tarickb / sasl-xoauth2

SASL plugin for XOAUTH2
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please tag release 0.20 #60

Closed dkg closed 1 year ago

dkg commented 1 year ago

It looks like 713f9b97ba3a5d0c085f4a6dc7379791822d4d09 is intended to be release 0.20 but there is no git tag for it. if it is the release, could you put a public tag there?

(i don't know whether you have any scripted release process for this, but if you do, automatically pushing a public tag as the final stage of the process would be helpful to me as a downstream packager)

tarickb commented 1 year ago

It's not -- I was just updating the changelog for what will eventually be the 0.20 release. Is there a better way to do this that I'm not aware of?

dkg commented 1 year ago

On Sun 2023-03-26 12:19:43 -0700, tarickb wrote:

Is there a better way to do this that I'm not aware of?

I usually update the changelog so that the heading of the unreleased section says something like "changes in 0.20 [ not yet released ]"

and then when releasing, remove the bracketed annotation.

Alternately, if you don't want to commit to a subsequent version number, you can start the heading with:

"unreleased changes"


"not yet released changes"

and then when releasing, revise the heading.

the third way to do this is to not update the changelog at all until release, and ensure that your git commit comments are sufficiently clear that you can use them to summarize the changes. then the process of release is to take the git commit comments and massage them into a coherent story.

I know some projects auto-generate their release notes from their git commits directly, but (a) i think that imposes unnecessary discipline on the software development process: developers should write good git commit comments, but shouldn't have to worry about how they read as release notes entries, and (b) i think release notes should be structured thematically to make them easier for a knowledgable human to consume, and the themes of any given release aren't necessarily apparent until all the commits are done.

tarickb commented 1 year ago

Autogenerating does appeal to me, but given the pretty low rate of change here I think I'm fine going with your suggestion. I stuck a [NOT YET RELEASED] at the top of the changelog.