tarkah / tickrs

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update dependencies #68

Closed tarkah closed 3 years ago

tarkah commented 3 years ago

Breaking changes to tui-rs library for this big dependency update

tarkah commented 3 years ago

@miraclx would you be able to help test this branch and confirm there are no visual differences between it and 0.11.0?

I'm many versions behind on the tui library I'm using, and updating to the latest version had some pretty big API breakages that caused me to have to change how certain things are rendered. Everything looks good on my end, but I'd appreciate another set of eyes / different terminals to really confirm.

miraclx commented 3 years ago

Hm, assuming we even use different terminals or have different perspectives on how things should look 😅 (hint: I doubt it)

I'm testing it anyways

tarkah commented 3 years ago

I'm just wanting to make sure things look near identical with the changes made. I've tested with Dark and Light themes using windows terminal and alacritty on linux.

It appears I'm now setting the text to "White" instead of the default foreground color of the users terminal. I need to switch this back. Otherwise things look good.

miraclx commented 3 years ago


I did notice the whites (color) in group (or block?) headers were in a sense, "brighter" in this version, I haven't peered through the code yet but this is very trivial, so in a sense, it's pretty good.

EDIT: I wrote this before your last comment came in, apparently it didn't send

miraclx commented 3 years ago
In ref to ~1 Screenshot_20210216_214034 Screenshot_20210216_214044
v0.11.0 #68

EDIT: I actually like these new whites, they look more vibrant EDIT: just did a pull, the recent changes reversed that, it's back to the former now

tarkah commented 3 years ago

Yeah, I'm torn on if I should keep it white or foreground color. I think I'll keep it as foreground, but when I eventually add theming, I'll have a distinct color for text?

miraclx commented 3 years ago

I agree with that, and having those theming options is the literal best. +1 from me on this PR

tarkah commented 3 years ago

Awesome! Now that this is done, I'll be working on theme support next