptcha PHP library. The error means that the Library is included twice. It is pretty confusing, that the issue still appears, because the plugin already checks if the google library is already present before loading its own. The only reason I can imageine is that the authors of memberships pro changed something in the google code, so that my test does not work anymore. I just made a small change that might fix this. Basically it is just one line, you can either download the plugin here or just change it through the WP editor: See: https://github.com/mcguffin/wp-recaptcha-integration/blob/master/inc/class-wp_recaptcha_recaptcha.php#L44
miamos commented 9 years ago

Thank you, I will test it and let know. In the meantime I registered remaining issues (2 & 3) separately

miamos commented 9 years ago

Thank you it fixed the issue.