tarngerine / rtp2020

course notes and project from sfpc.io recreating the past 2020
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6/18 — Week 5 — Images/Mosaics (Lillian Schwartz, Ken Knowlton) #5

Open tarngerine opened 4 years ago

tarngerine commented 4 years ago


Artist 1: Ken Knowlton

His work allows us to talk about pixels, values from pixels, how we'd process images


Known for a lot of mosaics

image image

With Stan Vanderbeek, collaborating on "Poem fields" (computer generated films)

image image image image image

Write pixels on microfilm, set pixels on or off

image image image

Jigsaw puzzle that you can rearrange to make any picutre

image image

Take paintings to rearrange them to make any photograph

image image

Artist 2: Lillian Schwartz


Films are a convo between natural and computational forms. Physical reactions -> computer simulations. Juxtaposed.


Taking shapes and growing them with simple operations



image image image image image

"Olympiad" animation of a single person running, using multiple image operations again and again to distort

image image

Digital photographs & Images

One of the first photos communicated over wire (digitally), 1920s

image image

Elementary signs: https://www.jmcvey.net/cable/elements/letters1.htm

Pocket Handbook of image processing algorithms in C


Handy to know the names of the algos



https://paper.dropbox.com/doc/Ken-Knowlton-9RiWIEVzixsFfMPjB9U1Q https://paper.dropbox.com/doc/Lillian-Schwartz--A2IJZ75Y_zYmmrUIqUIQo14~Ag-aR7IwMUvXyXpRWplExf1J

tarngerine commented 4 years ago

Technical lecture

ofImage stores image in memory to draw onscreen ofPixels stores pixels data in RAM ofTexture graphics card memory

ofImage contains ofPixels and ofTexture load image hard drive > memory (pixels) > graphics card (texture)

when iterating through an image's pixels, use increments larger than 1 (e.g. i+=10) to prevent doing too much work

ofColor color = img.getColor(x, y) color.getBrightness > 0 - 255, then map to size of white circle to get


or map to angle of a drawn line

img.allocate(w, h, OF_IMAGE_COLOR) img.setColor(x,y, color); get a checker pattern: ofColor(sin(i*.1)*sin(j*.1)*127 + 127 img.update()

use mouse distance from x/y coord on image float distance = ofDist(mouseX, mouseY, i, j); if (distance < 100) img.setColor(i,j,white) else set color black fade out gradient then set colo r = ofMaP(distance,0,100,1,.0);

mix rgb based on x, y, and mouse pos: red = ofMap(i, 0, 500, 0, 255); green = ofMap(j, 0, 500, 0 255); blue = ofMap(mouseX, 0, ofGetWidth(), 0, 255, true); img.setColor(i,j, ofColor(rgb);


erosion and dilation


In photoshop, other > custom filter

image image

Kernels for edge detection, diff preset ways for every pixel, compare to neighbors and do some sort of operation

ofImage.setImageType OF_IMAGE_GRAYSCALE)

high contrast "binary image"


// dialate one image into another
// grows white areas larger
void dilate(ofImage & img1, ofImage & img2)
  // assumptions: img1/2 same size, both grayscale/binary
  for loop {
    //neighbors, what are the edge cases (e.g. edge of image)
    // what are the 8 pixels that are neighbors to me (sometimes 0 out edges)
    int i_m_1 = ofClamp(i-1,0,imgwidth); // i minus 1
    int i+p+1 = ofClamp(i+1,0,imgwidth); // i plus 1)
    // repeat for j

    // neighbor values
    ofColor north = img1.getColor(i,j_p_1);
    // northeast = i+1, j+1
    // etc ....

    // if any neighbor brightness is > 127 (8 conditions in the if statement with ||)
    img2.setColor(i,j,white) // or black

dilate img 2 > img 3, and img 3 > img 2 > gradually "bloom" out

for example, olympiad (runner with multiple strokes) > dilate, then subtract original (so there's an outline)

tarngerine commented 4 years ago

Kernels: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Kernel_(image_processing)