target / portauthority

API that leverages Clair to scan Docker Registries and Kubernetes Clusters for vulnerabilities
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Error upserting policy with AllowedRiskSeverity as list #10

Closed caipre closed 2 months ago

caipre commented 6 years ago

A policy with AllowedRiskSeverity as a list fails to create:

$ curl -XPOST -H'content-type: application/json' -d '{"Policy":{"Name":"High","AllowedRiskSeverity":"[\"Negligible\",\"Low\",\"Medium\"]"}}' localhost:31700/v1/policies
{"Error":{"Message":"error upserting policy: pq: malformed array literal: \"{[\"Negligible\",\"Low\",\"Medium\"]}\""}}

The value is treated as a list when listing an image's vulnerabilities:

Maybe there's some marshaling required here: ? My golang isn't too strong. Will try to look more into this tomorrow.

ErikThoreson commented 6 years ago

@caipre try it like this. AllowedRiskSeverity is a string on the input currently.

curl -XPOST -H'content-type: application/json' -d '{"Policy":{"Name":"High","AllowedRiskSeverity":"Negligible,Low,Medium"}}' http://localhost:31700/v1/policies