tarkah / tickrs

Realtime ticker data in your terminal 📈
MIT License
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market data missing, connection issues #147

Closed marcmichaelmueller closed 11 months ago

marcmichaelmueller commented 11 months ago

Since some days, after starting tickrs and adding a ticker (US share) after, the dots are looping endlessly, so, it seams, that no data can be fetched for the moment (since days). I can ping No inet-conn issue.

Is it a known issue with market data grabbing?

tarkah commented 11 months ago

This is fixed in the latest release. If you run an adblocker like pihole, you need to whitelist fc.yahoo.com

marcmichaelmueller commented 11 months ago

Thank you, "latest release" did it. I've installed tickrs with cargo and forgot that. So, again, "cargo install tickrs" did it.