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unify generic keybindings across panes #95

Closed miraclx closed 3 years ago

miraclx commented 3 years ago

In reference to conversation https://github.com/tarkah/tickrs/pull/93#issuecomment-785456170, https://github.com/tarkah/tickrs/pull/93#issuecomment-785460109 and https://github.com/tarkah/tickrs/pull/93#issuecomment-785465182.

This PR:

keymap (top-down in match order)

bindings where action
ctrl+c Mode::* exit app
enter Mode::AddStock add stock
[char] Mode::AddStock type character in stock bar
backspace Mode::AddStock delete character in stock bar
esc Mode::AddStock close stock bar
esc | q | ? Mode::Help close help window
q Mode::* (if not Mode::DisplayOptions) exit app
? Mode::* open help window
c Mode::* toggle chart type
v Mode::* toggle volumes on/off
p Mode::* toggle pre-post
Left Mode::DisplaySummary select timeframe to the left
Right Mode::DisplaySummary select timeframe to the right
Up Mode::DisplaySummary scroll up
Down Mode::DisplaySummary scroll down
s Mode::DisplaySummary switch to stock view
/ Mode::DisplaySummary add new stock
x Mode::* toggle x-axis labels
esc | o | q Mode::DisplayOptions close options pane
tab Mode::DisplayOptions toggle call/puts
Up Mode::DisplayOptions navigate up
Down Mode::DisplayOptions navigate down
Left Mode::DisplayOptions navigate left
Right Mode::DisplayOptions navigate right
ctrl+Left Mode::DisplayStock move stock left
ctrl+Right Mode::DisplayStock move stock right
Left Mode::DisplayStock select timeframe to the left
Right Mode::DisplayStock select timeframe to the left
/ Mode::DisplayStock add new stock
k Mode::DisplayStock remove selected stock
s Mode::DisplayStock switch to summary view
o Mode::DisplayStock open options pane
tab Mode::DisplayStock select tab to the left
shift+tab Mode::DisplayStock select tab to the right
tarkah commented 3 years ago

Thanks for this! I really like your breakdown in the table above, I may add a wiki entry for that.

The new handle_key_bindings function is a little hard to reason about being that there are 3 match fields and some additional filter logic. I'm not sure if if modifiers sections are really necessary? For example with add_stock, we already matched on Ctrl-C which is the ONLY keybinding that should take precedence over it. I have no issue with 100% of everything else being captured by that mode. There's no reason to need to use ctrl+< or ctrl+> while in this mode.

Same with capturing key events while in the Help mode. I have no issue with this mode capturing 100% of the key events past Ctrl-C. We don't want 'v' to toggle volumes behind the scenes while Help screen is displayed. --EDIT: Bad example here, as you are only matching on a few keycodes. But I still think it's cleaner if we have the match just capture ALL keycodes / modifiers vs the logic that's in there currently.

So I think we can clean up the logic a bit if that makes sense?

miraclx commented 3 years ago

I'm not sure if if modifiers sections are really necessary? For example with add_stock, we already matched on Ctrl-C which is the ONLY keybinding that should take precedence over it. I have no issue with 100% of everything else being captured by that mode. There's no reason to need to use ctrl+< or ctrl+> while in this mode.

I agree with you, that's why the match is structured in order of capture precedence.

We first capture ctrl+c because it should have effect everywhere, we can say it has highest precedence.

And thereafter, AddStock captures every key except those with non-SHIFT modifiers. So, it never actually gets any ctrl sent to it.

And thereafter, Help captures esc, ? and q for special uses.

etc.. that's how the order of capture precedence is structured.

At this point, the implementation 99.5% acts out the previous logic with extra capabilities of being able to use the c, v, x and p toggles while in the options pane.

miraclx commented 3 years ago

I have no issue with this mode capturing 100% of the key events past Ctrl-C. We don't want 'v' to toggle volumes behind the scenes while Help screen is displayed. --EDIT: Bad example here, as you are only matching on a few keycodes. But I still think it's cleaner if we have the match just capture ALL keycodes / modifiers vs the logic that's in there currently.

Okay, I see, I'll fix this right away

For others (if any), this means, because the current code is loose with matching modifiers


ctrl+p has the same effect as p on toggling pre-post on all panes

At this point, the only "safe" (predictable) binding is ctrl+c | c

miraclx commented 3 years ago

I'll use KeyModifiers::NONE instead of if modifiers.is_empty() to fix this.

miraclx commented 3 years ago

Done. Please test.

tarkah commented 3 years ago

We first capture ctrl+c because it should have effect everywhere, we can say it has highest precedence.

And thereafter, AddStock captures every key except those with non-SHIFT modifiers. So, it never actually gets any ctrl sent to it.

I get this, I guess it just comes down to preference for how to code reads. It seems pointless to have any unnecessary logic on the modifiers when not necessary, as it just increases perceived complexity of how things get resolved. Since AddStock mode should just capture EVERYTHING past the Ctrl+C, I'd prefer to see it as:

(Mode::AddStock, _, keycode) => {
    handle_keys_add_stock(keycode, app)

vs current

(Mode::AddStock, modifiers, keycode) => {
    if modifiers.is_empty() || modifiers == KeyModifiers::SHIFT {
        handle_keys_add_stock(keycode, app)

The latter reads to me as if there might be an instance where another Ctrl+key sequence might need to be captured for the AddStock mode later in the order of things

miraclx commented 3 years ago

Yeah, that makes sense. But, correct me if I'm wrong, it seems, that's in the context of AddStock alone. It seemed trivial to me but I'll add a patch for that.

Although this means ctrl+p enters p in the AddStock text entry. And so too with holding alt and typing hey enters hey in the AddStock text entry.

The current impl would simply ignore it and not type anything, which I think, should be the default behaviour.

tarkah commented 3 years ago

Although this means ctrl+p enters p in the AddStock text entry. And so too with holding alt and typing hey enters hey in the AddStock text entry.

Good points. I forgot you aren't pattern matching on Modifier within the handler for this one. I'm good with how it is, definitely an overall improvement and reduction in redundancy! I'll give this PR a good final once over later today but I think we should be set. Thanks for all your work on this.

miraclx commented 3 years ago

Glad to have helped! Thanks!