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Use the opam library (for read_only operations) #75

Open pitag-ha opened 2 years ago

pitag-ha commented 2 years ago

Using the library instead of the binary has four advantages: it avoids parsing the printed output of the binary, it yields a cleaner code, it should speed up the time needed for the queries, and it makes us depend less on a binary whose future is uncertain. For the pen-ultimate statement about the speed-up, let's have a look at the CI and how long it takes for each step compared to before to see if that's actually true.

I'm already opening the PR to discuss if this is something we want to go forward with before doing the last things I'd do:

If I remember correctly, the last time you tried using the library, you discarded doing that for the following reasons:

Let me know what you think about this PR in general please to see if it's worth spending the time to improve the things mentioned above!

pitag-ha commented 2 years ago

About my sentence

For the pen-ultimate statement about the speed-up, let's have a look at the CI and how long it takes for each step compared to before to see if that's actually true.

Actually, I guess it's better to try that locally instead of relying on the CI server... If this point is relevant for you to decide, let me know and I try locally.

panglesd commented 2 years ago

From a few experiments, in terms of "inferring tools version", it speeds things up a lot when dealing with old versions of the compiler (which is not uncommon at all, as opam by default inits a system switch which tend to be old), but it also slows things down on a recent switch, with some tools already installed... So it is a great improvement, but there must be a way to make it faster, if the binary can make it faster!?

panglesd commented 2 years ago

About my last review:

I do not agree with changing all the Ocaml_version.t to OpamPackage.t, the former is what we need, and it avoids having to call for the version of a package several times...

I don't have a strong opinion on that, the "I do not agree" does not reflect that...

Why not having the with_* functions wrapped into more standalone functions? It seems that the switch_state is never used more than once, so that won't really make it longer... (for now, so maybe we should keep it as it is)

Now I think that it is good as it is, it allows us to have more control on how long we want to keep the states loaded. So ignore this comment!

Julow commented 2 years ago

it should speed up the time needed for the queries, and it makes us depend less on a binary whose future is uncertain

I disagree with these two points:

If the magical single fast query I was talking about exists, I would prefer to stick with the CLI, which is also simpler to call (except the part where we need an angstrom parser).

Otherwise, I agree that the code is better with more types and less command outputs to parse.

pitag-ha commented 2 years ago

Hey @Julow , after @panglesd's comments I've already started (and pretty much finished) the second part of this PR that I mentioned of making our code more type safe by making use of the opam library types. But now, after reading your comments, I'm doubting if I should finish that.

About your comments about performance: tbh, I'm still not sure if library or binary would be better in terms of performance. In fact, it's possible that it will be similar in the end.

If it's similar, I think the library would be clearly the better choice, simply because I prefer compile time errors over runtime errors. Concretely, with the library we can make the code far more type save (instead of having strings everywhere, we use concrete types) and because we don't need to parse the output of the binary anymore. Type safeness is one of the many cool features OCaml can leverage when we want it to!

And similarly about your second comment:

The binary is the intended API for Opam. opam-state isn't the most unstable library but I don't see a reason that it would be more stable than the CLI

The problem about the binary output possibly being unstable is that we'll most likely notice a change there at runtime. I mean, we make some opam binary query, parse its output into a string, pass that string around and at the end make another call to the opam binary with that string, hoping that that string represents a tool name.

However, if we use the library and there's a change in the library, we'll notice at compile time, adapt the code to the new version (like always when a dependency of ours cuts a breaking release) and that's it.

So, I'm pretty much saying the opposite of your statement:

Depending on the CLI is better in general

The reasons you give for that statement are:

more defined API, backward-compatibility possible (and taken into account in the case of Opam), usually stable, no compatibility problems with the system's version of Opam.

I'll need to understand what you mean with those points to answer to them.

Do you maybe already want me to push the changes I've made to improve type safeness so that you can have a look at what that would look like (even though it isn't perfect yet)?

Julow commented 2 years ago

About performances, I think the "one magical query" might run in ~1s (the time to start an opam show query but 5 times faster than loading the entire solver state). This might be wrong, in which case we might have more opportunity to optimize using the library.

about "more defined API": In which way is the binary API more defined than the library API?

The binary API is defined and a lot of work in put into Opam for not breaking the API and versionning. The library don't have this concern but as you say, it doesn't really matter because breakings are detected at compile time. On the other hand, the library put a lot of effort in being compatible with different versions of the state, when in read-only mode. We have a draw on this argument: Both are good at compatibility.

Do you maybe already want me to push the changes I've made to improve type safeness so that you can have a look at what that would look like (even though it isn't perfect yet)?

Yes please!