tasdikrahman / vocabulary

[Not Maintained anymore] Python Module to get Meanings, Synonyms and what not for a given word
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Update sphinx to 1.6.2 #45

Closed pyup-bot closed 7 years ago

pyup-bot commented 7 years ago

There's a new version of Sphinx available. You are currently using 1.5.5. I have updated it to 1.6.2

These links might come in handy: PyPI | Changelog | Homepage




Incompatible changes

  • 3789: Do not require typing module for python>=3.5

Bugs fixed

  • 3754: HTML builder crashes if HTML theme appends own stylesheets
  • 3756: epub: Entity 'mdash' not defined
  • 3758: Sphinx crashed if logs are emitted in conf.py
  • 3755: incorrectly warns about dedent with literalinclude
  • 3742: RTD <https://readthedocs.org/> PDF builds of Sphinx own docs are missing an index entry in the bookmarks and table of contents. This is rtfd/readthedocs.org2857 <https://github.com/rtfd/readthedocs.org/issues/2857> issue, a workaround is obtained using some extra LaTeX code in Sphinx's own :file:conf.py
  • 3770: Build fails when a "code-block" has the option emphasize-lines and the number indicated is higher than the number of lines
  • 3774: Incremental HTML building broken when using citations
  • 3772: 'str object' has no attribute 'filename'
  • 3763: got epubcheck validations error if epub_cover is set
  • 3779: 'ImportError' in sphinx.ext.autodoc due to broken 'sys.meta_path'. Thanks to Tatiana Tereshchenko.
  • 3796: env.resolve_references() crashes when non-document node given
  • 3803: Sphinx crashes with invalid PO files
  • 3791: PDF "continued on next page" for long tables isn't internationalized
  • 3788: smartquotes emits warnings for unsupported languages
  • 3807: latex Makefile for make latexpdf is only for unixen
  • 3781: double hyphens in option directive are compiled as endashes
  • 3817: latex builder raises AttributeError





  • LDML format support in i18n feature
  • sphinx.addnodes.termsep
  • Some functions and classes in sphinx.util.pycompat: zip_longest, product, all, any, next, open, class_types, base_exception, relpath, StringIO, BytesIO. Please use the standard library version instead;

If any deprecation warning like RemovedInSphinxXXXWarning are displayed, please refer :ref:when-deprecation-warnings-are-displayed.

Features added


  • 3588: No compact (p tag) html output in the i18n document build even when :confval:html_compact_lists is True.
  • The make latexpdf from 1.6b1 (for GNU/Linux and Mac OS, using latexmk) aborted earlier in case of LaTeX errors than was the case with 1.5 series, due to hard-coded usage of --halt-on-error option. (refs 3695)
  • 3683: sphinx.websupport module is not provided by default
  • 3683: Failed to build document if builder.css_file.insert() is called
  • 3714: viewcode extension not taking highlight_code='none' in account
  • 3698: Moving :doc: to std domain broke backwards compatibility
  • 3633: misdetect unreferenced citations


  • 3662: builder.css_files is deprecated. Please use add_stylesheet() API instead.


  • sphinx.util.compat.Directive class is now deprecated. Please use docutils.parsers.rst.Directive instead.
  • sphinx.util.compat.docutils_version is now deprecated
  • 2367: Sphinx.warn(), Sphinx.info() and other logging methods are now deprecated. Please use sphinx.util.logging (:ref:logging-api) instead.
  • 3318: notice is now deprecated as LaTeX environment name and will be removed at Sphinx 1.7. Extension authors please use sphinxadmonition instead (as Sphinx does since 1.5.)
  • Sphinx.status_iterator() and Sphinx.old_status_iterator() is now deprecated. Please use sphinx.util:status_iterator() instead.
  • Sphinx._directive_helper() is deprecated. Please use sphinx.util.docutils.directive_helper() instead.
  • BuildEnvironment.set_warnfunc() is now deprecated
  • Following methods of BuildEnvironment is now deprecated.

    • BuildEnvironment.note_toctree()
    • BuildEnvironment.get_toc_for()
    • BuildEnvironment.get_toctree_for()
    • BuildEnvironment.create_index()

    Please use sphinx.environment.adapters modules instead.

  • latex package footnote is not loaded anymore by its bundled replacement footnotehyper-sphinx. The redefined macros keep the same names as in the original package.
  • 3429: deprecate config setting latex_keep_old_macro_names. It will be removed at 1.7, and already its default value has changed from True to False.
  • 3221: epub2 builder is deprecated
  • 3254: sphinx.websupport is now separated into independent package; sphinxcontrib-websupport. sphinx.websupport will be removed in Sphinx-2.0.
  • 3628: sphinx_themes entry_point is deprecated. Please use sphinx.html_themes instead.



Bugs fixed

  • 3614: Sphinx crashes with requests-2.5.0
  • 3618: autodoc crashes with tupled arguments
  • 3664: No space after the bullet in items of a latex list produced by Sphinx
  • 3657: EPUB builder crashes if document startswith genindex exists
  • 3588: No compact (p tag) html output in the i18n document build even when :confval:html_compact_lists is True.
  • 3685: AttributeError when using 3rd party domains
  • 3702: LaTeX writer styles figure legends with a hard-coded \small
  • 3708: LaTeX writer allows irc scheme
  • 3717: Stop enforcing that favicon's must be .ico
  • 3731, 3732: Protect isenumclass predicate against non-class arguments
  • 3320: Warning about reference target not being found for container types
  • Misspelled ARCHIVEPREFIX in Makefile for latex build repertory

Got merge conflicts? Close this PR and delete the branch. I'll create a new PR for you.

Happy merging! 🤖

pyup-bot commented 7 years ago

Closing this in favor of #49