tarngerine / rtp2020

course notes and project from sfpc.io recreating the past 2020
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5/28 — Week 2 — Time and Motion (John Whitney) #1

Open tarngerine opened 4 years ago

tarngerine commented 4 years ago

Discussed quotes from Vera Molnar article

Now I have to really think about what I am doing while drawing in order for Jeff to write a program to deal with what I can do as second nature. This thinking has made the making of the hand work much clearer.

Audio + Images

Synchrony, Mary Ellen Bute (Houston, TX):

We will take a mathematical formula and put it into terms of moving forms, music and color. They will tell a story to the eye and the ear. A legend can be built thus around arithmetical or logarithmic... Dada (1936) - dancing shapes to music, 2d and 3d, cubes flying around, lines coming in like bohemian rapsody in fantasia. Oskar Fischinger Normal Mclaren - Pen Point Percussion

Brothers took WW2 decommisioned machines to make animations

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In the future, artists may need to learn programming in order to practice their craft

Larry Cuba - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OkyqP-g_LrY

John Whitney — famous for developing video Also has a brother, James Whitney


1961 — Catalog, created on analog computers

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Using math to drive image and sound, working with IBM/programmers, write software on computer screen, film camera pointed at a monitor, make frame by frame animation. A lot of film in 70s are computer made


Book recommendation for audio/visual expression

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Everything is a wave form: light, sound. Tools to map from one wave form to another

Whitney wrote a book on the internetarchive

tarngerine commented 4 years ago

Research paper in class: https://paper.dropbox.com/doc/John-Whitney-Sr.--A02HzZ0w5Dj3yqMW60OWvDe8AQ-Vzkx60tGRgD3x3Ch20Lju

tarngerine commented 4 years ago


Polar coordinates with a lot of params

tarngerine commented 4 years ago
tarngerine commented 4 years ago

So much of his work is MATH

frequency phase amplitude


Use one sin to control another sin Take one freq to modulate another freq "freq modulation" image

Math to drive movement and sound, not necessary to do sound for homework, but is a fun extra

Japanese artist: masahi kosato + student films

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two sin waves with diff frequency > spiral form called "Leueeiufoawwaef"

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animation for concepts: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qZCRtN0lfVs

tarngerine commented 4 years ago

this part is wild https://www.youtube.com/watch?time_continue=314&v=w7h0ppnUQhE&feature=emb_title

tarngerine commented 4 years ago

Technical notes

ofGetElapsedTimef() outputs in seconds, multiply to increase speed feed into sin as angle, always output as -1 and 1 ofMap() to map that -1 to 1 range to ofGetWidth() 6.28s to go 1 full cycle (2 * pi) ofDrawCircle(x y r)


lay things out in a circle, or move in circular pattern, use sin / cos


Trace a dot over time

add ofPolyline trail to header file

tarngerine commented 4 years ago


tarngerine commented 4 years ago



book: articulated lights


collection of artist statements, pick 1 to read



John Whitney, something like a 5-10s loop

tarngerine commented 4 years ago

Homework done

View here: https://paper.dropbox.com/doc/Julius-Tarng-Recreating-John-Whitney--A1NmIBkba2pyOZK7yyXvykWPAg-FKI6WNlmvjlEEJozzJ2kK