tarngerine / rtp2020

course notes and project from sfpc.io recreating the past 2020
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7/9 — Week 8 — #8

Open tarngerine opened 4 years ago

tarngerine commented 4 years ago

Previous week's reading

Today we'll talk about the materiality of file formats, glitch art, etc

Artist: Steina/Woody Vasulka


using a physical box to control image manipulation: zooming, flipping, brightness 1


scanning room with mirror and camera: 3 scanlines in hands 4 doing 3d 5 traffic footage 6 a lot of work is taking a signal and transforming image deconstruction of the image 7

woody: human scannot live out of control bc we dont know what it means steina: its no fun to go out and say im gonna make a masterpiece, but today im going to go and play with a material, thats interesting

journal called radical software from the 70s, a lot of discussion on alternative forms of television



slitscan: draw video over time, to smear it

glitch aesthetics essay : nature of glitch

error sets free the irrational potential


think about file formats, how they're represented, and us ethat as a material

Artist: Yasunao Tone

damaged a cd, make music from act of destroying


loud, a lot of anxiety stuck cd in walkmans, making music in that uncofmrotable space

similar: ryoji ikeda, noise rock https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2CvnajExX-A

Artist: Rosa Menkman

what does resolution mean

image image

book: vernacular of file formats


take text in and out of a jpeg, itll work but breaks in a cool way

book: mp3, meaning of a format


mp3 has a really long history with signal processing, info studies, when we classify someting as sound vs music vs voice > make assumptions about those that's baked into the format. when you make a format you say what are you prioritizing, what info am i losing?

interactive demo: unraveling the jpeg

research: https://paper.dropbox.com/doc/Woody-and-Steina-Vasulka--A3eBUZqlH2hAxWGFACgNpohhAg-vsyHDQGfc74BtabjzkQUI https://paper.dropbox.com/doc/Rosa-Menkman--A3dwKH2QW634XMuFQDU9xdG_Ag-kk3IkorBkuovoyIR8vv9M