tarik-tasktopr / to-do-list

Create a simple to-do list app - benchmark #3
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Create a simple, persistent to-do list app #1

Open tarik-tasktopr opened 1 year ago

tarik-tasktopr commented 1 year ago

The goal of this project is to create a simple to-do list app that is beginner-friendly. The app should have the ability to persist data (i.e., save and retrieve tasks even after the browser is closed or refreshed) and should run on localhost:3000.

tarik-tasktopr commented 1 year ago

Step-by-step discussion

First, we need to set up the project structure and create the necessary files for the to-do list app. We will create an HTML file for the user interface, a CSS file for styling, and a JavaScript file for handling the app's functionality. We will also create a package.json file to manage dependencies and scripts.

Next, we will implement the user interface in the HTML file, including an input field for adding tasks, a button for submitting tasks, and a list for displaying tasks.

After that, we will style the user interface using the CSS file to make it visually appealing and easy to use.

Then, we will write the JavaScript code to handle the app's functionality, such as adding tasks, marking tasks as complete, and deleting tasks. We will also implement the data persistence feature using the browser's local storage.

Finally, we will set up a local development server to run the app on localhost:3000.


  1. Create and populate the file /index.html | To create the user interface for the to-do list app | []
  2. Create and populate the file /styles.css | To style the user interface | ["/index.html"]
  3. Create and populate the file /app.js | To handle the app's functionality | ["/index.html"]
  4. Create and populate the file /package.json | To manage dependencies and scripts | ["/app.js"]
  5. Edit the file /index.html | To implement the user interface, including input field, button, and list | ["/styles.css"]
  6. Edit the file /styles.css | To style the user interface | ["/index.html"]
  7. Edit the file /app.js | To implement the app's functionality and data persistence | ["/index.html"]
  8. Edit the file /package.json | To set up a local development server and run the app on localhost:3000 | ["/app.js"]

    EDIT: Plan approved! ✅

tarik-tasktopr commented 1 year ago

You have passed the to-do list benchmark!