tarkah / tickrs

Realtime ticker data in your terminal 📈
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Charts don't load on Android #117

Closed wasabi-peanutz closed 3 years ago

wasabi-peanutz commented 3 years ago

Issue: After "add a ticker" with a valid ticker it just repeats "..." indefinitely and never loads the chart. The rest of the key commands and the tui app all appear to work fine.

Install: cargo install tickrs

System info:

$ cargo -V cargo 1.50.0

$ uname -a Linux localhost 4.14.113-20606106 #1 SMP PREEMPT Mon Feb 1 10:40:43 KST 2021 aarch64 Android

$ termux-info Packages CPU architecture: aarch64 Android version: 11 Device manufacturer: samsung Device model: SM-N975F

Thanks for any support you can provide!

tarkah commented 3 years ago

What is the ticker?

wasabi-peanutz commented 3 years ago


Tried many...

tarkah commented 3 years ago

Can you try these links directly and see if they resolve?

https://query1.finance.yahoo.com/v8/finance/chart/AMZN?range=1d&interval=1m&includePrePost=true https://query1.finance.yahoo.com/v8/finance/chart/SPY?range=1d&interval=1m&includePrePost=true https://query1.finance.yahoo.com/v10/finance/quoteSummary/AMZN?modules=price,assetProfile https://query1.finance.yahoo.com/v10/finance/quoteSummary/SPY?modules=price,assetProfile

tarkah commented 3 years ago

I just noticed you're trying to run this from an Android phone... I have NO idea if the aarch64-unknown-linux-gnu binary would work there. I'm pretty sure I'd have to target aarch64-linux-android specifically to get things working 100%, but I haven't really ever looked into this.

tarkah commented 3 years ago

Here's a version I built for android, test this out and let me know if it works


wasabi-peanutz commented 3 years ago

Thanks for all the support.

The URLs load fine. I tried curl from the (termux) shell to retrieve w/ no issues.

I had tried the aarch64-unknown-linux-gnu binary previously but it did not run on this hardware.

Thanks for the binary. It runs. However, it has the same "..." indefintely w/ no chart loading. (Same issue as noted in the original post.) The rest of the program runs properly (renders, keyboard commands, etc).

I should note originally - I did build for android via the "cargo install tickrs". It compiles &builds completely on my setup. However, it has the same results as the version you compiled.

Where to go from here? How can we extract some debug info? Is there helpful switches for build output information or debug hooks we could put in the source?

Let me know how to continue to debug and help. I am anxious to use this and help pave the way for all android termux users.

tarkah commented 3 years ago

Yeah, lets get this figured out! It's got to be one of the dependencies that "compiles" properly for that target, but doesn't work. My guess would be the curl dependency I use, isahc. Let's start by researching that dependency and any sub-deps of that to make sure it all supports the aarch64-linux-android target.

As far as debugging... I have 0 debug lines or logging anywhere in the program currently. We can pepper in some, disable the raw mode I set the terminal in, and disable drawing the UI so we can just see the output of those messages. I'm 99% sure it's networking related and probably due to the isahc / static curl that is built not working properly. But some debug messages around that would definitely help.

tarkah commented 3 years ago

Comment out these lines

https://github.com/tarkah/tickrs/blob/ab76c6bde42bf4799b99b112ecc6d27ebe0ed082/src/main.rs#L119 https://github.com/tarkah/tickrs/blob/ab76c6bde42bf4799b99b112ecc6d27ebe0ed082/src/main.rs#L130 https://github.com/tarkah/tickrs/blob/ab76c6bde42bf4799b99b112ecc6d27ebe0ed082/src/main.rs#L198

Add debugging on the Err(error) of the API requests here

https://github.com/tarkah/tickrs/blob/ab76c6bde42bf4799b99b112ecc6d27ebe0ed082/src/task/prices.rs#L41-L44 https://github.com/tarkah/tickrs/blob/ab76c6bde42bf4799b99b112ecc6d27ebe0ed082/src/task/company.rs#L34 https://github.com/tarkah/tickrs/blob/ab76c6bde42bf4799b99b112ecc6d27ebe0ed082/src/task/current_price.rs#L33

tarkah commented 3 years ago

Another thought.... you can also run cargo test --target aarch64-linux-android --workspace -- --nocapture and I have some tests in the API crate that do http requests. You can see if that succeeds or not.

tarkah commented 3 years ago

You can also try removing the static curl / static openssl that gets built and see if linked one works:

Change this:


To this:

 curl = { version = "0.4" } 
 isahc = { version = "0.8", default-features = false, features = ["http2", "text-decoding"] }
tarkah commented 3 years ago

So I added some debugging and I'm getting the following error:

BadClientCertificate(None) so I don't think there are ssl certs installed w/ termux so the ssl/tls requests are failing. Let me see if there's an easy fix for this.

tarkah commented 3 years ago

I think we need a way to specify the openssl directory so it can find the certs shipped with termux


tarkah commented 3 years ago

It works!

tarkah commented 3 years ago

I disabled ssl cert validation, I didn't know how to fix it otherwise... Don't think there is really much of a risk here, plus it'll only be disabled for Android.

diff --git a/api/src/client.rs b/api/src/client.rs
index 069aeb1..ed9dbfb 100644
--- a/api/src/client.rs
+++ b/api/src/client.rs
@@ -3,7 +3,7 @@ use std::collections::HashMap;
 use anyhow::{bail, Context, Result};
 use futures::AsyncReadExt;
 use http::Uri;
-use isahc::HttpClient;
+use isahc::prelude::*;
 use serde::de::DeserializeOwned;

 use crate::model::{Chart, ChartData, Company, CompanyData, Options, OptionsHeader};
@@ -182,7 +182,17 @@ impl Client {

 impl Default for Client {
     fn default() -> Client {
-        let client = HttpClient::new().unwrap();
+        #[allow(unused_mut)]
+        let mut builder = HttpClient::builder();
+        #[cfg(target_os = "android")]
+        {
+            use isahc::config::SslOption;
+            builder = builder.ssl_options(SslOption::DANGER_ACCEPT_INVALID_CERTS);
+        }
+        let client = builder.build().unwrap();

         let base = String::from("https://query1.finance.yahoo.com");
tarkah commented 3 years ago

Can you build from #119 and confirm it works for you? If so, I'll merge and start releasing w/ android binaries

tarkah commented 3 years ago

This is so awesome... May need to use this as an alternative screen now.

tarkah commented 3 years ago

Using termux styling, font Fantasque looks best with no spacing between braille characters.

tarkah commented 3 years ago

Actually, terminus is the best for charting as it doesn't seem to have horizontal spacing either, its very even.

tarkah commented 3 years ago

And in summary mode, scrolling up / down with your finger works with the scrolling feature there! So nice :D

wasabi-peanutz commented 3 years ago

~ $ cargo install --git https://github.com/tarkah/tickrs --branch android-support

Successful build and it works!

...and how beautiful of a thing on mobile, ssh session, or a terminal in dex mode. 😃 👍

Thank you so much.

Now back to losing money in the market...