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Implementing class API #13

Closed Chshravani closed 1 year ago

Chshravani commented 1 year ago

work on class API- implement CRUD operations and search operation

Chshravani commented 1 year ago


  1. Implemented class API CRUD operations
  2. Issues faced in put method, resolved by the team
  3. Will work on implementing search and customized id/code


  1. Completed class API search operation and customized id/code
  2. No issues faced
  3. Will discuss with the team to pick a task and will work on it


  1. Worked on the changes suggested in the meet
  2. No issues faced
  3. Will continue working on class api
Chshravani commented 1 year ago


  1. Worked no fetching subjects from subject service and on fetching class details given class name
  2. No issues faced
  3. Should work on unit test cases
Chshravani commented 1 year ago


  1. worked on unit test cases for class API
  2. issues faced in mocking the subject service, but were resolved
  3. will continue to work on the same
Chshravani commented 1 year ago

24/ 07

  1. worked on implementing unit test cases for class API
  2. issues faced and were resolved
  3. will work on wireframes of result page
Chshravani commented 1 year ago


  1. Implemented changes in class API for update operation
  2. No issues faced