tarngerine / rtp2020

course notes and project from sfpc.io recreating the past 2020
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6/4 — Week 3 — Typography (Muriel Cooper) #3

Open tarngerine opened 4 years ago

tarngerine commented 4 years ago

Started off sharing our thoughts and feelings current events around police brutality and George Floyd's death, how to get more involved (hacktivism)

Artist: Muriel Cooper


I don't think there are answers, there are thoughts We learned more in the store than in school. School store as a model for the workshop (VLW)

image image

Messages and Means


Bauhaus book


A Primer of Visual Literacy

MIT Press — combination of swiss style and combining computation in design If in Boston, go to Mass. Art to see collection of her papers

image image image image image

Information Landscapes for TED (1994): https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Qn9zCrIJzLs New language for design through computation, 3d typography from different angles, zooming in/out


Letter about what her group was up to


This stands as a sketch for the future.

Collaborators (poster/book cover designs): Jacqueline Casey, Ralph Coburn, Dietmar Winkler (Can work on their designs, too)

Pentagram recreation of Muriel Cooper works: https://vimeo.com/238312608 Very "after-effects-y"/motion graphics (not computational)

Take covers that are still and think about how to bring it to life. What would a layer of motion look like?

Artist: John Maeda


Morisawa posters, early 90's, made with PostScript (if we want to try it) If you ever had exp of sending a print job but it prints code, that's what PostScript is Beautiful language to learn, different from what we're used to

Student at the time of Muriel Cooper.

Early books by John Maeda: Design by Numbers (Processing predecessor), Maeda @ Media Interesting ideas in DbN: For loops were artificially slow so you could see them Writing about "why?" learn code

Artist: Aaron Marcus


Letterform archive


tarngerine commented 4 years ago


Zach to share async: 3d, getting paths from type

tarngerine commented 4 years ago

Predecessor to Open Frameworks: https://github.com/dribnet/acu

tarngerine commented 4 years ago


(Zach to share async tutorial)

Most type are built from bezier/quadratic curves (built by math) Rasterization makes it faster by converting to pixels

Will go over how to load and use fonts in raster vs vector (e.g. where are the vertices?)

Type is tricky: when you go to draw type, it's often positioned by baseline, descenders go below but you don't know the size of how much it goes by. Will have to ask for the size and reposition the type