tariq86 / rn-sip-app

React Native SIP App
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Cannot find accept call button on the incoming scren. #13

Open RajanVindaloo opened 4 years ago

RajanVindaloo commented 4 years ago

Hello there. When I get the call in the app, there is not accept button visible on the incoming screen page. Let me know what should I do with this. I have used WiFi and mobile network both. Thanks.

willnaoosmith commented 4 years ago

That's because of the state of the incoming call when it's received. You will need to change the file rn-sip-app/app/components/call/CallControls/index.js to match your call state

RajanVindaloo commented 4 years ago

Okay. Thank you for your help. I'll make changes regarding this. I'll let you know further if there is anything about this.

hdyn commented 3 years ago

I also got it on android device, how to fix it?

willnaoosmith commented 3 years ago

@hdyn check if your call state matches with the call state on rn-sip-app/app/components/call/CallControls/index.js

hdyn commented 3 years ago

@willnaoosmith its work thank's

willnaoosmith commented 3 years ago


hdyn commented 3 years ago

@willnaoosmith why on Android when there is an incoming call the state is PJSIP INV_STATE_NULL, but on ios the state is PJSIP INV_STATE_INCOMING ?

willnaoosmith commented 3 years ago

@hdyn i think too much depends on your server, or maybe it's the library itself who identifies each state as different one (Because it's different libraries for each operational system).

When debugging, i found that this happens after the adittion of the state 180 (ringing).

I found many informations about VOIP on this website.

Also, make sure to test incoming and outcoming calls. On my cenario, both of them was coming as "PJSIP INV_STATE_NULL".

sebubd10 commented 3 years ago

@hdyn did you success on incoming call answer? i am having the same problem with my android device.

answerable = call.getState() == "PJSIP_INV_STATE_INCOMING"; answerable=false i have manually changed the value to answerable=true, after that my app is crashing.

willnaoosmith commented 3 years ago

@sebubd10 make sure to use adb logcat to check why your app is crashing.

willnaoosmith commented 3 years ago

@sebubd10 make sure to use adb logcat to check why your app is crashing.

sebubd10 commented 3 years ago

@sebubd10 make sure to use adb logcat to check why your app is crashing. Thanks @willnaoosmith.

getting this error after running command adb logcat:

info Starting the logger (adb logcat *:S ReactNative:V ReactNativeJS:V)... --------- beginning of main --------- beginning of system 06-06 23:52:41.383 3394 3394 D ReactNative: ReactInstanceManager.ctor() 06-06 23:52:41.531 3394 3394 D ReactNative: ReactInstanceManager.createReactContextInBackground() 06-06 23:52:41.531 3394 3394 D ReactNative: ReactInstanceManager.recreateReactContextInBackgroundInner() 06-06 23:52:41.536 3394 3394 D ReactNative: ReactInstanceManager.onJSBundleLoadedFromServer() 06-06 23:52:41.660 3394 3394 D ReactNative: ReactInstanceManager.recreateReactContextInBackground() 06-06 23:52:41.660 3394 3394 D ReactNative: ReactInstanceManager.runCreateReactContextOnNewThread() 06-06 23:52:41.872 3394 3487 D ReactNative: ReactInstanceManager.createReactContext() 06-06 23:52:42.065 3394 3487 D ReactNative: Initializing React Xplat Bridge. 06-06 23:52:42.104 3394 3487 D ReactNative: Initializing React Xplat Bridge before initializeBridge 06-06 23:52:42.371 3394 3487 D ReactNative: Initializing React Xplat Bridge after initializeBridge 06-06 23:52:42.371 3394 3487 D ReactNative: CatalystInstanceImpl.runJSBundle() 06-06 23:52:42.382 3394 3511 D ReactNative: ReactInstanceManager.setupReactContext() 06-06 23:52:42.382 3394 3511 D ReactNative: CatalystInstanceImpl.initialize() 06-06 23:52:42.446 3394 3511 D ReactNative: ReactInstanceManager.attachRootViewToInstance() 06-06 23:52:44.195 3394 3510 I ReactNativeJS: Running application "RNSIP" with appParams: {"rootTag":1}. DEV === true, development-level warning are ON, performance optimizations are OFF 06-06 23:52:44.787 3394 3510 W ReactNativeJS: Warning: ViewPagerAndroid has been extracted from react-native core and will be removed in a future release. It can now be installed and imported from '@react-native-community/viewpager' instead of 'react-native'. See https://github.com/react-native-community/react-native-viewpager 06-06 23:52:45.314 3394 3510 W ReactNativeJS: Warning: Failed prop type: ListConfigurationInfo: prop type icon is invalid; it must be a function, usually from the prop-types package, but received undefined. 06-06 23:52:45.314 3394 3510 W ReactNativeJS: in ListConfigurationInfo (at SettingsViewport.js:59) 06-06 23:52:45.314 3394 3510 W ReactNativeJS: in SettingsScreen (created by Connect(SettingsScreen)) 06-06 23:52:45.314 3394 3510 W ReactNativeJS: in Connect(SettingsScreen) (at AppViewport.android.js:129) 06-06 23:52:45.314 3394 3510 W ReactNativeJS: in RCTView (at View.js:45) 06-06 23:52:45.314 3394 3510 W ReactNativeJS: in View (at AppViewport.android.js:128) 06-06 23:52:45.314 3394 3510 W ReactNativeJS: in RCTView (at View.js:45) 06-06 23:52:45.314 3394 3510 W ReactNativeJS: in View (created by ViewPagerAndroid) 06-06 23:52:45.314 3394 3510 W ReactNativeJS: in AndroidViewPager (at ViewPagerAndroid.android.js:264) 06-06 23:52:45.314 3394 3510 W ReactNativeJS: in ViewPagerAndroid (at ViewPager/index.js:87) 06-06 23:52:45.314 3394 3510 W ReactNativeJS: in ViewPager (at AppViewport.android.js:113) 06-06 23:52:45.314 3394 3510 W ReactNativeJS: in RCTView (at View.js:45) 06-06 23:52:45.314 3394 3510 W ReactNativeJS: in View (at AppViewport.android.js:92) 06-06 23:52:45.314 3394 3510 W ReactNativeJS: in AppViewport (created by Connect(AppViewport)) 06-06 23:52:45.314 3394 3510 W ReactNativeJS: in Connect(AppViewport) (at AppScreen.js:35) 06-06 23:52:45.314 3394 3510 W ReactNativeJS: in RCTView (at View.js:45) 06-06 23:52:45.314 3394 3510 W ReactNativeJS: in View (at Navigator.js:1284) 06-06 23:52:45.314 3394 3510 W ReactNativeJS: in RCTView (at View.js:45) 06-06 23:52:45.314 3394 3510 W ReactNativeJS: in View (at Navigator.js:1357) 06-06 23:52:45.314 3394 3510 W ReactNativeJS: in RCTView (at View.js:45) 06-06 23:52:45.314 3394 3510 W ReactNativeJS: in View (at Navigator.js:1356) 06-06 23:52:45.314 3394 3510 W ReactNativeJS: in Navigator (at AppScreen.js:64) 06-06 23:52:45.314 3394 3510 W ReactNativeJS: in RCTView (at View.js:45) 06-06 23:52:45.314 3394 3510 W ReactNativeJS: in View (at AppScreen.js:58)

willnaoosmith commented 3 years ago

You should run adb logcat and THEN make the crash happen. To see why your app is crashing.

See more here

Please create a new issue about your crash if you need help. This one is about the problem with call buttons no appearing on the screen. (And it can be solved looking at the call states).

sebubd10 commented 3 years ago

You should run adb logcat and THEN make the crash happen. To see why your app is crashing.

See more here

Please create a new issue about your crash if you need help. This one is about the problem with call buttons no appearing on the screen. (And it can be solved looking at the call states).

@willnaoosmith I have created a new issue, would you please check: https://github.com/tariq86/rn-sip-app/issues/21

sebubd10 commented 3 years ago

@willnaoosmith would you please check my newly created issue https://github.com/tariq86/rn-sip-app/issues/21. What to do when incoming call state is: PJSIP_INV_STATE_NULL

song-will commented 2 years ago


Can you post your code here? Looking forward for your response, thank you