taroxd / RGSS

MIT License
11 stars 4 forks source link

Remove empty gem? #3

Closed ForeverZer0 closed 4 years ago

ForeverZer0 commented 4 years ago

I have developed a cross-platform implementation of RGSS as a C-extension that will natively run XP, VX, and VXAce, and rgss would be the most appropriate name for it. I noticed you reserved that namespace nearly 5 years ago, and have never updated it, so I am assuming the project is abandoned?

if so, would it be possible to gem yank to free up the name? If not, totally understandable, just figured I would ask before attempting to devise another name that is less intuitive.

taroxd commented 4 years ago

Yanked. Sorry for the inconvenience.

ForeverZer0 commented 4 years ago

No inconvenience at all, very much appreciated, thank you so much!

ForeverZer0 commented 4 years ago

Sorry to be annoying, but still not letting me push because of ownership for some reason...

If you get a chance, could you possibly gem owner rgss --add efreed09@gmail.com. Not sure the cause, maybe temporary cache issue or something.

EDIT: Disregard, I ended up finding this message by loading the cached page:

This gem previously existed, but has been removed by its owner. The RubyGems.org team has reserved this gem name for 100 more days. After that time is up, anyone will be able to claim this gem name using gem push. If you are the previous owner of this gem, you can change ownership of this gem using the gem owner command. You can also create new versions of this gem using gem push.

taroxd commented 4 years ago

I add you as owner so that you do not need to wait for 100 more days :)