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Limited data is shown when used on photonos #477

Open barbz127 opened 5 years ago

barbz127 commented 5 years ago

When installed on photonos 3.0 not all data is displayed.

Some missing datasets include: Ram & CPU Processes Swap Docker processes.

This could be related to background packages missing from the default install. Thankyou

alozovskoy commented 5 years ago

Can you show the result of calling the corresponding functions in manual mode? It's like

./app/server/linux_json_api.sh MODULE_NAME

where MODULE_NAME is

Maybe it really depends on some unusual packages of your distributive, but it's easiest to check by results of module call.

barbz127 commented 5 years ago

Nothing super descriptive sorry

`bash-4.3$ ./app/server/linux_json_api.sh ram_intensive_processes /bin/ps: unrecognized option: sort BusyBox v1.27.1 (2017-08-05 22:04:53 GMT) multi-call binary.

Usage: ps [-o COL1,COL2=HEADER]

Show list of processes

    -o COL1,COL2=HEADER     Select columns for display

[ ]bash-4.3$ ./app/server/linux_json_api.sh swap []bash-4.3$ ./app/server/linux_json_api.sh docker_processes ./app/server/linux_json_api.sh: line 171: docker: command not found [ ]bash-4.3$ ./app/server/linux_json_api.sh cpu_intensive_processes /bin/ps: unrecognized option: sort BusyBox v1.27.1 (2017-08-05 22:04:53 GMT) multi-call binary.

Usage: ps [-o COL1,COL2=HEADER]

Show list of processes

    -o COL1,COL2=HEADER     Select columns for display

[ ]bash-4.3$`

alozovskoy commented 5 years ago

OK, thanks for this information! So, a "ps" on busybox actualy support not of all options from "big" ps, f.e. it's not show memory usage by process in percent, do not supoprt sorting and so on. It, not big deal as for me - we can calculate memory by data getting from /proc, sorting is not problem too and so on, but i need some time for PR realisation. After it, information about process by ram and by cpu usage should be displayed well.

Swap - do you really have it? "cat /proc/swaps" or "free -m" does show something about it? Can you posting a results of this command run?

And same question about docker - is it really exist on you host? If yes, how you work with it? Module cant find an docker binary, maybe it on not-PATH location or something like that?

barbz127 commented 5 years ago

sorry - turns out there isnt a swap file.

docker is installed - paths are setup and user creating the container has docker rights.

user@docker [ ~ ]$ cat /proc/swaps Filename Type Size Used Priority user@docker [ ~ ]$ docker --version Docker version 18.06.2, build 6d37f41